August 2019 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our next meeting:
Quilt Show Preview
Thursday, August 8th at 6:15


Plano Event Center
2000 East Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, TX. 75074

To bring to the next meeting...

Your name badge
Raffle quilt tickets
Your membership card: Please remember Quilt Show 2019 - Preview Night is for guild members only!


By Jeanne Smith



Guild Meeting: August 8, 2019
Quilt Show Preview Night
Plano Event Center
2000 East Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, TX 75074

Summer is winding down and out Quilt Show 2019 team is gearing up for what will be another spectacular quilt show for the Quilters Guild of Plano! Remember that there will be no guest speaker nor workshops this month. Our focus and inspiration will be the quilt show.


Guild Meeting: September 12, 2019
Bethanne Nemesh – Walk a Creative Path

Bethanne’s journey as an art quilter from her beginnings making traditional quilts, then branching out into pattern manipulation, to her current pictographic silk art quilts is explored with a slide presentation and with a trunk show of available quilts. (Bethanne will bring all the show quilts that are currently home at the time of the lecture, which will vary). Bethanne will explore how her silk quilts come to be, from initial sketches, paintings, photography to final creation and finish details. Additionally, Bethanne discusses how any quilter can learn to recognize inspiration and document and organize it to facilitate quilt design through sharing her own techniques and sketchbooks.

Friday Workshop: September 13, 2019
Quilted Texture from A to Zen

Traditional free motion background fillers are a wonderful starting point, but what happens when you let yourself be influenced by natural patterns, everyday objects, macro photography, and the art of Zendoodling? Be inspired by Bethanne’s fresh take on backgrounds, with inspiration from every letter of the alphabet, perfect for filling those big open spaces of more modern quilts! Hands on classes are suitable for experienced free-motion domestic quilters.

Saturday Workshop: September 14, 2019
The Devil is in the Details

Sometimes the difference between a show quilt and an AWARD WINNING show quilt is in the details. On the judging floor, one point is often all that separates a contestant from a winner. Bethanne will share her unique finish details which have been proven winners in shows across the country in her quilts. Students will make a sample that features beaded bias appliqué, beaded piping, swag piping, beaded knife edge binding as well as an introduction to the use of Derwent Inktense pencils. Take your quilting to the next level with masterpiece details!

Kit Fee: $25.00 Includes pre-quilted square, all beads, piping, ink, and activators for the project.


Guild Meeting:  October 10, 2019
Melinda Bula – Developing the Artist Within
Through Quilts and Wearable Arts

Before I tell you about Melinda’s quilt journey, I want everyone to know about the tragedy that struck Melinda and her family. It was this Spring when the Camp fires broke out in California. Melinda’s newly built home and possessions were destroyed. Her husband had time to save computers and quilts! We are so fortunate to have Melinda come and share her talent and artistry with our guild.

Melinda has been in love with fabric all her life and knew when she was 16 years old that she was going to be an artist, which became her major in college. She worked in the interior design field for 15 years as a fabric and wallpaper designer. She and her husband, Joe, started their own wallpaper and fabric design business in 1988. The company, Melinda Bula Designs, sold their hand silk-screened wallpapers and fabrics nationwide.

Since 1996, she has been involved in quilting and wearable arts. Her sense of color and design has won her numerous awards for both quilts and wearable arts.

Her Fabulous Fusible Flowers quilts are unique. With the wonderful look of a painting, she uses fabric and thread to create beautifully artistic quilts. She has been lecturing and teaching, both in the United States and internationally, which she really loves and has been featured on The Quilt Show. Creating and designing is an obsession with Melinda and whether it is fabric, wallpaper, or quilts, it is her passion. She has written 2 books on her Fabulous Fusible Flowers technique, Cutting Garden Quilts and Candy Cane Lane, both published by the Martingale Company.

Melinda has had the honor of exhibiting her quilts in some amazing venues like the Shelburne Museum in Vermont, Quilt Expo en Beaujolais in France, International Patchwork Festival in Sitges, Spain and at the Texas Quilt Museum.  In 2013 the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky bought Melinda's quilt "And Our Flag was still There!"

