August Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our August  Meeting will be held via ZOOM.  

Details will be emailed later.

“There’s time enough, but none to spare.”

Quote from Charles W. Chestnutt

The clock is ticking and we need more quilts--in both the judged category and the special exhibits.  Quilt Show entries are due by the August 12th guild meeting.  Enter some of those beautiful quilts you've made.

You can find Registration Info and Entry Forms via the following links:

Quilt Show page

Registration Info

Judged Quilts Entry Form 

Workshop Special Exhibits Entry Form

Quarantine Quilts Special Exhibits Form

Letter from the President

By Linda Neal

It was so great to see everyone at the July guild meeting at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas.  A big thank you to  Pam and Chuck Wingate for all of their hard work organizing the space and hosting the meeting.  Chuck was able to set up Zoom simultaneously on the big screen for those members who did not want to meet in person.  It was great to visit with those members who attended  the meeting in person.  Many of them I had not seen in over a year.  It was kind of like a family reunion--without the potato salad and deviled eggs.

At the meeting I was finally able to give out the Lone Star Awards that I had been wanting to give out since last year.  Some things are OK to do on Zoom and some things I’d rather do in person.  This was one of those “gotta do in person” kind of things.  We have had so many members go above and beyond this last year to keep the guild going during the pandemic.  In case you missed it,  I awarded the Lone Star Award to: Julie Schaefer, Dena Smith, Jeanne Vogel,  Jeanne Smith, Janet Carver, Sharon Schenke, Ashley Stovall, Diane Poor, Dolores Williams, Monica Hendewerk, Diana Florence, and Donna Petrick.  I could not have survived the last 2 years as President without everyone’s help.

I would also like to thank Dolores Williams and my small group for my President’s award.  2 awesome bags for my  iPad and quilting supplies.  They were made from the red and white fabric from last year's raffle quilt and some great matching dog fabric.  What a great choice!  I love the bags!

Now that August is here, it is time to get serious about our quilt show.  It seemed so far off, and now it’s 2 months away.  Volunteers--we need you!!  Please sign up online.  If you have questions--contact Donna Petrick.  It takes everyone’s help to make our show a success.

Until next month--keep on stitchin’.

Credit Card Charges and Fees:  The cost of doing business in today's world.

By Linda Neal and the QGP executive board.

This is the time of year for renewing membership dues.  Many of you have commented on the 4% credit card fee the board decided to charge for renewing membership dues using a credit card.  I would just like to talk about why we felt this was the right thing to do.  First of all our dues are $30--which is a bargain.  The board worked hard to keep the dues at $30 (compared to the Dallas guild $45 membership fee).  The guild normally raises the rest of the funds with our raffle quilt ticket sales and quilt show income.

Then came 2020 and COVID.  We were unable to have a quilt show--so that’s zero income.  Raffle quilt ticket sales were way below what was projected, since we were unable to take the quilt to other guilds and sell tickets.  Most retreats were cancelled--where members could have sold tickets.  And TAQG was cancelled--another place ticket sales were usually brisk.

Meanwhile the guild still has expenses--storage unit, speakers on Zoom, website fees, CPA, insurance, credit card fees, etc.  The board has worked very hard to trim the budget in every area.  I think the average quilter would be shocked to see what it costs to run a guild--I encourage you to look at the guild financial statements online.  Yes, the guild has a substantial amount of money in the bank.  But, we have no guarantee the quilt show we have planned will be profitable.  It has been in the past, but unexpected things could happen--bad weather, COVID restrictions.  A painful example is the Dallas guild show of 2020--they had to shut it down 12 hours before it was due to open.  It cost the Dallas guild over $100,000--most guilds would have gone bankrupt with that level of debt.

So, let’s talk about credit card fees.  I love to use my credit card and get the points back so many credit cards offer. But, when you're on the other side it’s not so great.  For every charge card swipe on the hand-held virtual terminal (done in person) the guild is charged 3.5% PLUS $0.30.  For the Square online we are charged 2.9% PLUS $0.30 for every transaction.  So, now instead of collecting $30 free and clear, the guild is having to pay an average of $1.20 for every swipe.  For small charges, the fees really add up.

Now comes the painful part--when we add up the credit card fees.  So far this year from 1/1/21 until 7/27/21 we have paid out $352.99 in credit card fees.  Last year (all of 2020)  we paid 430.98--and that was without a show and all of the credit card swipes there.  In 2019--when we had a quilt show and many people renewed their membership in person by check--we had $703.96 in credit card fees.  Ouch! (and for you math geeks--that total is $1487!)

So, instead of raising our membership fees, admission ticket fees, etc, we just added up what the fees really are: 4% per transaction.  Yeah it’s not fun.  Sadly, it is just the price of doing business these days.  We hope this helps everyone understand; however, if you still have questions, please let us know.


Nominating Committee Report

By Jeanne Vogel

The nominating committee composed of Jeanne Fletcher, Lynn Wagner, Dianne Cronenberg, Sara Lindsay and Jeanne Vogel have filled the positions for this coming year.  Sarah Krauss and Lori Hutyra were the alternates. Current nominees are:

  • President: Donna Petrick
  • Secretary:  Sue Rentz
  • VP Community Service:  Linda Neal
  • VP of Guild Activities:  Michael Davison
  • VP of Education:  Cindy Skarin
  • VP of Finance:  Michelle Cotton
  • VP of Media:  Diane Poor
  • VP of Programs:  Tisha Harms
  • Quilt Show Chair:  Joan Hammett
  • VP of Membership:  Mary Alice Caffarel

These positions are all being posted in this edition of the newsletter as required by our Policy and Procedures. These nominees are submitted for your review for the officer slate for 2021-2022. Voting will be at the September meeting.



By Jeanne Smith

The Summer heat goes on and on….  Thank goodness we quilters are happy and content inside with the A/C.  In fact, we are totally happy inside quilting!

Hope a lot of you have been busy finishing up your entries for our upcoming quilt show in October. Can’t wait to see everyone’s creations!

Our quest speaker this month, Céleste Compion, will certainly get your creative juices flowing for another future quilt. She comes to us from Ontario, Canada via Zoom showcasing Shweshwe African print fabrics.


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, August 12, 2021 
Céleste Compion: The Bolt and the Beautiful:  The Shweshwe Saga

Céleste will give us a slide presentation with Shweshwe items to illustrate the fascinating social justice story of Shweshwe and how it connects with the world history of cotton production, exploration and trade.

Céleste Compion


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, September 9, 2021 
Maria Shell: Traditional, Art, Modern—Notes From The Field

Maria Shell started out as a traditional quilter, but soon found herself making abstract pieced art quilts that look surprisingly modern. Maria will share her personal journey along with some fun historical facts about all three quilt genres. What does it mean to be a 21ST Century Quilter? Come to the lecture to find out!

Maria Shell

Maria’s Teaching Philosophy:

“I believe there is great value in cultivating original work and creativity in every individual. Making is an act of empowerment that can be a very gratifying experience for everyone involved. All of my workshops are designed to work with a variety of skill levels within the same class. While each of my workshops cover color, pattern, and repetition which are core components of my work, the focus—indicated in the title of class—allows us to zoom in on a particular aspect of quilt design. Subject matter includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following–exploring color theory, composing abstract design, improvisation-ally cutting and piecing fabric, working with prints, and trouble shooting patchwork construction issues.” 

Zoom Workshop - Bits & Pieces—Designing From The Scrap Bag
       This Zoom workshop is held on 2 consecutive Fridays:  September 10th and September 17th from 1:00 – 4:00pm

Workshop Fee: $45 members/$55 nonmembers 

Kit Fee: $35 (this includes a curated scrap bag, handouts, and shipping)  

This workshop is for scrap-a-holics. Learn how to shape, sort, and piece your fabric bits into art quilt masterpieces. While learning how to work with bits and pieces, students will also be given information about improvisational piecing techniques and ideas for taking these techniques and creating original quilts.

**  To register for the workshop and to order the kit, go to ** 

Bits & Pieces

Quilt Plano  --  October 8 & 9, 2021

By Donna Petrick

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our live meeting in July.  Thank you for showing up and being so responsive to the show roll out.  It’s a great start.  And of course, we need more……more volunteers, more quilts, more hours in the day.

Cut off for quilt entries is August 12th.  We are not receiving as many as we thought we would.  I know so many of you made many quilts this past year.  Pull a couple of them and put them in the show.

We will be printing the first set of show tee shirts in the near future.  We will announce the pick-up place and time for these shirts soon. The latest date to order shirts will be August 31st.  The shirts are $18 for sizes small through 2X.  $20 for 3X and larger.  Sales tax is included in this price.  Notify Valerie Salter if you are interested in buying one.  They will not be available through the web site.

If you want to buy your lunch for either or both days of the quilt show, please contact Carolyn Cosgriff.  Choice is either ham or turkey sandwich including chips and cookie.  Cost is $15.00 plus tax (total $16.23).  We are obligated to buy a certain amount of food from the Plano Event Center and these lunches help us fulfill that commitment.

