Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.
This month’s meeting will be held on Thursday, July 11, 2024. Social time starts at 6:15pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm. We will be meeting in person at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas, 7989 Belt Line Road, Suite #168, Dallas, TX and via Zoom.
If you prefer to attend via Zoom, log into your Quilters Guild of Plano account/Membership/Member Dashboard/Monthly Zoom Meetings–-click on the words: Monthly Zoom Meetings.

Letter from the President
By Jeanne Vogel
If you’re Happy and you know it–celebrate that the city of Plano was ranked 2nd happiest city of all the cities in the US!!
What a great time to be with the Quilters Guild of Plano. We love our members from Plano, surrounding cities, and even out of state. You all make our guild the one to join! We are having great speakers and will have a wonderful Quilt Show on August 9 & 10 this year. We have an all time high membership of over 325! Yes, we’re happy!
Check out the speakers for the calendar year 2025 – we’ve got some great programs scheduled.
We know we can see the inspiration of members’ works at the show, but in June we saw the inspiration quilts of the ‘60’s Challenge which were displayed and voted on. Now in July we will see the completed bags that were made at the workshops led by members Donna Petrick (with a broken arm, no less) and Dolores Williams. Thanks to both of them for sharing their talent for our members.
And remember this is your guild and there are great ways to get involved. The Bag Workshop came from a member’s idea and we just made it happen. If you have a question or a comment on what you would like to see, just send an email to president@qgplano.org and we’ll look into making it happen.
Hope everyone is getting their quilts bound, adding a sleeve and a label for their entries! It’s going to be a great show in less than 6 weeks!!
Remember–we are not meeting at Hunter’s Glen Baptist Church in July or August!
Dates to remember:
- July 9 — Community Sew at Plano Sewing Center 10-2
- July 11 — Guild meeting @ Best Little Retreat Center in Texas (might want to bring a folding chair)
- July 15 — Show meeting on Zoom
- July 18 — Deadline for Special Exhibits entry
- July 22 — Board meeting on Zoom
- July 29 — Show meeting on Zoom
- Aug 6 — Drop off quilts for the Quilt Show! 8am–1pm
- Aug 8 — Guild meeting & Preview night at Plano Event Center
- Aug 9 & 10 — Quilt Show 2024!!! 9:00-5:00 both days
Nominating Committee Report
By Sara Lindsay
This year’s nominating committee is composed of Sara Lindsay, Roxy Gross, Ann Lau, Jana McBroom, Sue Rostosky, Caryn Schniederjan, Sarah Krauss, and representing the board are Debbie Blair and Valerie Schlake. Six of the 2024-2025 positions will be filled with two members being Co-VP’s. The positions listed below will be announced at the July and August meetings. Voting will occur at the September meeting.
- President – Jeanne Vogel
- Co VP Membership – Ann Lau
- Co VP Membership – Christi Ables
- Co-VP Guild Activities – Chris Fredericks
- Co-VP Guild Activities – OPEN
- Co VP Community Service – Debbie Blair
- Co VP Community Service – Val Schlake
- Co VP Education – Lorrie Gray
- Co VP Education – Debbie Burns
- Co VP Finance – Donna Petrick
- Co VP Finance – Penny Reeves
- VP Media – Kris O’Connor
- Co VP Programs – Beth Swiatek
- Co VP Programs – Linda Sullivan
- Quilt Show Chair – Laurie Lumston
- Secretary – Ginny Cherry
We thank those members continuing leadership and those beginning leadership with the Guild Board. Roxy Gross will make the announcement at the July meeting.
By Raj Aggarwal and Barbara Goetz
The June meeting was a Zoom presentation by Robin Koehler. There were 85 members, 10 guests, and 31 members on Zoom to join in hearing about her interesting journey into quilting and designing. Attendees collected 9 Patch Block kits to take home, as well as some block of the month sets to complete and return. Thanks to donations, we have some incomplete BOMs that are enough to make small quilt tops for Community Service. We’ll be bringing a few to the next meeting as well if you’d like to contribute. If you took kits home, be sure to return finished blocks by the September meeting, and thanks!
Programs and Workshops
By Beth Swiatek and Linda Sullivan
HOW HARD CAN IT BE?!?! That was Robin Koehler’s inspirational mindset when starting and expanding her business; mostly because she plunged ahead and tried new things kind of willy-nilly! Pretty funny that it became our motto for the Bag Making Fun Sew Days that followed her lecture. Donna and Dolores led the charge and with lots of laughter, some experimentation, and loads of fun was had. Even with all the visiting to see other sewers’ creations, many bags were actually finished. Remember your completed bag would be a great addition to the Special Exhibits area of Quilt Plano 2024! Workshop items from the last two years can be entered for free until July 18. Look on the website for a specific Special Exhibit Show entry registration form.
Next up is our July 11th Program with Kerri Green. Meet up with the Guild at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas to hear how she creates quilts using her self-taught techniques from idea to completed quilt. Hope to see you there!
