
July 2019 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our next meeting:
Pam Holland:
The Fabric of Life 

Thursday, July 11th at 6:45


Hunters Glen Baptist Church
4001 Custer Road, Plano
South Side of Church

To bring to the July 11th Meeting

  • For Membership: Name Badge
  • For Community Service: Pillowcases, cuddles, quilts, tops.
  • Lovepacs items.
  • Quilt Plano Items:  Mini-Quilts and the Intent to Volunteer.

Remember: You can sign up now for any workshop scheduled this year at any time. Don’t wait, and maybe miss out.


By Jeanne Smith


One of Australia’s best, Pam Holland, will attend our July guild meeting for a presentation titled The Fabric of Life.

After a career as a photographer, and fashion designer Pam has been working in the quilting industry for over 30 years. She travels 10 months of the year to far flung places teaching the art of quilting. Her experiences in teaching and travel have been the inspiration for most of her quilts and has given her the reputation of shaping something new from the already established. Drawing, writing, and filming while she travels form the basic plans that she uses to create quilts when she’s home in the studio. Pam says, “I see myself as a journalist in fabric.”

Come join us to hear Pam “share the art fabric creation in India and Guatemala.”

There will be no guild workshops this month -- but join Pam Holland for her presentation and the workshops she will be providing for TAQG.


Guild Meeting:  August 8, 2019
Quilt Show Preview Night
Plano Event Center
2000 East Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, TX 75074


Guild Meeting:  September 12, 2019
Bethanne Nemesh – Walk a Creative Path

Bethanne’s journey as an art quilter from her beginnings making traditional quilts, then branching out into pattern manipulation, to her current pictographic silk art quilts is explored with a slide presentation and with a trunk show of available quilts. (Bethanne will bring all the show quilts that are currently home at the time of the lecture, which will vary). Bethanne will explore how her silk quilts come to be, from initial sketches, paintings, photography to final creation and finish details. Additionally, Bethanne discusses how any quilter can learn to recognize inspiration and document and organize it to facilitate quilt design through sharing her own techniques and sketchbooks.

Friday Workshop: September 13, 2019
Quilted Texture from A to Zen

Traditional free motion background fillers are a wonderful starting point, but what happens when you let yourself be influenced by natural patterns, everyday objects, macro photography, and the art of Zendoodling? Be inspired by Bethanne’s fresh take on backgrounds, with inspiration from every letter of the alphabet, perfect for filling those big open spaces of more modern quilts! Hands on classes are suitable for experienced free-motion domestic quilters.

Saturday Workshop: September 14, 2019
The Devil is in the Details

Sometimes the difference between a show quilt and an AWARD-WINNING show quilt is in the details. On the judging floor, one point is often all that separates a contestant from a winner. Bethanne will share the unique finish details in her quilts  which have been proven winners in shows across the country. Students will make a sample that features beaded bias applique, beaded piping, swag piping, beaded knife edge binding as well as an introduction to the use of Derwent Inktense pencils. Take your quilting to the next level with masterpiece details!

Kit Fee: $25.00  Includes pre-quilted square, all beads, piping, ink, and activators for the project.

Community Service

By Linda Neal and Kaye Dunn

It Takes a Guild

And what a guild we have! It seems that all we need to do is make a need known and our members step up. At the last count 91 basted quilts were quilted. And at the last guild meeting all the available basted quilts were taken home to be quilted. You are amazing! I know there are some of you who are still reluctant to try quilting on your domestic machines but if you will be willing to use your walking foot and do just one each month we could be completely caught up on the backlog by the beginning of the new year (October).

Did I just hear a challenge?



Items Needed

  • Vegetables - 15 oz cans
  • Fruit - 15 oz cans
  • Chunky Soup - 15 oz cans
  • Chef Boyardee -15 oz cans
  • Meat - (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages ) - 5 oz cans
  • Peanut butter
  • Grape jelly



By Carole Glover & Sue Rentz

June’s meeting was in the big room.  We were still asking for volunteers to sign up for jobs to help at the Quilt show in August.  

We had 102 members present, 9 visitors, and 3 new members join at the meeting.  Several guests asked about the organization and we feel they will join soon.

We would like to welcome our visitors, Trae Flesher, Sue Hurth, Elizabeth Waltrip, Ragi Marino, Judy Walters, Diana Ball, Kathy Goldman, Carolyn Walsh and Elsie Arnell.  It was nice to meet all our visitors, and we invited them to come back to another meeting.

Please help welcome our new members, Sharla Brockway, Kathryn Bernstein and Robin Toliven Reed.   Please look for them at our next meeting and show them how the Guild welcomes new members.

May Door Prizes were donated by Best of Bernina Plano, The Old Craft Store, Boxcar Quilts, Plano Quilt Guild, and Fabric Fanatics.  The Guild appreciates all their donations. As you are shopping in their stores, please remember to thank them for their donations.