Raffle ticket sales are going well.  But we need more places to display the quilt before it is show time.  Leigh Knox has scheduled “Must Love Fabric”, “Denton Guild” and “Box Car Quilts”.  If you have any suggestions for places to show this beautiful quilt, please let Sherry Worley know.  She will contact them to set up a date.

Our immediate need for volunteers is Admissions on Saturday morning.  We need to get people into the show fast in the early hours of attendance.  If you can spare the time, please sign up on the web site.  We also need Quilt Angels, Security and Set Up/Take Down.  All areas need more volunteers, but these are the most critical now.  Working 4 hours for the show, either before or at the show, gets you in for free one day.  If you have made a mini quilt, taken the raffle quilt somewhere to sell tickets, delivered bookmarks and posters and admission tickets, these hours count toward that 4-hour goal.

Special Exhibits at the Quilt Show

By Jeanne Vogel

First:  what quilts are in Special Exhibits?  Typically we have samples of all the workshops taken with the quilt speakers from the previous year.  This time we are showcasing the workshops of 2019.  If you took a workshop from any of these teachers:  MJ Kinnen, Pam Holland, Bethanne Nemesh, Melinda Bula, Edyta Sitar, Annette Plog, Paula Nadelstern, please enter them.  Also if your small group did a challenge together, that is listed at the bottom of the separate Special Exhibits entry form. 

Quarantine Quilts is another special exhibit as we are displaying any quilt you stayed home and made during the quarantine!  Fill out the form with a short description of your work on either a newly started quilt or finishing a quilt from years gone by.

Special Exhibit quilts are on display only as they are not judged.  They are hung at the entrance to the show along with the Art Quilters of Plano display of their completed art quilts.

So, there are two (2) different forms on the website for Special Exhibits.  Please consider showing your completed work without the stress of being judged, only admired and amazed at your handiwork.  Be Special!


Community Service

By Dolores Williams and Valerie Salter

We want to thank our members for continuing to support our guild's Community Service efforts.  In July, we had our Community Service Sew Day on the 13th and there were 8 members present.  For new members, the Community Service Sew Day is the second Tuesday of the month, from 10 am to about 2 pm.  We meet at Plano Sewing Center and sew quilt tops.  Kits are provided.  All you need to bring is your sewing machine and basic sewing supplies.  We even have rulers, rotary cutters, and irons available. 

Since we are still not able to have guild meetings in person, we are also doing our community service take-in/give-out day while we are at Plano Sewing Center.  We are there from 10 am to 11:30 am.  You can drop off tops, quilts needing binding, completed quilts, pillowcases, or Christmas stockings.   You can also pick up more of the same.  If nothing else, it is great to see our fellow guild members in person.

In July, we received 23 pillowcases, 17 completed quilts, 8 cuddles, and 20 tops.  This was quite a good haul for July.  So many people are on vacation that we don’t usually even meet in July.  So again, thank you very much.

Tote Bag Mania

By Monica Hendewerk

Someone had some beautiful bright colored fabric from Guatemala and the rest is history.  A group of us got together and made unlined, very fast to make tote bags to donate to the North Texas Food Bank.  We completed 23 bags, and have 15 more that are more than half-way there.

IN ADDITION - the food bank really needs all those “free” totes that you get everywhere you go that are taking up space in your house.  The food recipients often come on buses and need the tote bags to put over their shoulders while also carrying bags in their hands.  They receive a week’s worth of food.  Imagine carrying food for 4 for a week on a bus.  Please contact Monica Hendewerk to drop them off or she’ll arrange to pick them up., (713) 569-8798.

News from the Zoom Bees

Hoop It Up Bee – Donna Petrick

The machine embroidery group meets the third Thursday each month on Zoom.  We talk about problems or successes we might have had in using our machines as well as having show and tell.  We are open to all levels of users.  If you have an interest in machine embroidery, please join us. 

Email me so I can send you the Zoom invitation.

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

We have a collection of Singer Featherweight sewing machines with happy owners as we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) Will start to meet all day at the Retreat Center and/or Zoom from 1-3pm
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel   (Now we will meet twice a month!)

If you are feeling “abode overload," we will:  relieve clutter, stress, struggle and feelings of being overwhelmed. We are Zooming on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday's from 1:30-3:30 pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making. Join us to organize your mess and give tips and sometimes we offer to trade our stuff! for an invitation.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meeting is August 2nd.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement and lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal (

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the 3th Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  August 17th is our next meeting.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal (

Guild Activities

By Leigh Knox and Michael Davison

Hello August!  Can you believe that means our quilt show is only 2 months away.  It looks like we are in the triple digit temps, so I am pretty happy that the show is in October.

I hope everyone in the guild has either entered a quilt and/or signed up to volunteer.  The Quilters Guild of Plano Quilt Show has a very impressive reputation and it does take the ENTIRE village to make it so successful.

Activities had taken a break because I knew everyone was working on holiday gifts and quilt show entries, but now it is time for a no stress, no frills activity.

It is going to be a mystery of sorts.  This is a great opportunity to use up some of those scraps or if you have a FQ bundle or layer cake you want to use--go for it.

For the month of August take various width fabric strips at least 11” long and sew them together.  Sew them together to make a section that is 11” x 11”.  You will need 24 - 11” x 11” blocks.

You will also need 24 - 10” blocks of a background fabric.

That is it for August.  The next step will be released in the September newsletter.


By  Sue Rentz & Karen Edmondson

It was wonderful to see so many members at our first live meeting in about 17 months.  According to our count, there were 88 members present, some in person and others on Zoom.  Three new members joined that evening—Nancy Minnich, Liz Beaty, and Lily Gutierrez.  One other member joined during this month—Deborah Kay.  Also, Dawn Wester was a visitor at the meeting.

Our door prizes for the evening came from the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas, Quilt Country, Sew Let's Quilt It, Not Your Mama’s Quilt Store, Quilt Ideas, Stitched with Love, and Quarter Squared.  The winners were selected from our “Wheel of Fortune,” and they included people who attended live as well as a couple on Zoom.  Winners were:  Sue Rostosky, Tina Steenburg, Pam Lane, J. Michelle Watts (Zoom), Beth Swiatek (Zoom), Roxanne Gross, Sharon McGinnis, Michelle Cotton, Mary Frances O’Neil, and Peggy Burrell.

Many members renew their membership at the quilt show that is usually held in August.  However, it is not until October this year, so we hope you will consider renewing soon.  Memberships expire on September 30th.

There are two ways to pay your dues, and you can pick the one that works best for you.

  •         By credit card:  Login under membership, click the button labeled Pay Your Dues, and fill in necessary information to charge to a credit card.  Please be aware that we are now charging a 4% fee for online renewals.

·         By check:  Under the membership heading on the website, click on Membership, then Membership Information.  In the first paragraph on that page, click on Membership Form.  Print the form that appears and mail it with your check for $30 to the post office box indicated on the form.

August Birthdays

  • John Worley -- 8/1
  • Jamie Moilanen -- 8/3
  • Susan Berger-- 8/3
  • Linda Bartley -- 8/5
  • Emma Guillen -- 8/5
  • Beth Swiatek -- 8/6
  • Cindy Skarin -- 8/6
  • Renee Baron -- 8/8
  • Ivy St. Charles -- 8/9
  • Pam Carroll -- 8/11
  • Marty Anderson -- 8/13
  • Mary Bishop -- 8/13
  • Tracie Williams-- 8/13
  • Linda Sullivan -- 8/14
  • Pat Wiant -- 8/14
  • Virginia Hauer -- 8/16
  • Pam Wingate -- 8/18
  • Lynne Fritsche -- 8/19
  • Marcia Harwood -- 8/21
  • Mary Lidster -- 8/22
  • Lut DeMeulder -- 8/23
  • Mary Frances O'Neil -- 8/25
  • Sandie Griego -- 8/25
  • Dorthy Guillen -- 8/26
  • Chris Cessnun -- 8/30
  • Elizabeth Arellano -- 8/30

Month Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes



Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

July 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our July Meeting will be held live and in person at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas, 7989 Beltline Road Ste #168, Dallas Texas 75248 **AND** via live via ZOOM.  Details regarding ZOOM will be emailed later.

Letter from the President

By Linda Neal

It’s hard to believe, but the last time we had a QGP guild meeting together was March 12, 2020.  It seems like FOREVER since we have all been together.  It has been a long time coming, and lots of planning to make it happen.  But, I am happy to announce our first in person meeting of 2021.

We will be meeting in person and on Zoom for our Quilt show roll out July 8th meeting at The Best Little Retreat Center in Texas.  Hunter’s Glen Baptist church, where we met pre-Covid, is still not allowing outside groups to meet at their facility.  The July guild meeting will consist of our general business meeting, a demonstration, information on quilt show volunteer positions, as well as stations to visit to sign up for quilt show volunteer positions.  The new slate of officers will be announced and introduced.   Plus, we’ll have lots of time to socialize and visit with fellow guild members.  It will be a very busy and fun evening--a throwback to pre-Covid days! 