Friday Workshop: October 11, 2019
Fabulous Fusible Flowers: Coneflower

Kit Fee - $15

Saturday Workshop: October 12, 2019
Renegade Thread Play Technique

Kit Fee - $15


Community Service

By Linda Neal and Kaye Dunn

The dog days of summer are finally here. The quilt show is just weeks away. But somehow, members are still working on Community Service! Thank you! At last months meeting we had 69 pillowcases, 16 quilt tops, 27 completed quilts and 13 dog beds turned in. But, there is always more! This week, once again, we will be sandwiching quilt tops and we will TRY to get to the bottom of the tubs!

Due to the quilt show, we will not have a Community Service table at the August meeting. We will be hanging Community Service quilts at the quilt show to show our attendees what we donate to the Plano Community. We have many beautiful quilts to show off.

The new website is up and looking great. All of the Community Service tutorials are available to you if you are not sure how to make an item. Just hover over Resources and choose Instructions from the drop down menu. It's easy!

We will see you in September at the guild meeting at the community service table. Until then, Happy Sewing!

Texas Association of Quilt Guilds

By Jeanne Fletcher

Rally Day 2019 is in the bag!!!!!! And it was a great Success. Pam Holland delivered as promised! For those of you who were unable to attend, she had many incredible quilts and such wonderful stories to go along with them. At the end of the day the audience gave her a standing ovation – there is no greater way for an audience to show their appreciation!

I, along with the Rally Day committee want to thank all the Plano guild members who volunteered for their hard work that made Rally Day 2019 a success. You are an enormous reason for the success of Rally Day and the workshops.

And a huge thank you needs to be paid to Sherry Worley and John Worley, because without their hard work and unbelievable knowledge and experience, Rally Day 2019 would not have happened.

Believe it or not, work has begun on Rally Day 2020. There is a new venue and Marti Michell will be the speaker. She was the speaker for the first Rally Day, and it is fitting she will be the speaker to celebrate the 20th Rally Day. But more on that next year in about March.

Letter from the President

By Rose Davis

Quilt Plano 2019 is almost here.  It is exciting to go into our local quilt stores and overhear customers talking about going to our show.  There seems to be a special excitement about this year’s show – I can’t wait to see how it all comes together.

A special thank you to all the volunteers that will be working hard to help make Quilt Plano 2019 a success.  For all you new members, don’t forget our Preview Night. Our August Guild Meeting will take place at the Plano Event Center starting at 6:15. We will have a small business meeting and snacks, then you will be free to enjoy the show.  Also, the mini quilt auction will be open for buy-out quilts only. There is an added plus this year – we will be accepting credit cards for all purchases over $10. There may be a few of our vendors opening their booths during that evening, but it isn’t required.  Programs will be ready to distribute so you can see all of our great vendors and map out who you want to visit on Friday or Saturday.

Please wear your Show Shirts (if you purchased one) during the show. Remember, all of you are ambassadors of our Guild!

Hope to see you all at Quilt Plano 2019!

Items Needed -- Bring to the September meeting

  • Vegetables - 15 oz cans
  • Fruit - 15 oz cans
  • Chunky Soup - 15 oz cans
  • Chef Boyardee -15 oz cans
  • Meat - (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages ) - 5 oz cans
  • Peanut butter
  • Grape jelly


Quilt Plano 2019

By Julie Brooks

By the time you get this newsletter we will be a week away from the Quilt Show - PLEASE consider volunteering your time to ensure we have a successful show.

Karen, Barbara and I would like to thank everyone who is helping to make this show a huge success. Every little bit helps from the person that made a mini quilt for the auction to buying a raffle ticket or two - this adds to our overall success and future programs and projects that we are able to do in the future.

I am extremely proud to be part of this organization and to all my Committee Members a huge thank you!!!

2019-2020 Nominations

By Jeanne Vogel

The nominating committee has filled most of the positions but we’re still looking for a few good volunteers to learn and grow in your quilting world.  The nominees for the voting in September—taking office from October 2019--Sept 2020 are: 

  •   President: Linda Neal
  •   Co-VP of Community Service: Dolores Williams & Valerie Salter
  •   VP of Guild Activities:  Leigh Knox
  •   VP of Finance: Chanda Smith
  •   Co-VP of Education: Kathy Scott & Joan Hammett
  •   Co-VP of Membership: Sue Rentz & Connie Elliott
  •   VP of Media: Caroline Gagnon-Hartman
  •   Co-VP of Programs: Jeanne Smith & Janet Carver
  •   Secretary: Julie Schaefer
  •   Quilt Show Chair: Donna Petrick
  •   Quilt Show Co-Chair: (open)

If you have an interest, please review the duties posted on the website and speak to the present officer. Contact Jeanne Vogel at 214-356-3816 or Terri Mendelow, Carol Long, or alternate Kaye Dunn.