We had the New Member’s Retreat on June 8th.   It was at the Best Little Retreat Center from 9AM to 9PM.   It was a lot of fun. We had 15 new members and 8 board members sign up.  The new members are; Glenna Brabant, Shirley St. Clair, Nancie Rogers, LuGay Chiang, Valerie Murray, Elizabeth Arellano, Leanna Williams, Pasty Padgett, Rhonda Diercks, Sharon Wilhelm, Kim Imel, Annlee Smith, Gloria Beach, Mary Binder, Beverly Webb.  The board members who attended were Rose Davis, Sue Rentz, Jeanne Vogel, Jeanne Fletcher, Janet Carver, Linda Neal, Julie Schafer and Carole Glover.

Hope to see everyone at the July meeting.


July Birthdays

  • Margaret Schafer -- 7/3
  • Aggie Meszaros -- 7/4
  • Harriet Wetherell -- 7/5
  • Diana Florence -- 7/6
  • Cassie Conway -- 7/7
  • Valerie Murray -- 7/7
  • Sandy Hinckley -- 7/8
  • Nan Jordan -- 7/8
  • Carol Long -- 7/9
  • Allison C Bayer -- 7/11
  • Sherry Worley -- 7/11
  • Sharon Wilhelm -- 7/13
  • Joan Nodwell -- 7/14
  • Marilyn Dickson -- 7/15
  • Germaine Reconnu -- 7/18
  • Concetta Boscardin -- 7/20
  • Leanne Wise -- 7/23
  • Mary Binder -- 7/23
  • Sally Brown -- 7/24
  • Bri Loftis -- 7/26
  • Linda Overbeck -- 7/26
  • Martha Diehl -- 7/29
  • Debra Douglas -- 7/31


Quilt Plano 2019

By Donna Petrick

Let’s Volunteer

 It’s almost time for the show.  Always an exciting time. This is the time that the guild needs you the most.  Without our volunteers, we would not be able to provide this wonderful show to the community.  Our most pressing openings for volunteers are admissions, quilt angels, and staff security.  For four hours of volunteering, you get into the show for free!

Admissions – Few more openings for Friday, lots of openings for Saturday.  You will have a sit-down job, sell tickets to people coming into the show, make change, and handle credit card sales (available for the first time.

Quilt Angels – One of the most fun jobs because you get to see the quilts up close and personal.  It is a walking job. You will have white gloves and can show the backs of quilts to the public when they want to see them.  You watch that people do not have food and drink in the area, talk to them about the quilts and answer questions if possible.

Staff Security – You will wear a bright vest and carry a walkie-talkie.  Your main job is to show that we are watching people and assisting the vendors and patrons if they have questions or need assistance from the on-duty police.  You do not confront any patron. You would notify the police if there is any problem. We like to have husbands fill in these positions if you can volunteer them.

There are other openings and we need you.  At the July meeting, we will have the show committee available to discuss their openings.  Caroline and Lori will have computers to help you sign up. You can also sign up online! Please volunteer and help make this another successful show.

Minis for Quilt Plano 2019

By Kaye Dunn

Minis Final Countdown

Quilt Plano 2019 is almost here – only one more month. I hope you are putting the finishing touches on your minis for the auction and will be turning them in at the Guild meeting. Have you visited the web site to look at all the fabulous choices? For the most successful auction, we still need about 15 more. I can hardly wait to see what you have created.

Letter from the President

By Rose Davis

There is so much going on right now, I hope you are all as excited as I am about all that is happening at our Guild.  Can you believe that we are just a month away from Quilt Plano 2019.  

We do need your help. We still have a good number of volunteer positions that need to be filled for this year’s show.  If all our members put in at least 4 hours, I know that we will have a great Show. And it is so easy this year to sign-up – go to, click on Quilt Show, Show Volunteers, you can see both the description of all the positions as well as the area to sign-up for open slots.  If you would prefer to have someone else sign you up, simply come to our July meeting – we will have multiple stations with people ready to sign you up. Just remember that the show can’t be done without the full Guild participating.

As President, it is awesome seeing how willingly our members give their time and energy to not only the show preparations, but to our community service and all areas of our Guild. Without all your help, we would not be the growing and energetic Guild that we are today.  For all you new members, please get involved – it is the best way to meet other members – and it is so rewarding!

I look forward to seeing you all on July 11th.

Stocking and Pet Beds Report

By Martha O'Grady


We gathered 148 stockings. I corrected 30.  All that needed fixing had an issue with the cuff or the ribbon. 

So, with that afternoon’s work in mind, let’s go over the directions.

  1.   Pin the folded ribbon onto the inside top back seam, raw edges up. Stitch that down. Remove the pin
  2.   Pin the seam of the cuff to the back seam of the stocking.  Stitch all the way around. Remove the pin. 
  3.   Here comes the magic! Turn the cuff from the inside to the outside. Don’t forget to say, "TADAH".  Also, say a little prayer for the safety and health of the soldier/vet.
  4.   Write something nice on the index card. Suggestions include, "Happy Holidays," "Merry Christmas,” “Thank you for your service to our country," "What did the elf have when he dropped a tiny little hammer on his tiny little toe? A Hoppin' Holler day."  The list goes on. Also, if you want to use nicer cards, or stationery, that would be good, too.

Also, I did not get as many baggies and instructions back this time. If you think they are getting to be unusable, feel free to toss them. Otherwise, return them as I can fill and resend.