July Guild Meeting – Thursday, July 11, 2024
In person lecture at Best Little Retreat Center of Texas with Kerri Green – “From Sketch to Pattern to Contemporary Quilt”
August Guild Meeting – Thursday, August 8, 2024
Quilt Show Preview at Plano Event Center
Guild Activities
By Chris Fredericks
Oh! We had so much fun at the June meeting with our 60’s Challenge. Valerie Schlake, Carol Esch, Debbie Blair, Linda Newman and myself participated in the challenge and we brought the 60’s front and center at the meeting. Judging was done by all the members and the tallies came in close between all of us. With all the talent we displayed, I was humbled that my quilt came in first place. We had fun with a bit of 60’s music, a 60’s quiz and someone also displayed tremendous courage by dressing up as a 60’s hippie! Won’t mention any names! Thanks to everyone who participated. Please remember to register your 60’s quilt under Special Exhibits on the guilds website so they can all be displayed at the quilt show!
Riley Blake Challenge – remember to bring your quilts to the July meeting for Show and Tell. I can’t wait to see the amazing quilts we all created. And, we can also register them to be displayed at the Quilt Show as part of Special Exhibits.
Bag Making Class: Oh, I would take this class again and again! We had so much fun and many of us left with projects completed. Please bring your bags to the July meeting for Show and Tell. Again, let’s all register them to be on display at the Quilt Show as part of Special Exhibits. Thanks to Donna and Dolores for a phenomenal event!
On to the Fall and 2024 -2025 projects: Sign up will begin at the September meeting for a Winter Exchange, probably a Stained Glass Challenge, A Strippin’ Party (being tag-teamed with Community Service), a new Block of the Month Challenge, a Fat Quarter Lotto Exchange, and so much more.
This is my second year as VP of Guild Activities. Year one flew by so quickly and I’m hoping that everyone enjoyed all the activities. While heading into my second year, we’re also looking for someone willing to co-chair alongside me. Great time to have fun, learn what’s involved and be ready to take the lead in the fall of 2025. Reach out to Sara Lindsay as she is leading the charge on looking for a co-vp for Activities.
Community Service
By Debbie Blair and Val Schlake
Community Service continues to put smiles on faces! We delivered 24 quilts and pillowcases to Bella House for the first time this month. They were so thrilled to become part of our mission. We also delivered 35 quilts and 20 cuddles to Children’s Medical Hospital.
Many thanks to all for helping us make this happen month after month. We continue to make such a difference in our community and for those needing a little kindness.
Quilt Plano 2024
By Laurie Lumston
Calling all volunteers!! Please join us to be part of the volunteer squad at the Quilt Plano Show in August! We need as many volunteers as possible! There are opportunities for those who want to sit and those who want to wander starting on Tuesday morning and going through Saturday early evening. So find a spot to jump for a few hours! Visit the Volunteer page on our website.
Last Call for Volunteer Lunches!! If you are going to volunteer at the show on Friday or Saturday and you don’t want to stand in line at the concession stand, then sign up for a meal one or both days. The last time to pre-order lunch is at the July guild meeting. Some yummy items on the menu!
Calling all Special Exhibits!! If you’ve got something fun that you created at one of our Guild workshops or small groups, please enter it in the Special Exhibits area of the Show. It’s a great way to display the creative talents of our members! Special Exhibits close at midnight on Thursday, July 18. It’s the week after our guild meeting so you have a little extra time!
Calling all fun people who want to be part of the QP25 Show Committee!! Yep, we’re a group of fun people! Please reach out to me or Carol if you want to be part of the group that puts on the show! We will gladly plug you in where your passions are!
*** Intro to Judging Seminar on August 9-10, 2024 — Sold Out ***
Quilts of Valor
By Carolyn Cosgriff
Everyone who receives a text message with a photo of the person who selected the quilt they made gets warm fuzzy feelings. Why deny yourself that joy? Plus, the recipient always wants to know who made their quilt. Please write your name on a piece of paper and safety pin it to any and every quilt top you piece or quilt for Quilts of Valor. Who made this quilt top? Please reveal yourself in a text to 469-387-0033.
Our inventory is low–we’d love to have enough quilts to participate in the Plano Rotary Veterans Day celebration again this year. The basic size is 60” by 80”, plus or minus. More details at QOVF.org. Our Guild can provide batting, backing, and a volunteer long-armer.
If you have a Q of V for binding, please complete and bring to the July meeting or the show drop-off on Tuesday, August 6. We’ll hang the finished quilts in last minute openings—like when Best of Show gets pulled to the front. No sleeve required.
We are looking for another person to learn the QOV computer program. It’s not complicated. If you are interested, text 469-387-0033 for details.
