July 2020 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our July Meeting has been cancelled due to COVID-19.  Stay home and Quilt On.



Self-Isolation Exclusive!

In this edition, we included pictures of what some of our members are working on or completed while staying at home!

Letter from the President

By Linda Neal

COVID-19 cases in Texas are zooming... And so it is time for the guild to Zoom too! THE QGP board had already canceled meetings and our quilt show, but with the number of COVID cases increasing the board needed to make some tough decisions to keep the guild going. The QGP board had already been meeting by Zoom for the past 3 months. It has been going very well. Most of us were new to Zoom but found it very easy to use. My personal small group has been having weekly meetings on Zoom too.  It has been great to keep up with friends and see what projects everyone has been working on.

We realize that Zoom will be new for many people. So we are going to ease into it. First, you will need to go to the Zoom website and create an account. It doesn't cost anything to create an account. When we are going to have a meeting, an email with a link will be sent to you the day before. The email and the link will tell you the date and time of the meeting. You will just need to click on the link when the meeting is ready to start. If you are on a desktop computer you will need a microphone and a camera if you want the other members of the guild to hear and see you (but YOU will be able to hear and see us without it). The other option is an iPad or iPhone (or similar device). They already have a built-in microphone and camera. You will be able to see and hear the other members of the group.

Our plan is to have a practice time so everyone can get used to getting onto a Zoom meeting before the next real guild meeting on July 9th. Our first guild meeting is going to be very simple. VPs will give their reports followed by a show and tell. We are hoping members will send in pictures of the projects (email photo’s to googlemanager@qgplano.org) they have been working on at home during the pandemic. Diane Poor will be our moderator and mute members at times so only one person can tell about their project.  Pictures will need to be sent in ahead of time to give Diane Poor time to put together a slideshow presentation.  

Changing the meetings to Zoom is a big change for all of us. But, it allows us to keep meeting as a guild. It has a lot of possibilities too.  We will be adding speakers to our Zoom meetings who can lecture and do demonstrations from their homes.  We can also look at adding other sewing bees or small groups that want to work on a project together. The possibilities are endless. In the upcoming weeks, we will be having information on our guild web page.  So, please check back often. I miss seeing all of you--but until our guild meeting--Stay well and keep on stitching!  

******    SPECIAL NOTICE   ******

By Linda Neal

Changes to Standing Rules

QGP has by-Laws and Standing Rules that are in place to ­­­­“aid and assist board members the tasks required to successfully run the guild.” They can be found online under membership and guild documents. By-Laws are filed with the state and if amended, need to be refiled with the state.  Standing rules are rules that can be changed by membership vote. 

As the guild grows and changes, so must our governing rules. They are usually reviewed by the board and updated every few years. The previous QGP Boards could not foresee a global pandemic and the need for social distancing, causing the cancellation of all board and guild meetings. These are “Exceptional” times. We need to put in place some new standing rules that will allow the QGP board to continue and change to an online format until it is safe to return to regular meetings.   

The board is proposing to make the following changes to our Standing Rules.  Between the Purpose and the Standing Rules insert:

Exceptional Conditions:

1.1 During Federal, State or County emergencies, government guidelines will override our policy and procedures. 

  1. Online meetings can take the place of a general meeting.
  2. Guild office terms can be extended with a majority vote at an online or customary general meeting.

We will be having the July guild meeting online with Zoom. We will be discussing and voting on this Standing Rule change. 

******    SPECIAL NOTICE   ******

By Linda Neal

Proposed Slate of Officers for QGP 2020-2021

Proposed Slate of Officers for QGP 2020-2021

  • President: Linda Neal
  • VP of Community Service: Dolores Williams & Valerie Salter
  • VP of Guild Activities: Leigh Knox
  • VP of Finance: Chanda Smith
  • VP of Education: Joan Hammett
  • VP of Membership: Sue Rentz & Karen Edmonson
  • VP of Media: Diane Poor
  • VP of Programs: Jeanne Smith & Janet Carver
  • Secretary: Julie Schaefer
  • Quilt Show Chair: Donna Petrick

If you would like to serve on the board or assist with a board position, please let us know! Getting involved on the board is a great way to meet other quilters in the guild. Email Linda Neal at lindanealmck@hotmail.com if you are interested. We would love to have you join us!

Linda Neal's applique block

Linda Neal's applique block



By Jeanne Smith

I hope this finds you well and with some unfinished projects completed and new projects started.

Programs are taking a different turn in the near future. Beginning in September at our Zoom based guild meeting, we will be hosting a guest speaker. We are quite excited about this new format of bringing quilting talent to the guild. The speakers that are scheduled for September, October, and November may not be set up for Zoom teaching. In that case, we will reschedule them for the future when we can meet in person and schedule others. A list of speakers will be posted in the August newsletter. 

Our workshops through the end of this calendar year are canceled. Those of you signed up already will be issued a refund by August 1.

We are adapting in order to stay well and safe in this challenging time.

Keep sending in photos of your completed workshop projects!


Sharon Schenke's quilt from Paula Nadelstern's workshop - Sixty-Thirty: a Kaleidoscope

2020 Raffle Quilt

By Donna Petrick

Have you bought your raffle quilt tickets? Are you trying to sell tickets to family and friends? Your guild needs you now. This is the only chance we have of raising funds for the guild this year. We currently have collected just under $3000. Since we will not have a show, we will not have a chance to sell as many tickets as we normally do.  We really need to have everyone helping to raise money on the raffle quilts.