Exciting news! We got an award from Soldiers Angels!  "Texas Donor of the Year" – YAY and good work guys

Shelter Pet Beds

I took 44 beds to Sache and Wylie this month.  Y’all turned in a very nice assortment of sizes.  This is what shelters need, since animals come in all sizes. 

I especially like how one lady does hers. She specifically makes the cat carrier beds, puts them into a reusable grocery bag handles tied. Very portable. Excellent! 

While I was at Wylie, the animal control officer told me about a poor dog with severe hip dysplasia. Could I maybe make one extra soft for him? An hour later, I took a custom sized, nice soft bed for the poor big guy.  This work is both humbling and gratifying. 

I had a few ladies apologize for bringing beds to me.  Sorry if I have been unclear. I explained that they were doing exactly what I want. You make ‘em;  I take ‘em.  


Texas Association of Quilt Guilds

By Jeanne Fletcher

Things to remember to bring:

  1.   Your entry ticket with the stub filled out and your Plano Guild membership card.
  2.   Money to buy TAQG raffle tickets, pins, thread
  3.   Your checkbook or credit card to win that Silent Auction item that catches your eye
  4.   Some address labels and dollar bills to buy a chance to win one of the Guild Raffle Quilts that will be displayed in the hall

Set your GPS for 1233 N Beltline Rd, Mesquite, 75149 as the name of the church has changed to Inspiration Church.

But most important be prepared to have a wonderful day, learn what motivations and techniques Pam Holland used to create her amazing quilts.

See you all there on July 13th at 9am!!!

Rally Day 2019 Inspiration Church

Nominations for 2019-2020

By Jeanne Vogel

This year’s nominating committee is Jeanne Vogel heading up along with Carol Long, Terri Mendelow, and alternate Kaye Dunn.

The open Board Positions for October 2019 - September 2020 are:

  • President:  Rose Davis has served 2 years. The nominee for president is Linda Neal. Linda has been the Co-VP of Community Service the past 2 years; quilting for 15 years.
  • VP of Media:  Dena Smith has served 2 years. The nominee for this position is Caroline Gagnon-Hartman. Caroline has set up our new website and has a background in writing; quilting for 4 years.
  • VP of Finance:  Carol Long has served 2 years. The nominee is Chanda Smith who has been the Treasurer for the past 2 years, has a work background in banking and the financial industry.
  • Co-VP of Membership:  Carol Glover has served 1 year with Sue Rentz. Sue will serve another year, Carol is stepping down and the nominee for this position is Connie Elliott. She has been quilting and having her own business for 5 years.
  • Co-VP of Community Service:  Linda Neal and Kaye Dunn have served 2 years. Nominees are Donna Petrick and Dolores Williams who have both served the guild as past presidents.
  • Co-VP of Education:  Kathy Scott will continue for another year. Nominee for Co-VP is Joan Hammett.

These will be voted on at the September meeting, taking office in October. 

Thank you to all that helped and gave suggestions for these positions.

Guild Activities

There is a new opening on the board: Vice-President of Guild Activities! For more details on this exciting opportunity, read the Guild Positions and Duties document and contact Jeanne Vogel.

June Meeting Photos

Access our Meeting Photos in our Gallery at: June 2019 Guild Meeting – MJ Kinman


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the June General Meeting Minutes.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

June 2019 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our next meeting:
MJ Kinman - Diamond Divas & Drama Queens:
Colored Gemstones as Design Inspiration

Thursday, June 13th at 6:45


Hunters Glen Baptist Church
4001 Custer Road, Plano
South Side of Church

To bring to the June 13th Meeting

  • For Membership: Name Badge
  • For Community Service: Pillowcases, cuddles, quilts, tops.
  • Lovepacs items.
  • Quilt Plano Items: Quilt Entry Forms, Mini-Quilts, Special Exhibits Entry Forms, Deposits, and the Intent to Volunteer.

Remember: You can sign up now for any workshop scheduled this year at any time. Don’t wait, and maybe miss out.


By Jeanne Smith


We begin the sunny, bright, happy summer months with a well known guest speaker, MJ Kinman, who has a sunny, bright, and happy personality, especially when presenting her lectures and workshops on Gemstones! The June/July 2019 edition of Quilting Arts Magazine includes two articles that feature MJ’s work. The first is an Open Studio feature (see image) and the second is an article about painting fabric.
MJ likes to tell people that, “I make the biggest diamonds in the world. But instead of working with the hardest substances on Earth I use the softest – cloth. Now that I’ve been creating giant gem quilts for over 20 years, I’m excited to continue the journey”!

Friday Workshop: June 14, 2019
Treasure Hunting:
Discovering Abstract Designs in Exquisite Gemstones
In this class, we will experiment with different techniques to find amazing abstract designs within images of gemstones. Then using freezer paper piecing techniques, we will cut the facets and piece together transforming those compositions into an 18” gemstone quilt square.

Saturday Workshop: June 15, 2019
Bite-Size Gem Quilts:
Creating a Small Faceted Quilt
Using the design and piecing techniques MJ relies on to create her diamond portraits, we will create our own beautiful work of faceted color.
Important Note: Please be aware that part of the Saturday Workshop is a duplicate of the second half of the Friday Workshop.