For those members who cannot attend the ”‘live” meeting, we will also have the meeting “live” on Zoom.  It’s going to be a bit challenging this first time running a meeting live and on Zoom.  But, we will do our best.  Zoom attendees will be able to participate in the meetings and sign up for volunteer positions too.  

Masks will not be required.  But, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, that’s fine too.

Until then, finish your quilts for the quilt show and fill out an entry form.  Look at the guild website for quilt show information and open volunteer positions. Sign up online or at the guild meeting. Descriptions of the volunteer positions are on the website.   We need YOU to volunteer to make Quilt Plano 2021 a success!


****** ANNOUNCEMENT *****

In order to keep our membership fees and workshop fees low, the board has approved pass on the 4% credit card transaction charge to the buyer. For Example, a Membership renewal payment of $30 will include $1.20 for a total of $31.20 credit card charge. No fees will be incurred for check and cash payments.


Nominating Committee Report

The nominating committee comprised of Jeanne Fletcher, Lynn Wagner, Dianne Cronenberg, Sara Lindsay and Jeanne Vogel has filled the positions for this coming year.

Current nominees are:

  • President: Donna Petrick
  • Secretary:  Sue Rentz
  • VP Community Service:  Linda Neal
  • VP of Guild Activities:  Michael Davison
  • VP of Education:  Cindy Skarin
  • VP of Finance:  Michelle Cotton
  • VP of Media:  Diane Poor
  • VP of Programs:  Tisha Harms
  • Quilt Show Chair:  Joan Hammett
  • VP of Membership:  Mary Alice Cafferel

These positions are all being posted in this edition of the newsletter as required by our Policy and Procedures. These nominees are submitted for your review for the officer slate for 2021-2022. Voting will be at the August meeting.

Please consider volunteering for these open chair positions listed in the table below.

All job descriptions are listed in the website under: Guild Documents/Board/By Laws 2012 and under Guild Documents/Board/Guild Positions and Duties.

Please step forward and volunteer!


By Jeanne Smith


In-Person Guild Meeting – Thursday, July 8, 2021 **ALSO via ZOOM**

     @ Best Little Retreat Center in Texas

          7989 Beltline Road Ste #168

            Dallas Texas 75248       

Quilt Show Roll Out and Skill Builder Demos

*See more information on the guild meeting under Quilt Plano 2021 in this newsletter.



Join Michael Davison as he presents a great Zoom workshop:
      Fusible Collage with Michael - A Value-able Workshop


DATE: Saturday, July 17, 2021

TIME: 10am – 3pm

LOCATION: Virtual Workshop will be Live on ZOOM

Workshop Fee: $55

Optional Fabric Kit: $20 (for Subject – background not included)

Register online at

Michael Davison

What makes a successful pictorial collage quilt? Some may say color. Some may say subject matter. But it is really all about VALUE (the perceived lightness or darkness of fabric). In this workshop, you will learn to separate fabrics into Michael’s value scale, then fuse it and use it as your palette of “paints” to create an 18” x 18” still life collage quilt, suitable as a small wall hanging or table topper. (We will be making the coffee cup!) 

Techniques of cutting fabric shapes will be explored and practiced. You will learn how to deal with layered fused fabrics. You will gain an understanding of value placement and creative ways to create shape and form with many pieces of fabric. We will discuss ways to finish your project quilt (background, quilting, binding/facing, etc.) BONUS: You will also learn how to transform your own photos into a pattern for your future pictorial collage projects. 

If you have ever wanted to take a break from pieced projects to “paint” with fabric, this is the workshop to test it out! Bring your own stash or purchase a workshop kit from Michael.

What you will need:

  • Video Camera and Microphone (Internet connection for ZOOM)
  • At least 7 different fabrics for the main subject. About 8” x 8” of each.
  • More than 7 fabrics is highly recommended! The more fabrics you choose, the less you will need of each fabric. Scraps are GREAT!
  • You will need a wide range of lights, mediums, and darks. Really look for the lightest lights and darkest darks to add to your mediums if possible.
  • You may choose all monochromatic (same color family), or they can be of many colors.
  • Precuts would be great! You could complete the main subject with a jelly roll or a charm pack. Layer cake and fat-eighths would be good too, but you will not need that much fabric.
  • A 22” x 22” square of quilting cotton that is white or light. It can be also be basic muslin. This will provide the “canvas” for fused fabrics to be adhered to.
  • A 20 x 20” square of background fabric of your choosing. The background should provide contrast. So if your subject fabrics are very busy, you’ll get best results from a contrasting solid or subdued background. If your subject fabrics are more tone-on-tone and almost read as solid, then perhaps a more active background could work.
  • Pencil
  • Sharpie
  • Double-Sided fusing to adhere to your fabrics. (Steam-a-Seam 2 in the regular version recommended.)
  • Iron and pressing surface
  • Scissors for cutting small shapes.
  • Masking or Painter’s tape
  • Tweezers

More Details and Registration Here:


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, August 12, 2021 
Céleste Compion: The Bolt and the Beautiful:  The Shweshwe Saga

Céleste Compion

Céleste was born in South Africa into a family of creative seamstresses and knitters, “it’s no surprise that I love shweshwe. This traditional 100% cotton print evokes many memories, the first of which is as a little girl in the fabric warehouses of Cape Town with my mother as she bent over the bolts making decisions. It is an aromatic memory: the sweet starchy smell of sizing, used to protect shweshwe for its sea voyage from Manchester in Britain to South Africa, comes to me when I think of those excursions.”

In 2001 Céleste moved to Canada with her family, and their visitors from South Africa would bring gifts of shweshwe to add to her stash for sewing projects. In the summer of 2013, she and her husband visited the producers of Shweshwe: Da Gama Textiles in Zwelitsha, where they learned that there are inferior quality copies of this heritage fabric being produced at present and that cash strapped consumers in South Africa have been snapping them up.

Da Gama Textiles is an equal opportunity employer, maintaining ethical standards of production. They will not cut costs by compromising their quality or employment standards; however, due to the impact of inferior copies not made in South Africa, they have had to downsize considerably, which has had an enormous impact on their local community.  By developing an export market, they will be able to increase production and provide much needed employment once again.   “I am thrilled to introduce Three Cats Original Shweshwe to sewing enthusiasts all over the world, so that while we enjoy this unique fabric we are also part of the initiative to provide employment for more South Africans.”


Quilt Plano  --  October 8 & 9, 2021

By Donna Petrick

I had my newsletter article all mapped out in my mind and then we had a major water problem at our house and I lost all my mapping.  LOL.  Never mind—I’ll regroup.

The best thing is announcing that we will have a live, in person meeting on July 8th.  Yippee.  I’m so ready to see you all in person again.  I hope that you will make the trip to Best Little Retreat Center in Texas.  We will have time to visit with each other……..but our main purpose is to “Roll Out the Show”. It’s time to sign up to volunteer to run our quilt show.  The vendors are ready, the patrons are ready and now I hope the volunteers are ready.  Without you we can’t do this. 

We will have our business meeting, followed by one demonstration that will also be done at the quilt show.  Zoom members will be able to see it too.  I’ll talk a short while explaining the job openings.  Then we will be able to sign up for various jobs.  Several of us will have computers on site to help you.  Committee chairs will be on hand to explain the jobs if you have questions.  Zoom members can chat with Diane Poor or Ashley Stovall to get signed up also.

Bring your checkbook, cash or a credit card because we have things to sell.  You can order your show shirt, buy your lunch tickets for Friday and Saturday of the quilt show, buy your show pin or past show pins and buy your raffle tickets.

Our posters and bookmarks are ready to be delivered out to the quilt shops and other places to start advertising our show.  If you are making a trip to some shops, please check with Rose-Clair Fletcher to see if she needs help delivering to that shop.  Local shops are already getting their copies.  It’s the shops a distance from Plano where we need help.  

Remember that all show volunteer hours add towards the four hours needed to get into the show.  So making a mini, delivering posters, taking the raffle quilt to events all count towards those hours.  Quilt registration forms are online on our website.  Be sure to enter your quilts in the show.

So now back to moving stuff.  By the time you read this, I should have new floors in all three bedrooms and will have culled out some of our “treasurers”.  See you on the 8th!

Community Service

By Dolores Williams and Valerie Salter

I was so happy to have our Sit and Sew in person!  We only had a few sewers but we made up for it with fun.

Sit and Sew is where members of the guild meet at Plano Sewing Center on the second Tuesday of the month.  The Community Service team makes up Quilt Kits for the Sew day and members sew quilt tops.  We try to have different patterns every month, so it does not get boring.  We meet at 10:00 am and stay until 1 or 2 pm.  Most of the tops can be made in one day.  Some people bring their tops home to finish or grab another kit to do at home.

Sit and Sew is a great way to contribute to the guild while having fun.  We bring our lunches and one person brings dessert (loved by the quilters and staff at Plano Sewing Center).

Please try to join us at Sit and Sew – 2nd Tues of every month.

Our next general meeting will be in person, but Community Service will not be available for take in / give out.  Most of us in the group are committee chairs for the quilt show and will be busy getting volunteers.  We will do a take-in / give-out at the next sit and sew from 10 am til 11:30. 

