Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.
Our next meeting:
MJ Kinman – Diamond Divas & Drama Queens:
Colored Gemstones as Design Inspiration
Thursday, June 13th at 6:45
Hunters Glen Baptist Church
4001 Custer Road, Plano
South Side of Church
To bring to the June 13th Meeting
- For Membership: Name Badge
- For Community Service: Pillowcases, cuddles, quilts, tops.
- Lovepacs items.
- Quilt Plano Items: Quilt Entry Forms, Mini-Quilts, Special Exhibits Entry Forms, Deposits, and the Intent to Volunteer.
Remember: You can sign up now for any workshop scheduled this year at any time. Don’t wait, and maybe miss out.
By Jeanne Smith
Friday Workshop: June 14, 2019
Treasure Hunting:
Discovering Abstract Designs in Exquisite Gemstones
In this class, we will experiment with different techniques to find amazing abstract designs within images of gemstones. Then using freezer paper piecing techniques, we will cut the facets and piece together transforming those compositions into an 18” gemstone quilt square.
Saturday Workshop: June 15, 2019
Bite-Size Gem Quilts:
Creating a Small Faceted Quilt
Using the design and piecing techniques MJ relies on to create her diamond portraits, we will create our own beautiful work of faceted color.
Important Note: Please be aware that part of the Saturday Workshop is a duplicate of the second half of the Friday Workshop.
Guild Meeting: July 11, 2019
Pam Holland – Lecture only –
The Fabric of Life
Pam is an International quilt teacher. She travels from her home in South Australia, teaching art quilting 10 months a year. The inspirations from her travel and photography form the foundation of her quilts. Pam is the guest speaker for TAQG Rally Day 2019 and is presenting her lecture The Fabric of Life at our QGP July 11, 2019 Guild Meeting. Pam says, “We all work with textiles. But I wonder if you know just where they come from? How are they created, who makes them? So many of the fabrics we buy have been printed in countries so different to ours. The techniques are arduous and time consuming but utterly fascinating. I will share the art fabric creation in India and Guatemala.”
Community Service
By Linda Neal and Kaye Dunn
Have You Lost Something?
There was a large bundle of Cuddles turned in to Community Service in April and hidden in the folds was a stack of tree blocks and a stack of house blocks. If these are yours and you want them back please contact Dolores Williams at quiltingpony@hotmail.com. If these are not claimed by the next guild meeting they will be given to M.J. Fielek for her orphan block collection.
I hope you are able to attend the Quilting For Others day on June 11th. Our goal is to quilt at least 100 quilts. The next Sew Days are Saturday, June 15th at The Best Little Retreat Center in Texas and Tuesday, July 9th at Plano Sewing Center. See you soon and Happy Quilting.
Items Needed
- Vegetables – 15 oz cans
- Fruit – 15 oz cans
- Chunky Soup – 15 oz cans
- Chef Boyardee -15 oz cans
- Meat – (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages ) – 5 oz cans
- Peanut butter
- Grape jelly
Guild Activities
By Leanna Williams
Thank you to everyone who attended the May One Day Retreat! We had a lot of fun and got a little farther on many of our projects. Mark your calendars for our upcoming retreat days if you would like to join in on the fun!
- Saturday & Sunday, July 20th-21st – Two Day Retreat
- Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, September 5th thru the 7th – Three Day Retreat
Day Retreats are held at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas, located on the Northwest corner of Coit Rd and Belt Line. If you would like to sign up for the three-day retreat, please head over to the website and click on “Day Retreats” under the Activities tab, to find out more information and print out a Day Retreat Registration Form. I will also have signup sheets available with me at the next meeting if you would like to sign up with me. Retreats are a great place to meet other members and learn new techniques while having a blast!
Block of the Month quilt tops should be finished and paperwork should be turned in no later than the June meeting!! This is very important if you want to get your finished quilt into the special exhibit! I will have some extra “Special Exhibit Registration Forms” at the June meeting in case you are having difficulties printing at home, but please remember that you need to take a picture of your quilt top to turn in with your form. It does not have to be quilted or bound to be able to turn in this form. Once you turn in your paperwork, you have until the show to get it quilted, bound, attach a hanging sleeve, and a label. Please feel free to ask me any questions about the hanging sleeve, or how to turn in your quilt for the show.