Guild Meeting: July 11, 2019
Pam Holland – Lecture only -
The Fabric of Life

Pam is an International quilt teacher. She travels from her home in South Australia, teaching art quilting 10 months a year. The inspirations from her travel and photography form the foundation of her quilts. Pam is the guest speaker for TAQG Rally Day 2019 and is presenting her lecture The Fabric of Life at our QGP July 11, 2019 Guild Meeting. Pam says, “We all work with textiles. But I wonder if you know just where they come from? How are they created, who makes them? So many of the fabrics we buy have been printed in countries so different to ours. The techniques are arduous and time consuming but utterly fascinating. I will share the art fabric creation in India and Guatemala.”


Community Service

By Linda Neal and Kaye Dunn

Have You Lost Something?

There was a large bundle of Cuddles turned in to Community Service in April and hidden in the folds was a stack of tree blocks and a stack of house blocks. If these are yours and you want them back please contact Dolores Williams at If these are not claimed by the next guild meeting they will be given to M.J. Fielek for her orphan block collection.

I hope you are able to attend the Quilting For Others day on June 11th. Our goal is to quilt at least 100 quilts. The next Sew Days are Saturday, June 15th at The Best Little Retreat Center in Texas and Tuesday, July 9th at Plano Sewing Center. See you soon and Happy Quilting.

Items Needed

  • Vegetables - 15 oz cans
  • Fruit - 15 oz cans
  • Chunky Soup - 15 oz cans
  • Chef Boyardee -15 oz cans
  • Meat - (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages ) - 5 oz cans
  • Peanut butter
  • Grape jelly


Guild Activities

By Leanna Williams

Thank you to everyone who attended the May One Day Retreat!  We had a lot of fun and got a little farther on many of our projects.  Mark your calendars for our upcoming retreat days if you would like to join in on the fun!

  • Saturday & Sunday, July 20th-21st – Two Day Retreat
  • Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, September 5th thru the 7th – Three Day Retreat

Day Retreats are held at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas, located on the Northwest corner of Coit Rd and Belt Line.  If you would like to sign up for the three-day retreat, please head over to the website and click on “Day Retreats” under the Activities tab, to find out more information and print out a Day Retreat Registration Form.  I will also have signup sheets available with me at the next meeting if you would like to sign up with me. Retreats are a great place to meet other members and learn new techniques while having a blast!

Block of the Month quilt tops should be finished and paperwork should be turned in no later than the June meeting!!  This is very important if you want to get your finished quilt into the special exhibit! I will have some extra “Special Exhibit Registration Forms” at the June meeting in case you are having difficulties printing at home, but please remember that you need to take a picture of your quilt top to turn in with your form.  It does not have to be quilted or bound to be able to turn in this form. Once you turn in your paperwork, you have until the show to get it quilted, bound, attach a hanging sleeve, and a label. Please feel free to ask me any questions about the hanging sleeve, or how to turn in your quilt for the show.

Now, on to the fun stuff!  So the last couple challenges that I put out were not so fun, right?  Spring cleaning, finishing binding and labels, more cleaning…. I’m surprised as a group you haven’t started a mutiny and had me removed from my post!  (Although I am very proud of you for all the hard work you did cleaning up). So at the June meeting, we are going to have a Fat Quarter Lotto!  Bring a quilt shop quality fat quarter in either a solid, stripe, or polka dot, and enter to win the whole bunch!  If you would like to enter more than once, feel free to bring more than one fat quarter and your name will be entered for each fat quarter you bring!  I can’t wait to see what the winner will make out of this


By Carole Glover & Sue Rentz

May’s meeting was the rollout for our Quilt Show in August. As a supportive group, we asked each member to volunteer their time to support the show by helping in all areas.

We had 84 members present, 1 visitor, and 1 new member join, along with 1 member renewing their membership.

We would like to welcome our visitor, Ernestine Chipman. It was nice to meet her, and we invited her to come back to another meeting.

Please help welcome our new member, Sue Morris and renewing member Jean Johnson. Please look for them at our next meeting and show how the Guild welcomes them.

May Door Prizes were donated by Best of Bernina Plano, The Old Craft Store, Stitched with Love, Plano Quilt Guild, Fabric Fanatics, Best Little Retreat Center and several anonymous donors. The Guild appreciates all their donations. As you are shopping in their stores, please remember to thank them for their donations.

We are looking forward to the New Member’s Retreat on June 8th. This will be for all new members joined from September 2018 to date. It will be at the Best Little Retreat Center from 9am to 9pm. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so through The Best Little Retreat Center’s website.

Hope to see everyone at the June meeting.

June Birthdays

Kathy Scott 6/1
Diane Poor 6/2
Deanna Sanford 6/4
Chandra Rohr 6/10
Page Samuel 6/10
Carolyn Cosgriff 6/12
Sarah Krauss 6/12
Cyndi Dolan 6/14
Jean Johnson 6/14
Lynnette Maytubby 6/14
Adrienne Poppe 6/18
Gloria "Lori" Beach 6/19
Dolores Williams 6/19
Heather Carlile 6/20
Kathy Czekaj 6/21
Donna Strongin 6/21
Marie Flanders 6/22
Katherine Barney 6/24
Debbie Jeffers 6/25
Pat Young 6/26
Chanda Smith 6/27
Sharon Zeiner 6/28
Terry Cardona 6/29


Quilt Plano 2019

By Julie Brooks

Quilt Plano 2019

The Quilt Show is just around the corner and now the Guild is asking for all Members to please step up and help the Guild to make this show a success.  We know that everyone has different time restraints and different talents - the great thing about the show is that it takes everyone doing something. Here are the items that are needed for a successful show - please come prepared to sign up to volunteer, turn in your quilt show registration forms or turn in a mini quilt for auction.