In June, we took in 20 completed quilts, 12 pillowcases, 1 cuddle and 10 tops.  That was a fairly good haul considering bad weather was predicted.

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

Several Quilts of Valor were quilted this month (thanks to Linda Neal and LuGay Chiang) and are being or are ready to be bound.   More tops are waiting to be quilted.  Tops and blocks are always welcome as we aim to keep the pipeline full!  

A presentation ceremony is in planning.

Plano Quilt Guild Retreat 2021

By Carol Long

We are going to have a full house at Retreat this year, with 90 ladies and gentleman signed up.  The Retreat is at the Hilton Garden Inn in Denison, Texas.  The address is 5015 South US 75 and the phone number is (903) 463-3331.  The Retreat starts on August 19th through August 22nd.  We are going to have the scissor man there on Friday, so make sure you bring your scissors, rotary blades or other items that need to be sharpened.  We are also going to have the massage ladies again, on Thursday and Friday.

As in years past, we are going to ask for donations for Denison Helping Hands and I will be sending out a list of items that they are in need of.  I hope to have a prize to raffle off for those of you who bring items to donate, we can put your name in the drawing for a prize.  There will be a bones table and a Trash to Treasure sale, as we have done in the past. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call or text at (469) 853-0549 or email me at

News from the Zoom Bees

Hoop It Up Bee – Donna Petrick

The machine embroidery group meets the third Thursday each month on Zoom.  We talk about problems or successes we might have had in using our machines as well as having show and tell.  We are open to all levels of users.  If you have an interest in machine embroidery, please join us. 

Email me so I can send you the Zoom invitation.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

We have a collection of Singer Featherweight sewing machines with happy owners as we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) 
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel 

If you are feeling “abode overload” you will fit right it. Relieve clutter, stress, struggle and overwhelm. We are Zooming on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday's from 1:30-3:30 pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.

Join us to organize your mess and give tips and sometimes we offer trade our stuff! for an invitation

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meeting is July 5th.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement and lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal (

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the 3th Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  July 20th is our next meeting.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal (

Guild Activities

By Leigh Knox and Michael Davison

Happy July and summer in Texas. I know a lot of you are busy with getting your quilts ready for the Plano Quilt Show so no new activities.

Enjoy your summer and stay cool.


By  Sue Rentz & Karen Edmondson

How does the guild get all those lovely door prizes we give away each month?  A volunteer on the membership committee requests and collects them from local quilt shops in our area.

Here how I do it:

First call up the local quilt store to ask if they would be interested in donating door prizes.  Most of the stores are familiar with our guild and have always been kind and generous.  Set a date with them 2-3 days later to go by and pick them up. Some actually are willing to mail them (super sweet).  Then, on that date, take an afternoon or a day to go by and visit the stores. We also have guild members willing to help and swing by local quilt stores near their home. 

Pro-tip: leave your credit card at home!  Lastly pick out the gifts to give out and deliver them to the membership table before each meeting.

 If this is something you’d be willing to do, let us know—!

One new member joined the guild during the month of June—Betty Rivero.

 The following door prizes were awarded at the June meeting using the “Wheel of Fortune”:

  •          Quilt Country gift card – Sue Rostosky
  •          Stitch House gift card – Diane Morris
  •          Sew Let’s Quilt It gift card – Sara Lindsay
  •          Not Your Mama’s gift card – Laurie Tanas
  •          Stitched with Love gift card – Sara Krauss
  •          Best Little Retreat Center in Texas (one-day retreat for two) – Sue Rentz

July Birthdays

  • Margaret Schafer -- 7/3
  • Aggie Meszaros -- 7/4
  • Cindy Parker -- 7/4
  • Diana Florence -- 7/6
  • Cassie Conway -- 7/7
  • Sheila Connolly -- 7/7
  • Valerie Murray -- 7/7
  • Nan Jordan -- 7/8
  • Carol Long -- 7/9
  • Sherry Worley -- 7/11
  • Sharon Wilhelm -- 7/13
  • Joan Nodwell -- 7/14
  • Gail Gable -- 7/15
  • Harriet Wetherell -- 7/15
  • Judy Kriehn -- 7/22
  • Leanne Wise -- 7/23
  • Mary Binder -- 7/23
  • Brenda Ruth -- 7/24
  • Marcia Lawson -- 7/25
  • Bri Loftis -- 7/26
  • Michelle Cotton -- 7/26
  • Debra Douglas -- 7/31

Stockings and Pet Beds

By  Martha O'Grady

I was in Hobby Lobby looking for fabric for another project. They were having a sale on patriotic. I grabbed a bunch of ribbon perfect for our stockings!

I received an email newsletter from Soldiers Angels, asking for stockings for a Christmas in July program. I am sending 200 stockings, leaving about 300. This means that we will need to redouble our efforts to reach our annual goal of 1000.

The newsletter also stated that because Girl Scouts were unable to sell their cookies, they had given a bunch to Soldiers Angels. They just need help with postage. If you would like to help with that, go to the website:

I also took 6 beds to the shelter in Murphy.

Here is a quick story about my early quilting. I went to one of those home selling parties. The host told all of us to bring our most worn out potholder. I had been in the habit of stacking and quilting old towels and washcloths into potholders, and I still do this today.  I took one of those. We went around the group showing our potholders, and I showed mine. Of course I thought that I had won handily. Then a lady held up a much worn out mess and said, “Well, someone left this at my house.” It was mine! I won first and second place! When I told Don this, he said in an exasperated voice, “Go get you some potholders.” Ah my inner hoarder.

I would like to mention a couple of small groups that I am now leader of.

A group that was a fledgling just as the shut down began; Far East Connection is for anyone in East Plano or East of Plano. We meet Thursdays at my house 6:30, except for QGP night. We are a sit n sew.

Sew Happy Quilters meets the Sam Johnson Senior Center at 16th and 75, behind the strip mall and restaurants on 15th. We are a sit-n-sew, and we are registered as one of the “classes” in the Plano Parks and Recreation catalogue. We meet monthly 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM ish. Come when you can; leave when you must. Some of us eat lunch together. 


Month Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos in our Gallery.



General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

June 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our June Meeting will be held via Zoom due to COVID-19.  Details will be emailed later.

Stay Safe, Happy, and Healthy and Quilt On!

Letter from the President

By Linda Neal

The more I sew lately, the more I seem to get behind.  I am not really sure how it works, but I know it’s true.  I have about 5 hand applique projects going at once--and I love them all!  I take turns working on each one. They are all progressing nicely, but none of them are done!  

My quilts may not be finished by this October, but the guild will be ready for the show.  It feels like it’s been forever since we had a quilt show. We have not had one since I have been President.  And with a pandemic going on--it feels like time has stood still.

The show committee is meeting and entries are being accepted.  I can’t wait to see what everyone has been working on while isolating at home.  I also can’t wait to see everyone in person.  We have an awesome speaker, Gyleen Fitzgerald for our June Zoom meeting.  And then in July--we will all meet in person!! It will be the show roll out meeting--time to sign up to volunteer for our show.  Until then, keep sewing and enjoying the summer!



By Jeanne Smith

Summer 2021 is here and everyone’s slow pace and isolation due to Covid is beginning to wind down with the help of vaccinations. We are becoming busy with family and friends again. We in Programs want you to know what Is offered through September. So grab those calendars and start planning!


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, June 10, 2021 
Gyleen Fitzgerald: Path to Modern

Gyleen is absolutely passionate about quilting! I took a class with her several years ago at the Houston International Quilt Festival and that class was so much fun and so inspiring.

The Path to Modern presentation takes us from traditional quilts through contemporary to modern. Quilt designs composed of rectangles and squares, the building blocks of our quilts, are explored. Gyleen will also show a wonderful assortment of her quilts.

Gyleen Fitzgerald


In-Person Guild Meeting – Thursday, July 8, 2021

     @ Best Little Retreat Center in Texas

          7989 Beltline Road Ste #168

         Dallas Texas 75248

Quilt Show Roll Out and Skill Builder Demos

*See more information on the guild meeting under Quilt Plano 2021 in this newsletter.

Michael Davison

Michael Davison is offering a wonderful Zoom workshop in July:
Fusible Collage with Michael - A Value-able Workshop


DATE: Saturday, July 17, 2021

TIME: 10am – 3pm

LOCATION: Virtual Workshop will be Live on ZOOM

Workshop Fee: $55

Optional Fabric Kit: $20 (for Subject – background not included)

Register online at 

What makes a successful pictorial collage quilt? Some may say color. Some may say subject matter. But it is really all about VALUE (the perceived lightness or darkness of fabric). In this workshop, you will learn to separate fabrics into Michael’s value scale, then fuse it and use it as your palette of “paints” to create an 18” x 18” still life collage quilt, suitable as a small wall hanging or table topper. (We will be making the coffee cup!) 

Techniques of cutting fabric shapes will be explored and practiced. You will learn how to deal with layered fused fabrics. You will gain an understanding of value placement and creative ways to create shape and form with many pieces of fabric. We will discuss ways to finish your project quilt (background, quilting, binding/facing, etc.) BONUS: You will also learn how to transform your own photos into a pattern for your future pictorial collage projects. 

