December 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our December Meeting will be held live and via ZOOM on Thursday, December 9, 2021. 

Details will be emailed later.

Letter from the President

By Donna Petrick

Wow—this was a fast month.  I just turned around from the quilt show and it’s time for Thanksgiving.  I hope all of you are enjoying the season and getting ready for all the holidays.

Board members had a good time meeting some of our new members from the past two years at our new member sew day at the retreat center.  I’m looking forward to the next one to meet some of the new members who joined at the quilt show.  Welcome to all of you.  Since we will start meeting in person again in December, we will get a chance to meet all of you and put names and faces together.

Speaking of that, please go into your profile on the website and update all your information and post a new picture.  We have a membership of over 260 right now, but until you complete your profile and click on the share button, we won’t see you.

I know that December is usually a month without high attendance.  I’m hoping that you will be excited enough to come back to guild that you will attend.  It’s a chance to see everyone again and to find out more about the fun panel challenge that Linda and Michael are planning.  I have several panels at home that I’ve been planning to work on so I’m going to work on them along with this challenge.

We are also testing the ability to do both live meeting and Zoom.  We have a number of members who won’t drive at night any longer and members who don’t live in the area.  If we can manage to still Zoom with them, they can stay connected to the guild.

Unfortunately, this year we will not do refreshments at the December meeting as we have in the past.  Covid has changed our lives.  Perhaps next year, we can figure out what to do and how to do it safely.

Happy Thanksgiving.  Until we meet again, stay safe and enjoy the holidays with those near and dear to you.

Soldiers Christmas Stocking Project

We are looking for someone to take over the stocking project.  Martha needs to step down and would love for someone to take over the management.  If you are interested please contact Linda Neal, VP of Community Service or Donna Petrick, President.  All of the materials are now located in the guild storage unit and are available for you to take over.



By Tisha Harms


Guild Meeting - Thursday, December 9, 2021 

Our speaker will be presenting via Zoom, but we will meet in person at the church as well as providing access to the meeting via Zoom.  Details regarding the Zoom set-up will be emailed later.

Join Jenni Smith via Zoom from the United Kingdom for a presentation about the making of her book Quilting with Liberty Fabrics.

Jenni is the first person to have produced a quilting book in collaboration with Liberty London – the iconic British Brand renowned for their beautiful fabrics including Tana Lawn.

She is offering your Guild the unique experience of a lecture about the making of this book – which is newly released in 2021 and now selling worldwide.  It comes with a cloth bound spine and beautiful slipcase and is a little bit special –- here is why…

Liberty as a company is 145 years old and Jenni is an Art Historian by trade so each quilt in the book represents a decade in the history of one of the world’s most famous fabric manufacturers.

The lecture is a visual feast from Victorian England to the current day, celebrating art and craftsmanship via Arthur Liberty, William Morris and pioneering members of the Liberty Design Studio.

Jenni Smith is a UK-based pattern designer and author of the book Quilting with Liberty Fabrics.  Her online video tutorials are loved by makers worldwide.  She is very passionate about getting people started on their dressmaking and quilting journeys with her fun, energetic and down-to-earth approach to teaching.


Quilt Show

By Donna Petrick

It seems like the Show was just weeks ago.  It was, and it’s time to start again!  It is going to be a short year as we return to August 12-13, 2022.  We’ll start in full force in January.  Committee work is already started;  the artwork, judging, and raffle are all in progress.   

We are thrilled with the number and experience of those serving on the Show Committee this year.  There are a couple of “Entry Level” positions available, perfect if you’ve never worked the Show before.  It’s a great way to meet new friends. 

Minis (no side measures more than 24”) are already being collected.  The Auction is a fundraiser that helps fund our guild activities--creativity and attention to detail will increase the desirability of your work.


Community Service

By Linda Neal

Pick a Panel Challenge 

The December in person guild meeting will be the kick off for the “Pick a Panel” challenge.  This is a joint challenge with Michael Davison, VP of Guild Activities.  I know the thought of starting anything around the holidays is challenging, but this is the best time since we will be meeting in person. Community Service has a tub full of wonderful panels.  The challenge is to pick a  panel and to make a top for community service by adding other blocks/strips of fabric to make it a “usable size.”  I will be bringing pre-cut fabrics along with the panels or you can use your own scraps.  You may also use a panel of your own for the challenge and then donate the top to Community Service. Panel quilts are really popular and there are many patterns/samples showing quilt tops made with panels.

The challenge will end at the May guild meeting since that meeting will be in person.  (Quilt show roll out meeting.)  Entries can be turned in to Michael Davison, VP of  Guild activities, or Linda Neal, VP of Community Service, anytime before the May meeting.  Please use a safety pin with a piece of paper with your name and the size of the top.  If possible, include fabric for binding.  Each top completed will be entered into a drawing for a prize at the May meeting.  You do not have to quilt the tops, but it is fine if you do. You do not need to be present at the May meeting to win.   Each guild member may enter up to 2 times.  Please contact Linda Neal or Michael Davison if you have any questions.