  1.  Volunteer for the show - each job is 2 hours long and there are so many things you can volunteer for - this is also a great way for your children to get their volunteer hours for school.  If you are volunteering all day please make sure to order your lunch $13 for a Chicken Caesar Salad or a Turkey Sandwich - both with chips and a cookie. You also get a charm for your volunteer work if you work over 4 hours - each year is a unique charm that can only be gotten if you volunteer 🙂
  2.  Mini Quilts - this accounts for 20% - 25% of our profits for the Guild - the Mini Quilt Committee still needs 40 mini quilts - please take the time to use your wonderful talents to help this important cause.
  3.  Quilts for the show - Please make sure that all of your Show Entries are turned into Donna Petrick by the June meeting.  The Guild is looking to have 300 quilts in the show and we would love to have yours be a part of this wonderful show.
  4.  Special Exhibits - Jeanie Vogel is looking for any quilts that you have finished from any workshops this year or the guild challenges - this is a non-judged category and is a great way to promote our guild, your work and the wonderful workshops we offer.
  5.  Sell Raffle Quilt Tickets - this accounts for 20% of our profits for the Guild.  The Guild is asking that you make every effort to sell/buy $20 worth of tickets so that we can hit our goal of $5000 - please note to date the Raffle quilt still needs to generate $3000.

If you have any questions please call or email me directly:  Julie Brooks or 972-978-8780

Quilt Show 2019 - Special Exhibits by Jeanne Vogel

Special Exhibits is a showcase to display completed projects from workshops taken in the past year. Looking for those projects from teachers: Rhonda Dort, Dani Ives, Ann Loveless, Martha Lindberg, Karen Combs and our own Guild Activities Quilt Block Challenge. These are not judged, just enjoyed. There is a separate Special Exhibits Entry Form 2019 to be completed with a photo to be turned in by the June 13th meeting or by mail. One form per person, not per entry. The entry form is on the website. Projects are delivered and picked up the same day and time as other Quilt Show entries, but at a separate table. Complete the projects, add a sleeve and a label and you will be ready to turn in your entry!

“M” is for…

Member – members of Plano Quilt Guild
Mercer – dealers in textiles
Muster – this is a call to gather our “troops”
Machine – we all have a few
Material – we all have a lot
Man-hours – measure, manipulate, miter, make much
Magnificent – results
Minis equal Money

Stocking and Pet Beds Report

By Martha O'Grady


We are almost to our goal of 1000 stockings by October. Y’all are all doing a wonderful ministry with this. Soldiers Angels sends stockings and gifts all over the world to active service, as well as to active and veterans here stateside.

As summer break begins we start to think of ways to keep kids busy doing something other than playing computer games or vegging in front of the TV.  If anyone would like some kits for a special event, such as gathering the neighborhood kids to learn how to sew, you can contact me. I can make a custom batch of kits for you. If the timing works out to transfer them at a guild meeting, we can do that, or you can swing by my house.

As always, if you need scraps of a particular color, especially red, I can fix ya up.

An 11 year old neighbor came over and wanted to make some kits.  As we were talking about quilting, I became aware that this child has sewn before!  Sew, I now have a stocking buddy, and a sewing buddy. YAY!

We can also think of things to put into the stockings.  We are not asked to do this, but if you would like to make some little personal items, such as Kleenex holders and so on, they have been very well received.

Shelter Pet Beds

I took 10 beds that were turned in at guild and 2 that I made to a shelter in Plano.

I have pieces of fabric that would be ideal for beds. I will bring a few inside to guild, and keep more in my car.  As most of you know, fabric gets heavy!

Texas Association of Quilt Guilds

By Sherry Worley

Mimosa Lane Baptist Church has undergone a name change. If you plan to use your GPS or a map app it may not recognize the church by name. The new name is Inspiration Church. The address, 1233 N. Beltline Rd. Mesquite, TX 75149, has not changed, so you can still look it up that way.
Please remember that you will be required to show your Quilters Guild of Plano membership card along with a $5.00 admission ticket to enter Rally Day.
The opportunity to purchase YLI thread and help TAQG at the same time will be featured at Rally Day. YLI has a program where they furnish thread to groups as a fund raiser. The group (TAQG), sells the thread at retail price, keeps the difference between wholesale and retail, and returns the remainder of the thread to YLI. Typically YLI ships Machine Quilting, Soft Touch Piecing, Wonder Monofilament and Silk #100 threads in a variety of colors. The thread will be sold at each workshop and at Rally Day. The retail price runs between $5.00 and $9.00 per spool. We will not know the exact prices until the product arrives about a week before Rally Day. Please stop by the thread booth!
Once again I need to request volunteers for Rally Day. There are still at least a dozen volunteer spaces that need to be filled! If you volunteer you can receive free admittance to Rally Day. You will also enter at the Volunteer Entrance and avoid standing in the long lines at the two main doors. You will also be guaranteed of receiving a Goodie Bag because the Volunteer Door closes at 9:00 a.m. which is the same time the main doors open. Please consider helping the Quilters Guild of Plano host a successful TAQG Rally Day! Contact me directly if you would like to volunteer. The volunteer spaces include assisting at workshops, helping with door prizes, spending time with Pam Holland as an assistant and jobs at admissions. I need to have these spaces filled as soon as possible. If they have not been filled by June 6th I will have to begin accepting volunteers from Guilds who are not involved as hosts. I really would like to keep this a Rally Day that Plano can be proud of without calling in outside help. Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time.