By Liz Beaty and Lorrie Gray
In June, we showed a very simple way to create a quilt label for those that don’t already have a favorite method. A video can be found here: Simple Corner Quilt Label
Look for the Education table in July, when we’ll be demonstrating a great use for a black light during the piecing process. This is quick and simple and might just keep you from having to take out some stitches!
If you have a suggestion for a future demo or would like to volunteer to do a demo, please either talk to Liz or Lorrie at a guild meeting or fill out this simple Google form to give your ideas: Education Demo Ideas
Sunshine and Shadows
Donna Petrick fell and broke her right arm June 7, 2024.
Our sympathy to Bri Loftis whose mother passed away on June 14, 2024.
Record Your Volunteer Hours!
By Tisha Harms
We want to know what you are up to. Record your volunteer hours and receive a volunteer bar for 30 hours of service! For volunteering at Quilt Plano 2024, you will receive a charm for your bar!
To record your hours just email volunteer_hours@qgplano.org. If you do not have access to a computer, you can call Tisha Harms at 214.316.5066.
Record your hours at your convenience – daily, weekly, monthly or once a year noting the following categories: Community Service, Show, Education or Guild Work.
Send an email or make a call and we will keep track of your hours for you.
When you have reached 30 hours, we will notify you that your bar can be picked up at the next general meeting!
You can purchase a Vintage Sewing Machine pin for $5.00 at any guild meeting to hang you bar and charm on.For more information, contact Tisha Harms (214-316-5066 or volunteer_hours@qgplano.org).
Happy July Birthdays:
- 4 — Sandra Clark, Aggie Meszaros
- 5 — Joyce Jones
- 6 — Rosemary Aguilar, Diana Florence
- 8 — Laurie Lumston
- 9 — Marcia Yarnal
- 11– Sherry Worley
- 13 — Sharon Wilhelm
- 15 — Harriet Wetherell, Jill Gipson, LaNell Nelson
- 20 — Concetta Boscardin
- 22 — Judy Kriehn
- 23 — Mary Binder, Leanne Wise
- 26 — Linda Overbeck, Michelle Cotton, Rani Govender
- 27 — Marta Thompson
- 29 — Carol Gillespie, Bonnie Landon
- 31 — Debra Douglas
BeeKeeper Buzz:
Great news!! Bonnie Cook is interested in hosting an evening Small Group (Bee) for women who aren’t available during the day. Please email her at bcook111698@gmail.com
News from the Zoom Bees
Pieceful Organization – Sarah Krauss, Jeanne Vogel, Monica Hendewerk
Every Wednesday from 1:30-3:30 pm — Join us any week you can!
Need a friend to relieve clutter, stress, struggles and feelings of being overwhelmed? We are Zooming using the inspiration from a workshop we attended. Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized. Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making! Please contact mhendewerk@gmail.com for the zoom link.
Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk
Join in! It’s fun and productive. Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time! Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not. A number of us “doodle” on paper first, and then sew. Do the designs that we send or do your own thing. We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group. We share our samples, ask/answer questions, and chat. It’s a great way to make friends.
Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1:00 – 3:00 (or longer sometimes!). Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested. mhendewerk@gmail.com (713) 569-8798
Chicks with Feathers — 3rd Saturday from 1-3pm — Jeanne Vogel and Dana Braden
Sit & sew at home with your Singer Featherweight sewing machines. Tips, tricks and advice to make straight stitch sewing simple and precise. Those who have not previously notified me, please email at pickincotton26@verizon.net to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting.
Hoop It Up Bee – Donna Petrick
Hoop It Up! Come join us for a machine embroidery Zoom meeting. Contact Donna Petrick – donna.petrick16@gmail.com to get the link for the monthly meeting on the third Thursday each month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. We share ideas and hints as well as sew during the call. We are working on our challenge for the QP2024 show.
From the Bee Keeper — In Person Meetings
Fourth Friday Featherweight Friends– Jeanne Vogel: pickincotton26@verizon.net
- Meeting at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas from 9am-9pm.
- Singer Featherweight sewing machines where we share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems.
- Make your reservation by calling 469-708-2378 or email: info@blrcit.com
- Either bring your lunch or we’ll go out as a group to eat together.
Sew Happy Quilters – Aurora Chancy achancy@msn.com
- 1st and 3rd Thursday 9-4pm
- Sam Johnson Recreation Center @ 401 W 16th St. Plano, TX
- Bring your own project, sewing machine & supplies
- We have lunch together at the Gazebo Cafe for $5 or less.
Sit N Sew Community Service Day–Val Schlake & Debbie Blair–communityservice@qgplano.org
- 2nd Tuesday from 10-2 pm
- Plano Sewing Center, 2070 Spring Creek Pkwy # 326, Plano, TX
- Bring your sewing machine and sewing supplies.
Monthly Meeting Photos
Access our monthly meeting photos and photos from the quilt show in our Gallery.
General Meeting Minutes
To read the minutes, use this link: General Meeting Minutes
Then go to Guild Meeting Minutes and pick the last dated minutes.
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.