Now, on to the fun stuff! So the last couple challenges that I put out were not so fun, right? Spring cleaning, finishing binding and labels, more cleaning…. I’m surprised as a group you haven’t started a mutiny and had me removed from my post! (Although I am very proud of you for all the hard work you did cleaning up). So at the June meeting, we are going to have a Fat Quarter Lotto! Bring a quilt shop quality fat quarter in either a solid, stripe, or polka dot, and enter to win the whole bunch! If you would like to enter more than once, feel free to bring more than one fat quarter and your name will be entered for each fat quarter you bring! I can’t wait to see what the winner will make out of this
By Carole Glover & Sue Rentz
May’s meeting was the rollout for our Quilt Show in August. As a supportive group, we asked each member to volunteer their time to support the show by helping in all areas.
We had 84 members present, 1 visitor, and 1 new member join, along with 1 member renewing their membership.
We would like to welcome our visitor, Ernestine Chipman. It was nice to meet her, and we invited her to come back to another meeting.
Please help welcome our new member, Sue Morris and renewing member Jean Johnson. Please look for them at our next meeting and show how the Guild welcomes them.
May Door Prizes were donated by Best of Bernina Plano, The Old Craft Store, Stitched with Love, Plano Quilt Guild, Fabric Fanatics, Best Little Retreat Center and several anonymous donors. The Guild appreciates all their donations. As you are shopping in their stores, please remember to thank them for their donations.
We are looking forward to the New Member’s Retreat on June 8th. This will be for all new members joined from September 2018 to date. It will be at the Best Little Retreat Center from 9am to 9pm. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so through The Best Little Retreat Center’s website.
Hope to see everyone at the June meeting.
June Birthdays
Diane Poor 6/2
Deanna Sanford 6/4
Chandra Rohr 6/10
Page Samuel 6/10
Carolyn Cosgriff 6/12
Sarah Krauss 6/12
Cyndi Dolan 6/14
Jean Johnson 6/14
Lynnette Maytubby 6/14
Adrienne Poppe 6/18
Dolores Williams 6/19
Heather Carlile 6/20
Kathy Czekaj 6/21
Donna Strongin 6/21
Marie Flanders 6/22
Katherine Barney 6/24
Debbie Jeffers 6/25
Pat Young 6/26
Chanda Smith 6/27
Sharon Zeiner 6/28
Terry Cardona 6/29
Quilt Plano 2019
By Julie Brooks
Quilt Plano 2019
The Quilt Show is just around the corner and now the Guild is asking for all Members to please step up and help the Guild to make this show a success. We know that everyone has different time restraints and different talents – the great thing about the show is that it takes everyone doing something. Here are the items that are needed for a successful show – please come prepared to sign up to volunteer, turn in your quilt show registration forms or turn in a mini quilt for auction.
- Volunteer for the show – each job is 2 hours long and there are so many things you can volunteer for – this is also a great way for your children to get their volunteer hours for school. If you are volunteering all day please make sure to order your lunch $13 for a Chicken Caesar Salad or a Turkey Sandwich – both with chips and a cookie. You also get a charm for your volunteer work if you work over 4 hours – each year is a unique charm that can only be gotten if you volunteer
- Mini Quilts – this accounts for 20% – 25% of our profits for the Guild – the Mini Quilt Committee still needs 40 mini quilts – please take the time to use your wonderful talents to help this important cause.
- Quilts for the show – Please make sure that all of your Show Entries are turned into Donna Petrick by the June meeting. The Guild is looking to have 300 quilts in the show and we would love to have yours be a part of this wonderful show.
- Special Exhibits – Jeanie Vogel is looking for any quilts that you have finished from any workshops this year or the guild challenges – this is a non-judged category and is a great way to promote our guild, your work and the wonderful workshops we offer.
- Sell Raffle Quilt Tickets – this accounts for 20% of our profits for the Guild. The Guild is asking that you make every effort to sell/buy $20 worth of tickets so that we can hit our goal of $5000 – please note to date the Raffle quilt still needs to generate $3000.