Rally Day 2019 Inspiration Church

Month Meeting Photos

Access our Meeting Photos in our Gallery at: May 2019 Guild Meeting – Quilt Show Roll-Out and Demos


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the May General Meeting Minutes.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

May 2019 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our next meeting:
Quilt Show Rollout and Skill Builder Demos
Thursday, May 9th at 6:45


Hunters Glen Baptist Church
4001 Custer Road, Plano
South Side of Church


By Jeanne Smith


We are now officially in Spring and headed toward Summer. For QGP, this means Quilt Show! The May 9, 2019 Guild Meeting is our annual Quilt Show Roll-Out & Skill Builder Demos. There will be no guest speaker lecture or workshops in May.


Guild Meeting: June 13, 2019 – MJ Kinman
Diamond Divas & Drama Queens:
Colored Gemstones as Design Inspiration
The most beautiful gemstone captures light and reflects it back to us with unique brilliance, revealing its fiery personality. These are the divas and the drama queens of the gem world. Every one of them has a story to tell…just like people. This slide lecture and trunk show chronicle MJ’s story – her 20-year adventure in learning how to create the biggest diamonds in the world in cloth.
During the presentation, she'll discuss how she selects gems that qualify as “divas and drama queens” and what they teach us about how to add sparkle to any art quilt. She’ll display the actual art quilts inspired by some of these divas.

Friday Workshop: June 14, 2019
Treasure Hunting:
Discovering Abstract Designs in Exquisite Gemstones
In this class, we will experiment with different techniques to find amazing abstract designs within images of gemstones. Then using freezer paper piecing techniques, we will cut the facets and piece together transforming those compositions into an 18” gemstone quilt square.

Saturday Workshop: June 15, 2019
Bite-Size Gem Quilts:
Creating a Small Faceted Quilt
Using the design and piecing techniques MJ relies on to create her diamond portraits, we will create our own beautiful work of faceted color.
Important Note: Please be aware that part of the Saturday Workshop is a duplicate of the second half of the Friday Workshop.


Guild Meeting: July 11, 2019
Pam Holland – Lecture only -
The Fabric of Life

Pam is an International quilt teacher. She travels from her home in South Australia, teaching art quilting 10 months a year. The inspirations from her travel and photography form the foundation of her quilts. Pam is the guest speaker for TAQG Rally Day 2019 and is presenting her lecture The Fabric of Life at our QGP July 11, 2019 Guild Meeting. Pam says, “We all work with textiles. But I wonder if you know just where they come from? How are they created, who makes them? So many of the fabrics we buy have been printed in countries so different to ours. The techniques are arduous and time consuming but utterly fascinating. I will share the art fabric creation in India and Guatemala.”


Community Service

By Linda Neal and Kaye Dunn

Quilting for Others Day 2019

Community service has over 100 tops with backing and batting that need quilting! To help with this backlog of quilts, we have scheduled a "Quilting for Others" day on Tuesday, June 11, 2019. We are meeting from 9 AM- 9 PM at The Best Little Retreat Center in Texas.

All skill levels are welcome to attend. If you are new to quilting with your domestic sewing machine, we will have quilting demonstrations and samples to help you get started. If you are an experienced domestic machine quilter - we NEED your help! If you aren't a quilter but want to help, we have 3-4 spots available to sew bindings on, trim quilts, and assist the quilters.

Please bring your sewing machine, walking foot, free motion foot, scissors or snips, blue tape, 24-inch ruler, rotary cutter, size 90/14 needle, seam ripper, and thread. Thread color should include neutrals: ivory, tan, gray black, plus any colors you think would enhance a quilt top.

Pack your lunch/dinner or plan to go out to one of the local restaurants in the area. We will provide snacks, door prizes, and the cost of admission. PLEASE email Kaye Dunn at: to sign up so we know how many will be attending.

In preparation for the Quilting for Others Day, Monica Hendewerk will be hosting a spray basting day at her house on May 13th. This is a great opportunity to learn the correct way to spray baste quilts quickly and efficiently. Please contact Monica Hendewerk at: for more information or to sign up.

And lastly, if you are a long arm quilter, we need your help too! We have quilts that are too large to quilt on a domestic machine. We would love to have you quilt a quilt on June 11th for the guild. Feel free to drop it off at The Best Little Retreat Center in Texas so we can get it trimmed and bound (not required, you can bring them to the guild meeting if that is more convenient). We will enter your name into the door prize drawings.

