Community Service Sew Days
Join us each month for Community Service Sew Days, where we come together to create quilts for local charities. Everyone is welcome to participate—just bring your sewing machine, basic sewing skills, and a few essential supplies. We’ll provide all the fabric and batting; all we need is your time and enthusiasm! It’s a wonderful way to give back to the community while connecting with fellow quilters who share your passion. Space is limited, so please RSVP to help us plan for a successful day of sewing and giving!
Community Service Sew Day
The Sit and Sew group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:00am-2:00pm, at the Plano Sewing Center. RSVP to
Plano Sewing Center
What To Bring
- Sewing machine
- Basic sewing skills
- Basic supplies, thread, needles, etc.
Free Patterns
We have put together a list of free patterns available on the web that are ideal for making community service quilts.
Making a Community Service Project
If you would like to make something to donate to one of the agencies that we support, we have instructions for making several items. Check out the links below.
Simple Pillowcase
Pillowcase with Trim (PLEASE SEW DOWN THE TRIM)
Pet Beds
Receiving Blanket
Organizations Supported by Our Guild
The Quilters Guild of Plano donates quilts and other items to the following organizations in Collin County:
The Samaritan Inn
The Samaritan Inn provides a no-cost, safe and clean place to live. Living areas for men, women and families are separate. Amenities include a dining room, playroom, computer lab, classrooms, a chapel, a fully-equipped playground and a kennel for residents’ pets.
We donate quilts sized 40” x 60” or larger along with pillow cases.
See more about this organization at The Samaritan Inn.
Quilts of Valor Foundation
The Mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation is to cover Service members and Veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.
The Quilter’s Guild of Plano is proud to support this effort.
We have presented quilts to men and women that served from WWII to the most recent conflicts.
Children’s Advocacy Center
of Collin County
of Collin County
A child centered agency providing counseling, family services, forensic interviews and a Rainbow Room of clothing and supplies for children. Here children have a safe environment and counseling to tell their story after experiencing abuse.
QGP provides small, cheerful quilts and crocheted afghans, as well as seasonal pillowcases for the children. See their website at Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County
Children’s Medical Center Plano
Children’s Medical Center Plano provides medical care for children facing major illness or surgery. Throughout the year, 18″ by 24″ cuddle quilts are made by the guild for the young children so they will have something comforting to take with them for their MRI or CT scans and their hospital stay.
We donate small quilts and cuddles.
My Friend’s House
City House provides this emergency youth shelter for children ages newborn to 17. Read more about the services they provide at
We donate quilts and afghans for newborns to age 17 years.
Pet Shelters
Members of the guild make pet pillows of various sizes to be delivered to pet shelters in our area. Pet Beds can be dropped off by members at a guild meeting or taken directly to a shelter.
Please notify community service of any you deliver.
School-Age Parent Program of PISD
Plano ISD’s School-Age Parent Program assists students and their families dealing with the challenges of teen pregnancy. The students earn credits that can be spent twice a year to purchase baby items such as receiving blankets, small quilts, and other baby items.
The Turning Point: Rape Crisis Center of Collin County
This agency provides multiple services to assist rape victims, including counseling, hospital accompaniment, legal advocacy and a 24hr. crisis hotline. QGP provides medium sized quilts and crocheted afghans for these clients for comfort and to take home.
See their website at
Emily’s Place
To break the cycle of domestic violence, for women and their children through, long term transformational care, that seek to restore faith, hope, and health.
Plano Community Homes
The essential human need for shelter lasts a lifetime and is difficult to maintain when an individual’s income is limited. Because we value people, we are committed to responding to this reality with affordable housing for low-income older adults and persons with limited mobility.

Lovepacs was born out of a shared desire to help children in our community. In November 2011, the four founding families were made aware of 6 kids at Camey Elementary in The Colony who were being sent home from school every Friday with a backpack of food because they were not getting enough to eat on the weekend. After talking to the school counselor, they found out many of these kids were going to be hungry over the Thanksgiving holiday, when they were out of school for a week. The thought of kids not eating touched the hearts of those families, and they began Lovepacs to try to fill in the gaps for these children over the holiday.
The desire to assist children spread from The Colony to Plano. Hunter’s Glen Baptist Church collects food every month for Lovepacs in the Plano area, specifically Sigler Elementary. School counselors assist in identifying children on the free and reduced lunch program through area public schools. Lovepacs provides mostly non-perishable, easy to open, and minimal cooking food items to children during extended school breaks when the food they receive from the local backpack program will not be enough, e.g., Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, Easter.
The list of items to be collected is listed below. If you want to help feed hungry children, this would be a way for you to help. If you care to participate, there will be a collection box as you enter the guild meeting. For more info see
Lovepacs Items:
- Vegetables – 15 oz cans
- Fruit – 15 oz cans
- Chunky Soup – 15 oz cans
- Chef Boyardee -15 oz cans
- Meat – (tuna, chicken, vienna sausages ) – 5 oz cans
- Peanut butter
- Grape jelly
Your donations help Quilters Guild of Plano continue its mission to support quilters, foster creativity, and give back to our community. Contributions directly fund our educational programs, community service projects, and events that bring quilters together. Every donation, large or small, makes a difference and helps us provide resources, workshops, and quilts for local charities.
Thank you for supporting our quilting community!