If you have ever wanted to take a break from pieced projects to “paint” with fabric, this is the workshop to test it out! Bring your own stash or purchase a workshop kit from Michael.

What you will need:

  • Video Camera and Microphone (Internet connection for ZOOM)
  • At least 7 different fabrics for the main subject. About 8” x 8” of each.
  • More than 7 fabrics is highly recommended! The more fabrics you choose, the less you will need of each fabric. Scraps are GREAT!
  • You will need a wide range of lights, mediums, and darks. Really look for the lightest lights and darkest darks to add to your mediums if possible.
  • You may choose all monochromatic (same color family), or they can be of many colors.
  • Precuts would be great! You could complete the main subject with a jelly roll or a charm pack. Layer cake and fat-eighths would be good too, but you will not need that much fabric.
  • A 22” x 22” square of quilting cotton that is white or light. It can be also be basic muslin. This will provide the “canvas” for fused fabrics to be adhered to.
  • A 20 x 20” square of background fabric of your choosing. The background should provide contrast. So if your subject fabrics are very busy, you’ll get best results from a contrasting solid or subdued background. If your subject fabrics are more tone-on-tone and almost read as solid, then perhaps a more active background could work.
  • Pencil
  • Sharpie
  • Double-Sided fusing to adhere to your fabrics. (Steam-a-Seam 2 in the regular version recommended.)
  • Iron and pressing surface
  • Scissors for cutting small shapes.
  • Masking or Painter’s tape
  • Tweezers

More Details and Registration Here:



Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, August 12, 2021 
Céleste Compion: The Bolt and the Beautiful:  The Shweshwe Saga

 Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, then immigrating to Canada in 2001, Céleste is driven by her passion for the beautiful creativity of South Africa. She aims to teach more people about it, by importing and distributing Shweshwe to North America. Shweshwe, often called the tartan of South Africa, is a heritage fabric with a fascinating story.  Céleste’s presentation is all about that story. 

Céleste Compion

Maria Shell


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, September 9, 2021 
Maria Shell: The Traditional, Art, Modern—NOTES FROM THE FIELD

Maria Shell started out as a traditional quilter, but soon found herself making abstract pieced art quilts that look surprisingly modern. Maria will share her personal journey along with some fun historical facts about all three quilt genres. What does it mean to be a 21stCentury Quilter? Come to the lecture to find out!

Zoom Workshop
Friday, September 10, 2021 from 1:00 - 4:00pm
Friday, September 17, 2021 from 1:00 - 4:00pm
Maria Shell: Bits & Pieces — Designing from the Scrap Bag

Zoom Workshop Fee: $45 plus $35 kit fee (this includes a curated scrap bag, handouts, and shipping)

Workshop Description: This workshop is for scrap-a-holics. Learn how to shape, sort, and piece your fabric bits into art quilt masterpieces. While learning how to work with bits and pieces, students will also be given information about improvisational piecing techniques and ideas for taking these techniques and creating original quilts.


Quilt Plano  --  October 8 & 9, 2021

By Donna Petrick

Your guild needs you!!  It’s hard to get back in the routine, but with all we need to do it’s time.  The quilt show will be before you know it.  I hope your quilt is almost ready and that you are completing your entry for the show.  

Now look at the website volunteer list.  We cannot put on the terrific quilt show we have had without all the volunteers from the guild.  Please look at all the open spaces and see what you would like to do to help put on this show.  If everyone helps, it doesn’t put a burden on any one person or group.  If you have questions about the job, plan to attend the July 8th guild meeting to be held at Best Little Retreat Center.  The committee chairs will be there to explain the jobs and help you volunteer.  Our website is easy to use and is such an improvement over all the paper list we had to keep.  If you can’t attend the meeting that night, you can still Zoom.  We will be able to visit with you either by chat or breakout rooms to help you with explanations.

Working at the quilt show is a great way to meet members and get to know people.  It’s hard to do that with Zoom.  And while I love seeing you all on the Zoom meetings, I truly miss seeing you in person each month.  I’m so hoping that the church will open to us again in the near future.

By the time we have our July meeting, we should have tee shirts samples so you can order your show shirt, lunch tickets so you can buy your lunches for Friday and Saturday at the show and show pins.  Bring money or at least your credit card.

We will also have past show pins for sell as well as our guild pin which holds our year bar for 30 hours of work supporting the guild.  These will be on display at the July meeting.

Quilt Plano 2021 Raffle Tickets

We ask that all members buy a $20 packet of raffle tickets (24 tickets) to help with selling tickets for the beautiful raffle quilt.  You can either sell them to other people or keep them all for yourself.  The tickets sell for $1 each or 6 for $5.  Sherry Worley is in charge of the tickets and you can get your tickets from her.  The money made from the raffle quilt continues to help the guild with the great programs we have as well as fund activities.  In the past that has been to fund a scholarship for youth education sewing class.  With any luck, we can get back to that and help encourage future quilters.

Selling raffle tickets also helps us to not to raise membership dues.  After more than a year with no fund raisers, we need to sell a maximum number of raffle tickets.  Fortunately, the quilt is so beautiful it will nearly sell itself.


Do you love to quilt?

Do you have a quilting skill you can share?

Do you like to show your friends how to do a new or different skill?

Could you share tips on using paint or crayons on a quilt block?

Quilt Plano could use your help to present a 20-minute demonstration during the quilt show.
Linda Chappell
Demonstrations Chairperson


I have a plastic tub of denim jeans and vests that I would like to dispose of. Anyone need to make a denim quilt???? Call Linda Chappell at 972-612-0056.

Community Service

By Dolores Williams and Valerie Salter

Community Service is ramping up!  We will have our first, in person,  Sit-and-Sew day on June 8, at Plano Sewing Center, 2070 W. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano.  We always meet on the second Tuesday of the month.  We will be meeting in person the rest of the year.

As a reminder:  Sit-and-Sew is where we have quilt top kits ready to be sewn.  These are the Community Service quilts we give out to several organizations.  We start at 10 am and go until the tops are done – usually out by 1 or 2 pm.  Bring your sewing machine and basic sewing supplies.  We bring our lunch, and one member brings dessert.  Please contact us at if you are interested in joining us. 

We are so grateful to Plano Sewing Center for letting us have the space to sew.

We had a Take-in / Give-out day on May 18.  We didn’t have much to give out and the day was predicted to have major storms all day.  As it happened, the storm held off until after we were done.  We did take in 27 completed quilts, 29 pillowcases and 6 quilted quilts needing binding.  Thank you to those that braved the weather to bring in their items. 

In July, we will be having a live in-person meeting to do the Quilt Show Rollout.  I wanted to mention that Community Service will not be taking in or giving out items.  We are all involved with the quilt show and cannot do both jobs at once.

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

The Prayers and Squares quilters of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton church made over 20 tops for Quilts of Valor--some of which were shown at the May meeting.   Kudos to them!  The next step is to get these wonderful tops quilted.  Please contact Carolyn Cosgriff, 469-387-0033, if you are up to quilting one.  Backs and batting are bundled with each quilt. 

As quilters know, batting and backing fabric puts a hole in the budget.  We are looking for underwriting.  If anyone has insight to the donation process or contacts with the local defense contractors, please share your knowledge.    

Plus, our group is sewing up blocks and rows and quilts

News from the Zoom Bees

Hoop It Up Bee – Donna Petrick

We are still meeting for machine embroidery.  We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:00am.  Not everyone shows up each month.  You can come and go as you need to.  We share a lot of information about techniques, designs, threads, stabilizers, etc.  If you are interested in using your embroidery machine please join us to get in on the discussions.  In May we will be discussing using it for quilt labels.  

Contact me at so I can send you the link.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

Dust off your Singer Featherweight and join us while we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) 
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel 

We are Zooming on the 3rd Wednesday from 1-3pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the year fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.

Join us to organize your mess and give tips and sometimes offer trade of  our stuff! for an invitation

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meeting is April 5th.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement and lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal (

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the 4th Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  April 20th is our next meeting.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal (

Guild Activities

By Leigh Knox and Michael Davison

June is here and that means school is out and family trips are in the works.  Thank you to all that attended the May Sew Day at BLRC. It was so nice to see you. 

For June let’s see if we can finish up a UFO or 2 and show them at the June meeting. 

Happy Birthday to all of our June guys and gals.


By  Sue Rentz & Karen Edmondson

Monica Flinchum and Ronna Bruce were guests at the May meeting.  New members joining in May were Monica Flinchum, Cindy Parker, and Evelyn Cheek.