A Little Equals a Lot

It’s only three (3) little months until the Quilt Show and we are a wee bit short of Minis. Our attendees look forward to these teensy weensy treasures and as members you know the income from these tiny assets accounts for more than a slight amount of the bottom line. Only a small investment of time each day on your miniature will result in colossal rewards for the show.

Texas Association of Quilt Guilds

By Jeanne Fletcher

Last Chance

Less than 80 days until Rally Day 2019! And the deadlines are here already! Make sure you get in on the fun. Bring your checkbook and for $25 you will have your entry ticket, lunch order, 6 pre-raffle tickets and this year’s Rally Day pin, featuring Geraldine the Giraffe.
We plan to have the Pre-Raffle Day items at the May meeting. This year’s raffle may have some of those items on your wish list, or better yet, ones you have been saving to buy. The items in this raffle are not what were offered in prior Raffles, so stop by the TAQG table to take a look.

And about that pin! I was amazed and delighted to see how many of our guild members thought this pin was special but according the TAQG reps from other guilds, the Geraldine pin was flying out of their hands too!

Now about the deadlines:

It is the last call for classes. If you want to take one of the classes that will be offered by Pam Holland, don’t hesitate any longer. There were still a few places available in each class as I write article. But beginning May 1 these classes will be offered to the public and it is expected the remaining seats will fill quickly.

In addition, all Rally Day lunch orders are to be turned in by July 1. Our June Guild meeting will be the last time you will have to purchase your lunch.

You can be proud of our guild’s entries for the Silent Auction, but we can always use more items. If you have something to donate, please drop them off at the TAQG table at the back. The deadline for the Silent Auction items is the May 28th TAQG meeting.
See you at the meeting.

Rally Day

By Sherry Worley

Rally Day offers a host guild’s members many opportunities to volunteer. Please consider helping the Quilters Guild of Plano by accepting one of the following volunteer positions. Any time spent volunteering for TAQG Rally Day 2019 can be reported as volunteer hours for the guild. You will also be given a volunteer ticket for free entry to Rally Day.

  • Picking up Pam Holland from the airport and delivering her to the hotel in Mesquite.
  • There are still a few spaces open for hosting the workshops.
  • Several people are needed to set up and deliver door prizes to winners at Rally Day.
  • A few are needed to do final touches on the set up of the Rally Day Raffle and sell tickets.

There will be more positions later, but if you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities please contact Sherry Worley. We appreciate your help making Rally Day 2019 a rousing success.

Letter from the President

By Rose Davis

Our May Guild meeting (May 9, 2019) is one of our most important meetings of the year. It is our Quilt Plano 2019 Kick-off Meeting. This meeting is chock-full of information on how we pull together the big event scheduled for August 9-10 of this year. Not only can you get information and instructions, you can sign-up to volunteer at the Show and you can be one of the first to preview demos that will be a part of the Demo room at the show. Please be assured that there is a job for everyone and we need as many volunteers as possible to help make Quilt Plano 2019 successful.

Happy Quilting!

Items Needed

  • Vegetables - 15 oz cans
  • Fruit - 15 oz cans
  • Chunky Soup - 15 oz cans
  • Chef Boyardee -15 oz cans
  • Meat - (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages ) - 5 oz cans
  • Peanut butter
  • Grape jelly


Guild Activities

By Leanna Williams

Activities have some exciting news! In an effort to offer you more sewing and friendship fun, we will be having not only three-day retreats, but one and two-day retreats as well! Here are the upcoming dates so you can put them on your calendar:

  • Sunday May 26th – One Day Retreat
  • Saturday & Sunday, July 20th-21st – Two Day Retreat
  • Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, September 5th thru the 7th – Three Day Retreat

Day Retreats are held at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas, located on the Northwest corner of Coit Road and Belt Line, Dallas. If you would like to sign up for the three-day retreat, please head over to the website and click on “Day Retreats” under the Activities tab, to find out more information and print out a Day Retreat Registration Form. I will also have signup sheets available with me at the next meeting if you would like to sign up with me. Retreats are a great place to meet other members and learn new techniques while having a blast!

The 2019 Quilt Show is looming closer, so remember to keep working on your block of the month blocks. Quilt tops need to be finished by June so that paperwork can be submitted and layouts for the exhibits can begin. If you are done with your quilt top, congratulations! You are doing great and ahead of schedule.

Last month I issued a challenge to pull out those quilts that were missing either binding or a label and get those finished. If you did, way to go! That’s another to-do you can scratch off your list. Now we don’t have to feel guilty when we start yet another project. Am I right? Ha!

The May Guild meeting is Quilt Show Rollout, so there will be no show and tell or new challenges this month. Just keep on trekking with your block of the month or other current projects, and don’t forget to save the date for the new Day Retreat days.

Hope to see you there!


By Carole Glover & Sue Rentz

April was a big hit with all the members and visitors being back in the big room at Hunters Glen Baptist Church.

We had 107 members present, 4 visitors, and 3 new members join, along with 1 member renewing their membership.

We would like to welcome our 4 visitors; Carolee Blumin, Lois Wagner, Lucia Reyna And Betty Osweiler. It was nice to meet these ladies and we invited them to come back to another meeting.

Please help welcome our new 3 members; Heather Ewald, Rhonda Diercks and Heather Carlile. Please look for them at our next meeting and show them how the Guild welcomes them.

