Quiltmakers Puzzle Block of the Month Challenge

2018-2019 Quiltmakers Puzzle Block of the Month Challenge was created by Leanna Williams.
The focus of this activity is color value.

Quiltmakers Puzzle Block of the Month Challenge

This Block of the Month will feature not just 12, but 13 blocks over 6 months (so they can be set on point). The focus of this activity is color value, and its importance in creating a successful quilt. If you have ever sat down to sew, but then found your color choices didn't create the depth that you wanted, or the quilt appeared muddied, then you may have picked fabrics that were too close in value. This is because the value of a color, its lightness or darkness, plays a more important role in a quilt design than the actual color. When value is used well, it can create depth, add emphasis, as well as add a lot of interest to a quilt.

For this quilt, you will be picking 8 fabrics to make your blocks. The block that you will be putting together each month will be the same every time, but with unique color placement within each block design, you will be able to create blocks that look strikingly different from one another. Finish the blocks each month and bring them in to the following meeting to show off your work! Click on the links provided below to find all the resources that you need.

Overview and Instructions
Fabric Requirements and Swatch Page
Quiltmakers Puzzle Coloring Page (Just for fun!)

NEW -- See two Sample Layouts along with fabric requirements for each setting. These are just two of many possibilities - be creative!

Blocks 11, 12, and 13