If you have any questions please call or email me directly: Julie Brooks icjules@yahoo.com or 972-978-8780
Quilt Show 2019 – Special Exhibits by Jeanne Vogel
Special Exhibits is a showcase to display completed projects from workshops taken in the past year. Looking for those projects from teachers: Rhonda Dort, Dani Ives, Ann Loveless, Martha Lindberg, Karen Combs and our own Guild Activities Quilt Block Challenge. These are not judged, just enjoyed. There is a separate Special Exhibits Entry Form 2019 to be completed with a photo to be turned in by the June 13th meeting or by mail. One form per person, not per entry. The entry form is on the website. Projects are delivered and picked up the same day and time as other Quilt Show entries, but at a separate table. Complete the projects, add a sleeve and a label and you will be ready to turn in your entry!
“M” is for…
Member – members of Plano Quilt Guild
Mercer – dealers in textiles
Muster – this is a call to gather our “troops”
Machine – we all have a few
Material – we all have a lot
Man-hours – measure, manipulate, miter, make much
Magnificent – results
Minis equal Money
Stocking and Pet Beds Report
By Martha O’Grady
We are almost to our goal of 1000 stockings by October. Y’all are all doing a wonderful ministry with this. Soldiers Angels sends stockings and gifts all over the world to active service, as well as to active and veterans here stateside.
As summer break begins we start to think of ways to keep kids busy doing something other than playing computer games or vegging in front of the TV. If anyone would like some kits for a special event, such as gathering the neighborhood kids to learn how to sew, you can contact me. I can make a custom batch of kits for you. If the timing works out to transfer them at a guild meeting, we can do that, or you can swing by my house.
As always, if you need scraps of a particular color, especially red, I can fix ya up.
An 11 year old neighbor came over and wanted to make some kits. As we were talking about quilting, I became aware that this child has sewn before! Sew, I now have a stocking buddy, and a sewing buddy. YAY!
We can also think of things to put into the stockings. We are not asked to do this, but if you would like to make some little personal items, such as Kleenex holders and so on, they have been very well received.
Shelter Pet Beds
I took 10 beds that were turned in at guild and 2 that I made to a shelter in Plano.
I have pieces of fabric that would be ideal for beds. I will bring a few inside to guild, and keep more in my car. As most of you know, fabric gets heavy!
Texas Association of Quilt Guilds
By Sherry Worley
Mimosa Lane Baptist Church has undergone a name change. If you plan to use your GPS or a map app it may not recognize the church by name. The new name is Inspiration Church. The address, 1233 N. Beltline Rd. Mesquite, TX 75149, has not changed, so you can still look it up that way.
Please remember that you will be required to show your Quilters Guild of Plano membership card along with a $5.00 admission ticket to enter Rally Day.
The opportunity to purchase YLI thread and help TAQG at the same time will be featured at Rally Day. YLI has a program where they furnish thread to groups as a fund raiser. The group (TAQG), sells the thread at retail price, keeps the difference between wholesale and retail, and returns the remainder of the thread to YLI. Typically YLI ships Machine Quilting, Soft Touch Piecing, Wonder Monofilament and Silk #100 threads in a variety of colors. The thread will be sold at each workshop and at Rally Day. The retail price runs between $5.00 and $9.00 per spool. We will not know the exact prices until the product arrives about a week before Rally Day. Please stop by the thread booth!
Once again I need to request volunteers for Rally Day. There are still at least a dozen volunteer spaces that need to be filled! If you volunteer you can receive free admittance to Rally Day. You will also enter at the Volunteer Entrance and avoid standing in the long lines at the two main doors. You will also be guaranteed of receiving a Goodie Bag because the Volunteer Door closes at 9:00 a.m. which is the same time the main doors open. Please consider helping the Quilters Guild of Plano host a successful TAQG Rally Day! Contact me directly if you would like to volunteer. The volunteer spaces include assisting at workshops, helping with door prizes, spending time with Pam Holland as an assistant and jobs at admissions. I need to have these spaces filled as soon as possible. If they have not been filled by June 6th I will have to begin accepting volunteers from Guilds who are not involved as hosts. I really would like to keep this a Rally Day that Plano can be proud of without calling in outside help. Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time.
Month Meeting Photos
Access our Meeting Photos in our Gallery at: May 2019 Guild Meeting – Quilt Show Roll-Out and Demos
General Meeting Minutes
Click to read the May General Meeting Minutes.
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.