Start Date: January 9, 2024
Finish Date: May 28, 2024
Happy New Year! Welcome in 2024 by signing up for the 2024 Mystery Quilt Challenge. This year we will be following along with Riley Blake Designs as they release the 2024 Block Quilt Challenge. Basically, you’ll receive an email every Tuesday, except the last Tuesday of the month, with block instructions. The last Tuesday of the month is when we can pause (or catch-up!) and admire our work to date.
Registration is required – sign-up sheets will be available through the December meetings. This will allow participating guild members to receive each week’s instructions along with a place where we can share our progress, support and encourage each other. You can also sign-up direct through RBD at rileyblakedesigns.com. You will then receive emails from both Guild Activities and RBD.
We’ve received the invite and fabric requirements, which are attached. The sign-up date has not been released by RBD (as of 10/1/23). After signing up with the guild, you will receive an email notifying you when online RBD registration has opened.
Contact: Chris Fredericks, Guild Activities VP, at activities@qgplano.org with any questions or suggestions.
2023-2024 Guild Challenge THE 60’S
The 60’s were a decade filled with massive change. Historical events including the Vietnam War, Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, the assignation of prominent political figures including JFK, MLK and RK led to a nation expressing itself in various ways. We were a diverse nation and it seemed that people used various forms of media to express their opinions. From art to music, from protests to rallies voices were heard.
The goal of this challenge is to create a quilt that you feel defines this era. Did music impact you? Perhaps the quilt could be your interpretation of a song by the Beatles, Bob Dylan, or Joni Mitchel. If you’re drawn to the historical events, perhaps you’ll design a quilt about the Vietnam War or Neil Armstrong walking on the moon. It’s time to get your creative juices flowing and start designing!
Guild Guidelines and Deadlines
- Size: Quilt should be 16” x 20” inches.
- Quilts are to have a sleeve for hanging.
- Registration: Sign up for this event so that the Guild has a count of who is participating. Signup will begin at the October meeting.
- Submission Deadline: Quilts to be turned into the Activity Table at the May meeting.
- Guild Member Judging: Will take place at the June meeting. Ribbons will be awarded for Member’s Choice Best of Show, Member’s Second Place, Member’s Third Place, Best Use of Color, and Best Embellishment.
- Selected quilts to possibly be shown at the Plano Guild Quilt Show 2024.
Contact: Chris Fredericks, Guild Activities VP, at activities@qgplano.org with any questions.

Welcome Spring! Sign up at the Activities Table at the January and February Guild Meetings to participate in April’s Pot Holder Exchange. Make two potholders and bring them to the April’s meeting to swap with other participants. Potholders can be Spring themed, or any design of your choosing.
Guild Guidelines and Deadlines
- Registration is required so that we have enough batting to give the participants.
- Signup will be held thru the February meeting.
- Guild to provide 8” squares of Insul-Brite batting along with a brown paper bag to use when turning in your completed project.
- Batting and paper bags will be given out at the March meeting.
- April Guild Meeting – Write your name on the paper bag and place your potholders in the bag and tape/staple shut. Brown bags will be arranged and participants can select a bag (not their own) to take home and enjoy!
Contact: Chris Fredericks, Guild Activities VP, at activities@qgplano.org with any questions.