Community Service

We had a great turn out at the November 9th Community Service sit/sew/drop-off day.  We had many completed quilts turned as well as stockings, tops, etc.  We will be having another Community Service sit/sew/drop-off day on December 14th from 10AM-2PM at the Plano Sewing Center.  We will have quilts that need binding and quilts for long armers to quilt ready to be given out.  I have been quilting as many as I can, but I could use some help!!!  As always we will be there to accept anything you need to turn in to Community Service.  Thank you to all of the members who have contributed their time to community service.

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

We are awarding 7 quilts to veterans at the December 12 meeting of the VFW, 1 pm in east Dallas.   Please contact me if you’d like to attend--the gentlemen (which these are) always appreciate meeting “their” quilters.

Guild Activities

By Michael Davison

At our December guild meeting we will begin a Pick a Panel joint challenge between Guild Activities and Community Service.  Details are provided above under Community Service.  Hope you all will join in the fun.


By Cindy Skarin

What do you want to learn about?  Here’s your chance to learn more about a technique you have questions about.  Each month we hope to highlight a different skill, but I need to know what you want to see demonstrated.  Call me, email me, or talk to me at the next meeting!  Cindy Skarin, 515-971-8624,

News from the Bees -- Zoom and In-Person

Worker Bees - Sharon McGinnis

Join us on December 21 at 6:30 pm.  Come enjoy being with other quilters from the comfort of your home.  We will share tips and tricks, answer questions about your project, have show and tell, and encourage each other.   Contact Sharon McGinnis at for Zoom login information.

Sew Happy Quilt Group - Martha O'Grady

We meet at Sam Johnson Senior Center corner of 75 and 16th  first Thursdays 9:00 to 2:00. We are a sit-n-sew, so bring your favorite project and enjoy the fellowship!  Contact Martha O’Grady or Aurora Chancy

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

Singer Featherweight sewing machines  make happy owners as we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting.

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)
  • Fourth Friday Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) —NO Meetings in November and December!
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel   (Now we will meet twice a month!)

If you are feeling “abode overload," we will:  relieve clutter, stress, struggle and feelings of being overwhelmed.  We are Zooming on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday's from 1:30-3:30 pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.  Please contact for an invitation.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meetings are December 6th and January 3rd.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement with lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal ( for the link.  

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the third Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  December 21 and January 15th  are our next meetings.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal ( for the link.

Hoop It Up Bee Donna Petrick

The machine embroidery group meets the third Thursday each month on Zoom.  We talk about problems or successes we might have had in using our machines as well as having show and tell.  We are open to all levels of users.  If you have an interest in machine embroidery, please join us.  Email me so I can send you the Zoom invitation.


By Mary Alice Caffarel

Membership renewals continue to trickle in.  If you are still going to renew for 2021-2022, please get your information and dues turned in by Christmas, so I can complete end of year reports.

We had a wonderful New Member Retreat on November 6 at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas.  It was great to meet some of the new members and get to know a little about them.  I think everyone enjoyed the day.  Because we had 35 new members sign up during the show we will be hosting another New Member Retreat on April 23.  Mark it on your calendars! 

Lastly, we migrated to a new database during November.  We are working out a few minor glitches.  Those of you who renewed in November have not received your membership cards yet, but should get them in the next week or so.  For any who joined or renewed in October or earlier, you should have received your membership card via e-mail.  New members should have received a user name and temporary password for the secure portions of our website, including the Membership Director, in a separate e-mail.  (Check your junk folders if you don’t see it).


December Birthdays

  • 1 - Diane Morris
  •  5 - Mary Shannon
  •  7 - Jill Isakson
  •  7 - Mike Jones
  •  8 - Peggy Burrell
  •  8 - Fran O’Brien
  • 10 - Sherry Kelly
  • 11 - Emily Armstrong
  • 12 - Lonetta Ingram
  • 17 - Dana Braden
  • 17 - Marie Hurlbert
  • 19 - Judy Williamson
  • 20 - Frances Hafer
  • 20 - Margaret Konecny
  • 20 - Lori Simons-Robert
  • 22 - Aurora Chancy
  • 23 - Dianne Cronenberg
  • 23 - Sharon Schenke
  • 24 - Karen Edmondson
  • 24 - Donna Lobelson
  • 26 - Jodie Craig
  • 27 - Kaye Dunn

Stockings and Pet Beds

By Martha O'Grady

It is with a sad heart that after four years, I must step down as stocking lady.  The same is true of helping with shelter pet beds.  I have too much on my plate right now with my family.

Some of you already know that my mother has been bouncing from one hospital to another with a list of serious health issues.  She is now in assisted living in Denison.  After a scary emergency room visit, we have moved my mother-in-law in with us.  She has Alzheimer’s and needs to be watched carefully.  And my brother’s suicide is an incredible shock.  My family is working through the grief process.

Finally, on a happier note, I am now a grandmother. I wish this part of my life could be MORE time consuming!

But Y’all have truly filled my void this last year. I am getting ready to take over 1000 stockings to be mailed to Soldiers’ Angels.

As of this writing, I am not aware of anyone taking over this post. I would encourage you to do so. This is the most fun. Who doesn’t like playing with free fabric?


Monthly Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos and photos from the quilt show in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes



Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.