 The following door prizes were awarded using the “Wheel of Fortune”:

  •          Quilt Country gift card – Lut DeMuelder
  •          Urban Spools gift card - Nancy Worst
  •          Sew Let’s Quilt It gift card – Patricia Becerra
  •          Not Your Mama’s gift card – Pam Wingate
  •          Stitched with Love gift card – Monica Flinchum
  •          Best Little Retreat Center in Texas (one-day retreat for two) – Terry Reisinger

June Birthdays

  • Diane Poor -- 6/2
  • Ida Sue Rostosky -- 6/8
  • Jenny Hilton -- 6/8
  • Marvel Reese -- 6/9
  • Page Samuel -- 6/10
  • Carolyn Cosgriff -- 6/12
  • Sarah Krauss -- 6/12
  • Janet Lindsey -- 6/13
  • Jeana Kubik -- 6/14
  • Lynnette Maytubby -- 6/14
  • Adrienne Poppe -- 6/18
  • Dolores Williams -- 6/19
  • Wendy Kent -- 6/20
  • Donna Strongin -- 6/21
  • Ernestine Chipman -- 6/21
  • Kathy Czekaj -- 6/21
  • Marie Flanders -- 6/22
  • Robin Clayborn -- 6/22
  • Lynn Wagner -- 6/23
  • Barbara Ilaoa -- 6/26
  • Pat Young -- 6/26
  • Chanda Smith -- 6/27
  • Maria Eakin -- 6/27
  • Terry Cardona -- 6/29

Stockings and Pet Beds

By  Martha O'Grady

As I have said and written many times, I feel truly blessed to be able to do stocking kits for y’all.  Thanks to your generosity, the only thing that I need right now is 3/8” red ribbon.

As most of you know, a stocking needs about a fat quarter, and only uses half that material. Therefore, I generate a lot of scraps. So, one thing that I did was I made 130 coasters. It was fun, but it did not use much fabric. I also made a couple dozen cuddlies.  I have been cutting “tumblers” and finally assembled them into a bed-sized quilt top.

As I have said before, if you need fabric for any project, let me know. I probably have some of exactly what you want! I have given garbage bags full of nice big fabric pieces to several ladies who make quilts and other items for various charities, or for their own projects.

I was talking to someone, and complaining about what a dusty mess my house is because of the all fabric that I handle. She said, “Well, that’s happy dust from your hobby.” I had not thought about it that way.

I have discovered a new technique that I am very excited about!  As you know, we have always been taught that when making an “envelope hem” instead of a binding, you sew all the way around the edge of the quilt (or coaster) wrong sides together, leaving a small opening to pull the unit through. This seals the quilted edges, and the next step is to finagle the corners and try to get them square. By accident, I did it differently. I only sewed two parallel sides, and left the other two parallel sides open. Then I was able to open the corner as if I were pinning a rolled hem, pin this in place, then fold the corner back again to sew. Perfection every time! WOW! Much much easier.

I am nearly finished working on a crazy quilt from stocking scraps. I am using a technique similar to string quilting, and I want to do some embellishing. I have 60-20”x5” units done. I plan to bind each edge seam for a quilt as you go. I think this will add an interesting element to the total design, but I need to decide what color. I may even have it done in time for the quilt show in October! We shall see.

I made 6 large pet beds this month. I must confess that I have not worked as hard on this as I have in the past. I made a huge stack of bags to stuff, and they sit under my sewing machine side desk.

I have decided that instead of bagging up all tiny pieces of fabric, I am going to cut some of them into confetti. I am bagging them into sandwich bags according to color. Then when I have a nice color pallet, I want to start making collages. This is a project on my Bucket List, although I have never done any before. I’m excited about starting a new batch of projects.

Yay, yet another started project. Yuh know, because I have so few UFO’s. LOL.


Month Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos in our Gallery.



General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

April 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our April Meeting will be held via Zoom due to COVID-19.  Details will be emailed later.

Stay Safe, Happy, and Healthy and Quilt On!

Letter from the President

By Linda Neal

After a very long and hard winter, spring is finally here.  I thought Spring would never arrive. But, the signs of spring are everywhere.  Tulips and daffodils have broken through the frozen soil from our recent warm and sunny days.  Trees that appeared dead, are starting to show a few budding leaves.  Quilters are coming out hibernation in search of retreats, fabric, and friends.  What a sigh of relief--finally!!

After a year of being away from friends and family finishing our UFO’s, we can finally starting resuming our "normal” lives.  It feels so weird.  Even though we are still wearing masks, we are hard at work making plans for the rest of the year.  Shop hops, retreats, and even our 2021 quilt show in October!  

The guild has many, many opportunities for you to get involved as you start to venture out into the world.  We have  positions on the nominating committee,  QGP executive board, Quilt Plano 2021 committee, as well as volunteering to help with our show.  It’s time to come out and get involved.   Show committee meetings, board meetings, and guild meetings will continue to be on Zoom.  But as time continues and COVID-19 numbers decrease, we will transition into in person meeting.  I anticipate for most meetings we will do dual meeting: in person and Zoom at the same time.  In other words--if you hate Zoom, you can attend in person.  If you love Zoom, you can continue on Zoom.  The bottom line is we need people to get involved in QGP and to keep our guild going strong.  If you are ready to get involved--please send an email to anyone on the QGP executive board or Donna Petrick, head of the 2021 Show Committee.  We would love to have you join us!


All good things must come to an end.  We have an an awesome board the last 2 years, but it is time for some officers to rotate off according to our bylaws.  Due to COVID-19 and shutdowns last year I asked every board member to continue in their position another year.  It has really helped our guild run smoothly--especially when you look around at other guilds that have been dormant or disbanded.  But, it’s time to get back to normal and rotate committee members off the board and new members continue forward.  We need members to step up and be on the nominating committee.  Our bylaws make it very clear what is expected of the nominating committee: 

  1. Consists of five members and two alternates selected no later than the May regular meeting. Alternates attend the committee meetings. 
  2. A member of the Nominating Committee may be nominated as a candidate and must resign from the Nominating Committee if the nomination is accepted. The resigning member is replaced by an alternate.
  3. The Committee should consider for the office of President someone who has had previous Board of Directors experience.
  4. The committee prepares and presents a slate of officers consisting of one or more candidates for each elected office in the July edition of the newsletter.
  5. The Committee provides a list of chairpersons for the standing committees to be approved by the incoming Board.
  6. Serves as the election tellers at the annual elections of officers. 
  7. Submits a written report to the President

I am starting the nominating committee a bit early to try to reach out to members who don’t Zoom and members who Zoom.  To be on the committee all you need to do is be a member of the QGP and have a desire to keep this guild running!  That’s it.  If that sounds like you--please email Linda Neal.



By Jeanne Smith

***New Date for Zoom Workshop:  Saturday, April 24, 2021***

Due to complications from the winter storm in February 

If you haven’t already registered for this class now is your chance!

Michael Davison: Reverse Focus Quilts – Large Scale Prints and Negative Space

FEE: $35. Register online at 


In this Zoom workshop, you will construct a 40” x 40” wall hanging/small lap quilt. You will choose one of several patterns to piece your quilt top. These patterns use very large pieces to show off your large scale print(s) and will sew together quickly. Once your quilt top is pieced, you will create your quilting design. We will walk through steps of how to plan for quilting that draws the eye in and how to effectively divide and conquer large negative space to create interest.

Because we are creating our own plan for quilting, this class will involve some drawing and drafting. Don’t be scared – It’ll be fun! Your quilting designs can be completely free form and loose, or they can be detail drafted and precise. The goal is to come up with a design that creates focus, but also complements the printed fabric that is taking the back seat on this one. We will talk about threads and textures that beckon the viewer’s eye to take a closer look.

The actual quilting process will be on your own, but if you are a speedy one, you may end up preparing your quilt sandwich and start quilting before we are done. This entire workshop will be conducted on ZOOM.


Fabric kits will be available on my website for purchase. You may choose the kit you like or ask me to curate a custom fabric kit for you. My website will have kit order cut-off date so that you will be sure to receive your kit prior to the workshop. Michael at

J. Michelle Watts

Guild Meeting - Thursday, April 8, 2021 with J. Michelle Watts

J. Michelle Watts is a quilt artist who creates quilts and wearable art inspired by the beauty of the southwest. She has been designing quilt patterns for over 36 years. "While the biggest part of my pattern designs are still inspired by the beauty of the Southwest and my surroundings, some of most recent designs are a series of easy to piece, jelly roll friendly and scrap reduction quilts. Each of these quilts were designed with simple messages of faith, hope, love and peace.” Her website is

Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, May 13, 2021
Timna Tarr: Flying Colors Trunk Show

Timna is known for making fun, colorful, award-winning quilts. Join her for a trunk show of her quilting journey. She talks about her design and color choices, as well as the personal stories behind the quilts.

Timma Tarr

Quilt Plano  --  October 8 & 9, 2021

By Donna Petrick

I’ve started this articles a couple of times and yet am at the last moment getting it done.  Things keep changing.  We are working on ideas and times and activities.  It’s fun and terrifying at the same time.  Those who comment are anxious to get back together and are looking forward to the quilt show.  And yet, I’m worried that people will come and make this one the success we need.  I need life to be normal again.  I’m sure you feel the same way.