Think of how much you aren’t spending by not having a quilt show. Maybe some of that money can go toward raffle tickets. If you will send a check and address labels to me, I’ll fill them out for you. Joan Hammett and I both have tickets if you want to get some to sell.

The board is planning to offer guild meetings and activities to the membership in a different format due to the Covid-19 quarantine.  We will need money to pay any speakers who may be able to lecture and teach via Zoom.  Please stay engaged in the guild and participate in upcoming activities and buying raffle tickets.



Community Service

By Dolores Williams and Valerie Salter

We have heard from a lot of members that they have been working on Community Service quilts while staying at home. So, on June 9 we had a Drop-off, Pick-up day. It was very successful. We received 57 finished quilts, 79 pillowcases, 21 tops, 5 cuddles, 93 Christmas Stockings and I brought home 10 quilts that needed binding. That was quite a take.

We are so happy that you are thinking about helping people even though we are still staying isolated. We have learned that some, if not all of the organizations are now going to start accepting donations. Thanks to our generous guild members we will be able to send quilts to them.

I have mentioned over the last couple of months that the organization called One Thread, is making masks to donate. We have given them fabric on three occasions, with over 100 yards of fabric going to them. (They are a non-profit organization that teaches sewing and are now concentrating on masks.) They actually reached their goal of 1000 masks, but are going to continue making more. They have donated masks to organizations around Frisco, plus gave out masks at a local grocery store to anyone that wanted some. I am happy we have been able to help. 

We will be doing another drop-off/pick-up day in August. The guild will be drawing the winner of our Raffle Quilt on August 8. Since we need a lot of people at the drawing time, we will coordinate with the drawing and do another drop-off and pick-up then. More details will follow in the next newsletter, plus we will have emails go out.

 Keep quilting and safe.

Garden Treasure made by Donna Petrick

Patriotic Scrub Cap made by Linda Neal

Tula Pink Scrub Cap made by Linda Neal

Guild Activities

By Leigh Knox

Hi there all,

Looks like we are moving into the hot dog days of summer.  What better time to stay indoors and sew.

We will have an activity for August. I will have two patterns for a summertime table runner. You will have your pick - show off your applique skills or learn how to applique using this table runner or a table runner using a border print. Stay tuned for details.

It isn’t too late to send me pictures of your ‘quarantine’ quilts for a slideshow I’m in the process of creating. I know you guys got some UFOs done so send me those photos. If you have a story, include that with the photo(s).

Stay cool stay well.

Garden Treasure made by Donna Petrick

Ruler Bag made by Donna Petrick


By Sue Rentz and Connie Elliott

During the past month, two new members have joined the Quilters Guild of Plano—Connie Hansen and Virginia Hauer. Beginning with these two, anyone who joins now will be considered as members for the 2020-21 year. Membership renewals for next year are not due yet but will be accepted at any time.

July Birthdays

  • Valerie Murray -- 7/7
  • Cassie Conway -- 7/7
  • Nan Jordan -- 7/8
  • Carol Long -- 7/9
  • Sherry Worley -- 7/11
  • Sharon Wilhelm -- 7/13
  • Joan Nodwell -- 7/14
  • Gail Gable -- 7/15
  • Harriet Wetherell -- 7/15
  • Marilyn Dickson -- 7/15
  • Germaine Reconnu -- 7/18
  • Concetta Boscardin -- 7/20
  • Judy Kriehn -- 7/22
  • Leanne Wise -- 7/23
  • Mary Binder -- 7/23
  • Jael Castaneda -- 7/25
  • Marcia Lawson -- 7/25
  • Bri Loftis -- 7/26
  • Linda Overbeck -- 7/26
  • Martha Diehl -- 7/29
  • Debra Douglas -- 7/31

Stocking and Pet Beds Report

By Martha O'Grady


Pat Fowler donated two lawn and leaf bags full of Christmas fabric. All of it is neatly folded and looks great on the shelf. I can’t wait until next year to begin to enjoy making kits from this fabric.

Truthfully, I have not worked much on stockings, other than to try to make the formal dining room more useable and appealing. 

I have begun to inventory both stockings and goodies. More on that later. We always need homemade items such as coasters. Those are such a favorite with veterans and active service members.

Shelter Pet Beds

I still have not been able to do anything with the shelter pet beds you gave me the day before the lockdown, but keep up the good work. Did you notice that a Plano quilt group was on the news for making masks? Keep doing the textile stuff that blesses others. I say textile because we have branched out beyond just fabric to paper (coffee filters) and other materials. Exciting times!

Recently some of us quilters have been nominating each other for the 10-day quilt challenge. Post a quilt every day for 10 days and nominate another quilter. On Facebook, there are some masterfully done works of sheer genius, but not mine. At first, I did not think I would have 10 quilt photos to post, but I find that I do. None of mine will win best of show. Few have even been photographed! Nope, I make simple quilts as gifts intended for people to use and enjoy. Most of the quilts I have given to folks did not even get a photo! It did not occur to me to document my work until I joined a quilt guild.

So, one dear friend makes art quilts that look like photographs, another designs quilts and writes articles for magazines. And here I am with my 6-inch squares, photos include loved ones. But you know what the best part is? These incredibly gifted and talented artisans consider Me to be THEIR friend!

Month Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.