By Carole Glover & Sue Rentz

July’s meeting was in the big room. We were still asking for volunteers to sign up for jobs to help at the Quilt show in August.

We had 104 members present, 11 visitors at the meeting. Several guests asked about the club and we asked them to wait and join in August for our new year. We encouraged them to join at the Quilt show.

We welcomed our visitors, John Soye, Laura Winckel, Victoria Rondeau, Sue Hurth, Debora McFarlin, Trae Flesher, Cindy Skarin, Grace Bishop, Peggy Cord, Carolyn Jestis, and Kelsey Cooley. It was nice to meet all our visitors, and we invited them to come back to another meeting.

July Door Prizes were donated by Best of Bernina, Boxcar Quilts, Not Your Mama’s Quilt store, Fabric Fanatics and Quilt Country Quilt Shop. When you are in their stores, please remember to thank them for their donations.

Hope to see everyone at the August preview night for our next meeting and at the Quilt show.

August Birthdays

John Worley         8/1
Jamie Moilanen      8/3
Shirley Thompson   8/4
Sandy Buttine       8/5
Emma Guillen        8/5
Beth Swiatek        8/6
Lorraine Morse      8/7
Renee Baron         8/8
Ivy St Charles      8/9
Pam Carroll         8/11
Marty Anderson      8/13
Mary Bishop         8/13
Pat Dashner         8/13
Linda Sullivan      8/14
Pat Wiant           8/14
Hazel Bailey        8/16
Judy Hilderbrand    8/17
Pam Wingate         8/18
Lynne Fritsche      8/19
Marcia Harwood      8/21
Deb Putman          8/21
Lut DeMeulder       8/23
Terri McCall        8/24
Sandie Griego       8/25
Mary Frances O'Neil 8/25
Jan Dansby          8/26
Elizabeth Arellano  8/30
Christine Cessnun   8/30


Stockings and Pet Beds Report

By Martha O'Grady


I will not have stockings available in August. Like everyone else, I will be focused on our show.  Plus, we have reached our goal of 1000 stockings. Isn't that wonderful? Y'all did a great job. Good work everyone.

I will skip September as well, because my DH and I are getting new floor coverings. We are switching from whole house carpet to whole house hardwood floors. Not looking forward to clearing out my sewing room!

We could really use those wonderful little hand-made gifts such as bookmarks, coasters, mug rugs, pocket Kleenex holders, etc. Y'all made lots of those last year, and they were greatly appreciated. The homeless especially appreciate little sewing kits.

Why do I make suggestions of other smaller projects to make for stockings? There are several reasons. First, little hand-made goodies to go into the stockings truly bless those who keep and have kept us free. It makes them feel loved as no other gift can. Second, it is a good way to teach sewing to a beginner, or to practice a new skill. Third, it is a good use of leftover materials, which we have so much of.

So, what are some ideas? Coasters, mug rugs, prayer squares, all use the same instructions, and take almost no time at all. Pot holders do as well except they need more layers inside.  There are also bookmarks, sewing kits, needle books, etc. We are only limited by our imagination, and our access to Pinterest.

Shelter Pet Beds

I took 110 pet beds to shelters in our area. We can add Richardson to our list of recipients for a total of six so far. Some have a network with other rescue societies and shelters, so we have the privilege of filling a far reaching need in our area.

Tech Corner

By Caroline Gagnon-Hartman

Do you know that you can sign up online to be a Quilt Plano 2019 volunteer? Yes, and it’s quite simple:

  1. Access to view the days that are available.
  2. Click on a day and select the job and the time you want to sign-up for.
  3. Enter your information and solve the math equation: The answer is 8!
  4. Then click SIGN ME UP!
  5. You will receive a confirmation email.

Contact Lori Hutyra if you need more information on becoming a Quilt Plano 2019 volunteer!

See you at the show!

July Meeting Photos

Access our July Meeting Photos in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the 2019-07 General Meeting Minutes.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.