We have decided not to have the children’s area this one year.  I just can’t feel safe yet  about a room full of children and ladies of our ages being so close together.  So instead of the room of activities we have decided to make up a booklet for the kids coming into the show.  It will have a quilt search section, word search, block shapes to color and whatever else we can find for them.  Sara Lindsey has agreed to head this up for us.  Thank you Sara.

Several guilds have decided to start meeting in person.  Sherry Worley is in charge of getting the raffle quilt out to any events and is working on getting us booked with them to sell tickets. Tickets are in the process of being printed so that we can follow up.  If you are available to help out or know of any guild meeting please notify Sherry.

Sponsors and vendors are signing up.  Quilt entries are coming in.  We are rolling.  Hope you are working on your entry and getting excited about being back together.  I’ve checked with the Plano Event Center and they are now open 100% in accordance with Governor Abbott.  However, they will set up for whatever guidelines the organizations require.  We will follow the appropriate protocol when the time comes.

Hope to see you all soon.

Community Service

By Dolores Williams and Valerie Salter

Next pick up/ drop off day will be April 13, 2021.  We will be at Plano Sewing Center, 2070 W. Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, TX, from 10:00 am to 11:30 pm.

As always, if you cannot come in at that time, shoot us an email at  We will arrange a time and place to get your items.

We will have a lot of pillowcase kits, quilts that need quilting and Christmas Stocking kits to give out.

We are not yet starting our Community Service sew days.  We want to make sure things are safe before we do the sewing.  This means we are not getting quilt tops in and are getting most of them quilted and out the door.  So, if you have some tops that you don’t want to quilt bring them to us at the turn in day.  We will appreciate them.

News from the Zoom Bees

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

Dust off your Singer Featherweight and join us while we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) 

Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel 

We are Zooming on the 3rd Wednesday from 1-3pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the year fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.

Join us to organize your mess and give tips and sometimes offer  trade of  our stuff! for an invitation

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meeting is April 5th.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement and lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal (

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the 4th Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  April 20th is our next meeting.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal (

Guild Activities

By Leigh Knox and Michael Davison

Hello April and Happy Birthday to all our April members.

April activity -- create a wall hanging that features your initial.  It can be first name, last name or the initial from your nickname - whichever is your preference.  I found several websites where you can print out templates of the alphabet in different styles.  If you need one, just let me know.  Be creative and let the wall hanging tell us a little about you.Since we will have a speaker in April, please submit photos to preferably by April 8th in order for us to put together a nice show & tell.

Enjoy your April sewing.


By  Sue Rentz & Karen Edmondson

The guild welcomes our newest members, Sheila Connolly and Renu Ghapure, who both joined in late February, as well as Michelle Cotton, who joined in January.  Monica Flinchum was a guest at the March meeting.

The door prizes were awarded using the “Wheel of Fortune” to Beth Swiatek, Christina Cisnero, Azenath Wright, Patricia Becarra, and Michael Davison, thanks to the generous donations from Stitch House, Quilt Country, Not Your Mama’s Quilt Shop, Urban Spools, and Stitched with Love.

April Birthdays

  • Donna Petrick -- 4/2
  • Connie Ryan -- 4/4
  • Jaynee Eshbaugh -- 4/4
  • Mychael Colyar-Long -- 4/4
  • Terri Mendelow -- 4/6
  • Julie Brooks -- 4/7
  • Glenna Brabant -- 4/8
  • Sara Lindsay -- 4/8
  • Tina Connolly -- 4/9
  • Mary Heflin -- 4/15
  • Beverly Geise -- 4/17
  • Rose-Clair Fletcher -- 4/18
  • Anne Leather -- 4/27
  • Mary Alice Caffarel -- 4/27
  • Deborah Skorepa -- 4/29
  • Pat Fowler -- 4/29

Stockings and Pet Beds

By  Martha O'Grady

I handed out 100 stocking kits and received 50 finished stockings at the last guild pick up drop off event in February, and February 23, and gave 200 kits to a small group that meets at Plano Sewing Center.  Our year begins!

Last year at this time everyone was scrambling because of the sudden shut down. Everyone except for this project!  We had already gathered more than our 1000 goal. A few trickled in over the rest of the year as ladies drove all the way out to Murphy to drop them off on my porch or to pick up kits. I even received them in the mail!  A “few” -- well actually we gathered another 1500! Y’all are so wonderful.

I have decided that in order to encourage folks to return unused kits, I am going to sweeten the incentive a little. I am going to offer a fat quarter bundle to the first 5 who bring back at least one unfinished kit. If you are like me, you love fabric a little bit too much. So, this is about me gifting my friends, my absolute favorite thing to do.


As many of you know, I have been clearing out stuff that people have given me since I started helping with SPB. I took 30 pet beds to Murphy animal shelter. They were glad to get them, and assured me that any they could not use would go to other shelters.

I then tried to take some to Wylie, but there was a sign on the door stating that they are open by appointment only. I should have taken my own advice about calling ahead!

I also gave 2 trash bags full of usable scraps to someone who wants to do a postage stamp quilt. This is the best way to get lots of variety of fabrics. You can call me and ask for something specific, and I can cut stockings to leave your particular type.

Community Service Quilts Donated by Members

Month Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos in our Gallery.



General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

March 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our March Meeting will be held via Zoom due to COVID-19.  Details will be emailed later.

Stay Safe, Happy, and Healthy and Quilt On!

Letter from the President

By Linda Neal

March is finally here!  I am so glad to finally say goodbye to February, along with the snow, ice and record cold temperatures.  Who knew it could get so cold in Texas?  When the weatherman started predicting this winter storm, I did what every good Texan does--stock up on EVERYTHING.  My freezers and fridges were stocked with food and drink of every kind.  I had lots of dog food and dog treats too.  My studio was also well stocked with fabric, thread, needles, and my projects were stacked nicely and ready to go.  I was prepared to stay in my studio for at least 7 full days, and not come out until the winter storm had passed.  I was looking forward to my Zoom friends and finishing lots of quilt projects.

I was doing well on day number one of the storm.  I worked on applique all day.  Then after a scrumptious dinner, I sat down to a movie and binding.  I got 2 sides bound before bedtime.  Good progress for my first day. Snow/ice were starting to fall.  It made my backyard look beautiful.  Later that night, I woke up to the sound of alarms--the kind of alarm when the battery backup is in use.  But the electricity came back on, and I  fell  back asleep.  And then the electricity went off again.  This time, I ran upstairs to unplug my Gammill and my Bernina.  You can’t be too careful with expensive quilting machines.  

The next morning the electricity was off.  It was really off this time--with only an occasional “tease” every 16 hours when it came on for a few minutes.  Meanwhile the temperature inside the house continued to fall with each passing hour.  Forget quilting--I can’t use a machine without electricity and I can’t do handwork without an Ott light.  And the scrumptious food I planned to make isn’t happening either.  Lunch and dinner is soup heated up with a bunsen burner - the kind that keeps buffet food warm.  After dinner I looked outside at my neighborhood.  It's completely dark outside.  I don’t see any lights in any direction.  We crawled into bed with a stack of quilts on top of us.  Exhausted and cold we fall asleep quickly.

The next morning the house was even colder.  It was time to “abandon ship.”  My brother lives nearby and has electricity and an extra bed.  My mother has already taken shelter at my brother’s house- since her electricity was also off.  I packed 3 days worth of clothes and my quilt I had started to bind 2 days ago.  I got 1 more side of binding done before someone (my brother?) suggested we play Canasta--my mother and I against my brother and my husband.  I am happy to report that my mother and I were victorious. 

We stayed 2 nights at my brother’s house before we returned home to a warm house.  It’s been a week since all of this started and life is just now returning to normal.  I am one of the lucky ones--I have electricity, water, and no broken pipes. And I still have 1 side of binding to finish.

ZOOM Help!!!

Have you been missing out on our Zoom meetings and events due to the unknown nuances of Zoom?  Media is offering 1-on-1 Zoom Learning sessions by appointment!  The session will be up to one hour working with Diane Poor.  She will answer all your questions about Zoom and explain everything you need to know about navigating Zoom meetings on any electronic device.  To schedule a Zoom Learning session, please send an email to



By Jeanne Smith

Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, March 11, 2021
Suzanne DiCarlo – Lecture: Quilts of Valor

The Quilts of Valor® Foundation is a non-profit organization. The mission of Quilts of Valor® Foundation is to cover service members and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.  These quilts say “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.”

In this presentation, Suzanne will cover the history and the mission of the Foundation.She will talk about what “touched by war” means and  who gets served and why. After her talk and slide show, there will be Q & A.

If you have made a QOV quilt or quilt blocks to donate to the Foundation, please send a photo to

❄️❄️❄️  Please note  ❄️❄️❄️   Due to last week’s severe weather and complications, Michael Davison’s workshop, Reverse Focus Quilts, has been postponed. Future date is TBD.
Michael will be in touch with those taking his workshop.
Guild Meeting - Thursday, April 8, 2021 with J. Michelle Watts

J. Michelle Watts is a quilt artist who creates quilts and wearable art inspired by the beauty of the southwest. She has been designing quilt patterns for over 36 years. "While the biggest part of my pattern designs are still inspired by the beauty of the Southwest and my surroundings, some of most recent designs are a series of easy to piece, jelly roll friendly and scrap reduction quilts. Each of these quilts were designed with simple messages of faith, hope, love and peace.” Her website is

J. Michelle Watts

Quilt Plano

October 8 & 9, 2021

Quilt Plano 2021 News and Views

By Donna Petrick

What a February!!!  I hope you have all recovered from the cold and outages.  It wasn’t a fun time in Texas.  Thankfully, being quilters, we all had lots of quilts and could stay warm.

