2017-2018 Challenges

Ugly Fabric Challenge

by Janet Plotkin

At the January 2018 Guild meeting, 24 Guild members swapped almost 300 Ugly Fabric squares. As expected, the most overheard comment was, "But, I like this fabric." Thank you all for participating, and now for the challenge:

You can make any quilted item you want to make - a quilt, tote, vest, table-runner, bag, purse, housecoat, leg-warmers, table-topper... (get it, anything), but it MUST be quilted, and it MUST contain a representative piece of each fabric you received in the swap in a visible location. You can add anything you want, but you cannot use less than one piece of each of the swap fabrics. This is an "on your honor" challenge, as there is no way to double check that you used all that you received. The BIG REVEAL will be at the July Meeting, so you have tons of time to procrastinate; just don't misplace your fabric.

The 70,273 Project

by Janet Plotkin

Blocks for this project were collected at the February, March, and April 2018 Guild meetings. These blocks will be sewn into small quilts and forwarded to the organizers of The 70,273 Project.

"The 70273 Project" is a sewing project to raise awareness of the disabled people killed before the holocaust. Each participant will make one white block with two red X's on it. This was how disabled people were marked for death.

Each block should contain the image of 2 red "X"s on a white, or white-on-white background, with a margin of ¼ to ½ inch so the red X is not lost when the blocks are sewn together; no other images or designs should appear. These can be pieced or appliquéd. You can read more about the project at www.The70273Project.org. Show a little love for the many souls lost during this abominable time and make one or more blocks. The three sizes of blocks requested are:

  • 3.5" x 6.5"
  • 6.5" x 9.5"
  • 9.5" x 12.5"

These sizes include the ¼ to ½ inch of white surround and the ¼ inch seam allowance, i.e. these are the unfinished sizes. Because reds can be so unpredictable, please pre-wash your red fabric (shocking words from this anti-pre-washer), and check it for bleeding and crocking.

When your block is done, fill out a Provenance Form and attach your blocks to it. A Provenance form must accompany each submission.

We will accept blocks at the April Guild meeting. All the blocks will be assembled into a top, quilted, and bound, and the completed quilt forwarded to The 70273 Project from the Quilters Guild of Plano. If more than one top can be made we will be thrilled and send a second, or third, completed quilt to the Project. Show a little love for the many souls lost during this abominable time and make one or more blocks.

You can read more about the project at the following links:

  • The 70273 Project - This link connects you to the introduction for The 70273 Project.
  • 70273 Project Information Library - All the information about the requested block sizes, fabrics, techniques, etc., plus the Provenance form.
  • www.ushmm.org - This is the link to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. If you are interested in learning more about the program called Aktion T4 please use the search feature on the front page at this link and search for "Aktion T4." Be aware there are graphic images and disturbing facts.
  • You can also find out more on Facebook by searching for The 70273 Project and The 70273 Project Campfire.

Seeing Spots Challenge (Polka Dot)

by Janet Plotkin

This guild challenge involves POLKA DOTS! Don't forget to bring a one yard piece of polka dot fabric to the March meeting for the one-yard rip off, and a pair of small scissors or snips to rip with. Those going for the glory will turn their polka dot bounty into a challenge project due in April. There may be prizes.