Due to the weather we could not hold our committee Zoom meeting in February.  But we are working in the background and should be up on the website soon.  Vendors are being contacted.  Forms are ready to go on the website for entering quilts.  The logo is designed.  The raffle quilt is photographed.  Special exhibits have been chosen.  Mini quilts are being turned in.  As soon as we can get the new show page designed, we will be ready to show the world what we have.  (Not an easy task when the internet was down so much.)

We have several open positions on the show committee.  Particularly, logistics and signs -- we need someone to head these positions.  If you have an interest in being on the committee and helping out, please contact me:

Linda Neal mentioned at the last meeting that we are looking at alternatives to a raffle quilt for 2022 quilt show.  One idea was to make a matching bag set for someone that includes lots of quilt related bags.  A number of us are “into” bag making and could make this happen.  If you have other ideas for a raffle item for the next show, please let us know.  This doesn’t seem to be a good time to ask people to be together to plan and sew the next quilt.  However, it isn’t too early to start thinking about a quilt for 2023.  Just saying.

Lots of us are getting our Covid vaccines and hopefully we are all staying safe.  Hope that means you are working on a show quilt and will have it ready for this year.  Keep sewing and think about the fun we will have later this year with our quilt show.

Special Exhibits for Quilt Show 2021

By Donna Petrick and Jeanne Vogel

Special indeed as we were sheltered in place and had the time to finish quilts that have long been unfinished. Show us your Quarantine Quilts—quilts completed during the pandemic while staying home in 2020-2021. These are not judged, just enjoyed with a story about the making of the quilt. Depending on the number and sizes we can accept two entries per person, with the understanding that we may only choose one for display. To allow for the most to be on exhibit, please limit the size to no larger than 60" X 72”.  See the special entry form for Quarantine Quilts.

Special Exhibits will showcase completed workshop class quilts from 2019 for display. Looking for examples from our teachers: MJ Kinman, Pam Holland, Bethanne Nemesh, Melinda Bula, Edyta Sitar, Annette Plog and Paula Nadelstern.  These are not judged, just enjoyed. There is a separate Special Exhibit form to be completed with a photo to be turned in by August 12th, 2021.  One form per entry. The entry form will be on the website.

Projects are delivered and picked up the same day and time as other Quilt Show entries, but at a separate table. Complete the projects, add a sleeve and a label and you will be ready to turn in your entry!


Community Service

By Dolores Williams and Valerie Salter

Community Service held our Take-in / Pick-up day on Tuesday, Feb 9.  Due to the pandemic we decided to have the collections at Valerie Salter’s house rather than our usual collection at Plano Sewing Center.  Weather also plagued us but we still collected:

       21 Tops, 34 Pillowcases, 14 Finished Quilts.

If you have items you want to turn in and can’t make a Take-in / Pick-up date, email Community Service at and we will make arrangements to pick-up or have you drop off your items.

Community Service has been talking about our backlog of quilt tops – we started the pandemic with about 300 quilt tops.  We have been going through our inventory and now only have 2 crates full of tops, probably less than 50.  We are so happy to have the backlog going out.  Our goal is to have all quilt tops turned in go out in the same month.

The best part is as fast as I can make backs for the tops, they go out for quilting.  Many thanks to the guild for helping us help the charities we support.

Don’t forget, we also need birthday quilts.  It doesn’t have to be your birthday month, but it must be a completed quilt.  We have a drawing in December for some great prizes.  So, when you turn in the quilt, have a note on it saying it is a birthday quilt.  We need your name on it so we can put you on the list for the drawing.

If you forgot to tell us it was a birthday quilt with a note, send us a text or email. 

Stay safe and happy quilting.

News from the Zoom Bees

By Donna Petrick

Hoop It Up - Donna Petrick

Due to the weather, only a few people had internet and could join for the February meeting of Hoop It Up.  So we will try again next month.  Monica Hendewerk has a demo to show and Donna Petrick was planning to show designs she had inked after doing the machine embroidery.  If you are interested in joining in with the group to learn more about machine embroidery or to share your ideas, please email me at so I can send you the Zoom link.  Meetings held on third Thursday at 10:00 am each month.

Worker Bees - Emily Hall

For those of you yearning to meet with your quilty friends in the evenings, whether that be because you work during the weekdays or because you just love to sew at any hour of the day, please join us for our new evening group. We would love for you to join us! We are meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Our next meeting is March 16th. Unfortunately, our last meeting was cancelled due to power and internet outages, and so our bee buddies could focus on necessities during the unprecedented winter storm in February. For this group, please have your favorite quilting activity, current work-in-progress, block-of-the-month, etc. ready to work on during our meetings. Any quilting or sewing activity is welcomed! We are “sew” excited to make new friends and keep our “sew-jo” thriving.  Contact Emily at or (214) 533-2489 for the Zoom link.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

Dust off your Singer Featherweight and join us while we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday! We started out with just a few but had 10 and 11 at each of the groups in January & February so we got to see and share with other chicks!

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) 

Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting

Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel 

We are Zooming on the 3rd Wednesday from 1-3pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the year fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.  Join us to organize your mess. for an invitation.

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We have decided to move our monthly Zoom meeting to the first Monday of each month at 10:00.  All of the dates through June are listed on the guild website calendar. We made the change so it would not conflict with the Community Service drop off days.  If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal (

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the 4th Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  The dates are listed on the guild website calendar.   If you are interested in joining our group, please email Linda Neal (

Guild Activities

By Leigh Knox and Michael Davison

Happy Birthday wishes to all the March birthdays.  

If you have made a QOV quilt, or maybe you just have the top made, or even just the block for their block drive,  please send a photo to if at all possible by March 6 in order for us to put together a nice show & tell.

Now looking towards April activity - create a wall hanging that features your initial.  It can be first name, last name or the initial from your nickname - whichever is your preference.  I found several websites where you can print out templates of the alphabet in different styles should you need one.  Be creative and let the wall hanging tell us a little about you.Since we will have a speaker in April, please submit photos to preferably by April 8th in order for us to put together a nice show & tell.


By  Sue Rentz & Karen Edmondson

At our February meeting we had two visitors—Renu Gharpure and Sherrie Tootle.  Since the February meeting two new members have joined the guild--Renu Gharpure and Sheila Connolly.  Our door prizes were given by Quilt Country, Box Car Quilts, Stitch House, and So Let's Quilt It.  The winners, selected using the spinning wheel of names present, were Pat Wiant, Jeanne Smith, Dena Smith, and Christina Cisnero.

If you are a visitor to our website and wish to join our guild, you can do so by choosing Membership on the menu, selecting Membership Information, and then clicking on Membership Form in the first paragraph.  Fill out that form, and mail it with your check to the address given on the form.

March Birthdays

  • Jeanne Vogel -- 3/2
  • Janelle Garrett -- 3/4
  • Sheryl Vaughan -- 3/4
  • Catherine Daigle -- 3/5
  • Martha A. Jones -- 3/6
  • Barbara Collins -- 3/8
  • Carolyn Kohut -- 3/11
  • Patti Griffith -- 3/11
  • Nancy LaVerdure -- 3/13
  • Shirley St. Clair -- 3/13
  • Denise Green -- 3/15
  • Karen Freeman -- 3/17
  • Karen Woodard -- 3/18
  • Alice Payn -- 3/19
  • Linda Chappell -- 3/19
  • Pam Walsh -- 3/19
  • Erika Inglhofer -- 3/22
  • Fran Casey -- 3/22
  • Denny Lay -- 3/23
  • Marty Crouch -- 3/23
  • Sharon McGinnis -- 3/25
  • Margaret Harkins -- 3/26
  • Ashley Stovall -- 3/27

Stockings and Pet Beds

By  Martha O'Grady

We are starting our new year with our stockings.  We finished last year with 2500 stockings.  If I allow myself to think about the millions of active service and veterans, it would be easy to be discouraged.  But we need to think in the way that Don said, “no, you’re not giving to every single one of them, but you are making a big difference in the lives of the ones whom you do reach.”  True, it’s easy to get discouraged, but don’t.  Our contribution along with the efforts of many others helps make a difference.

I will have kits available for anyone who wants them.  Call, text or email and we can set up a time and place to meet contact free.


At this time, pet shelters vary on whether or not they can take our pet beds.  Due to this temporary situation at the shelters and sewing room and fabric re-organization efforts at my house, I have been making quilt-as-you-go crazy quilt and crumb quilt cuddles to use various size scraps of fabric and batting.  You may want to consider some projects like these to use your scraps.

Community Service Quilts

Donated by Members



Month Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes.


Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.