April Door Prizes were donated by Best of Bernina Plano, The Old Craft Store, Stitched with Love, Sew Let’s Quilt it, Urban Spools, Quilt Ideals, our speaker Karen Combs and several anonymous donors. The Guild appreciates all their donations. As you are shopping in the quilt stores remember to thank them for their donations.

We are looking forward to the New Member’s Retreat on June 8th. This will be for all new members joined from September 2018 to date. It will be at the Best Little Retreat Center from 9AM to 9PM. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so through The Best Little Retreat Center’s website.

New small group forming for those having Singer Featherweights;
Chicks with Feathers – 3rd Saturday 1PM to 4 PM
Featherweight Friends – 4th Friday 9AM to 9PM
Email: for details.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the May meeting.

May Birthdays

Carolyn Henson 5/2
Janet Plotkin 5/4
Barbara Graves 5/6
Susan Rentz 5/7
Jeanne Fletcher 5/8
Tami Marlar 5/8
Becky Woods 5/12
Tracy Spruell 5/16
Laurie Tanas 5/17

Patricia Kellar 5/19
Valerie Pearson 5/19
Krystie Wagoner 5/21
Debbie Smith 5/23
Lori Hutyra 5/24
Emily Hall 5/25
Ceidys Butterworth 5/26
Nancy Worst 5/26
Fonda Brinlee 5/28
Sarah Vaughan 5/28
Margaret Lakie 5/30
Nancy Perry 5/31

Stocking and Pet Beds Report

By Martha O'Grady


We are well on our way toward our October goal of 1000 stocking to be delivered to Soldiers Angels. I have felt guilty this year that, since I can't seem to get my strength back from my asthma, I have been doing a less than adequate job of making kits. Thanks everyone for your understanding and your hard work. Y'all are great!

I should start to improve soon. Don bought me a Rabbit for Easter. Yep, a Rabbit air purifier. LOL! I now have 5 air purifiers in 2 different brands.

Anyone who would like to make small gift items for the stockings is more than welcome to do so. They are glad to get mug rugs, coasters, pot holders, placemats, little sewing kits -- anything small enough to fit into a stocking.

If you would like to donate fabric, I could use some patriotic. I have plenty of every other kind.

Shelter Pet Beds

I took 40 SPBs to various shelters in the area. I am beginning to get a less than enthusiastic response to the biggest beds. The first time I went to Wylie, they had a big wooden box; empty. The next time, it was over flowing. This time, he said they had all they needed. This is a similar story to what I have had at several shelters. We are burying them hoarder style. What started out as a good idea is going overboard.

We need to be more careful about what we throw away. We need to manage our scraps so that there is less waste, and bag up only unusable pieces. There are lots of ideas for achieving this goal.

Along with the trash basket lined with a bag for a pet bed, and one for actual trash, also have a third for usable scraps.

Cut scraps into squares and strips of different sizes, and bin them by size. There was a lady in my guild in Lewisville who always cut her scraps into squares, and when there was a “who can make the most quilts for community service” challenge, she always won.

We can make items like pot holders, mug rugs, coasters, placemats, the list goes on. We are limited only by our imagination. Soldiers Angels is a good place for these items. They are always glad to get them. So would schools that offer a “Christmas” store for students to spend “behavior bucks”. And people shelters love small handmade items as well.

I had 2 styles of the small pet carrier sized SPBs donated. One was about an inch thick and looked like a small mattress, very well made. The other was made by zig zagging the edge, and pinking. It looked kind of like a mug rug with decorative quilting. Very cute. I asked which he liked better, and he said, “gosh, I don't know. These are wonderful.”

April Meeting Photos

Access our April Meeting Photos in our Gallery at: April 2019 Guild Meeting – Karen Combs


General Meeting Minutes

By Julie Schaefer

April 11, 2019

President’s Business: Pam Wingate

  • The meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM.
  • The minutes and the Treasurer’s reports of March 14, 2019 were approved as written on the Guild website respectively.
  • The McKinney Quilt Guild was visiting with their raffle quilt.


  • Guild Activities: Leanna Williams
  • Everyone working on their block of the month needs to have them completed by June.
  • Members were reminded to keep their sewing rooms neat and clean.
  • The next 3-day retreat will be April 17-19, 2019. There will be games and prizes at this retreat.

Quilt Plano 2019: Leanna Williams

  • Show shirts can be ordered now.
  • The next general meeting will be the Quilt Plano 2019 Show roll out. There won’t be a speaker. All members will be able to sign up for volunteer positions for the 2019 Show in August.

Nine-Patch Blocks: Debbie Seher

  • Rebecca Clayton has moved out of town. We need to send her 100 nine-patch squares.
  • Members were asked to measure accurately when making the blocks.

Programs: Jeanne Smith

  • The speaker, Karen Combs, still has room in her Saturday workshop: “Combing Through Your Scraps.” The Friday workshop is closed.
  • There won’t be a speaker or workshop in May.
  • In June the lecture will be “Diamond Divas and Drama Queens” by MJ Kinman. This will be a Trunk Show. The June 14th workshop is “Treasure Hunting: Discovering Abstract Designs in Exquisite Gemstones. The June 15th workshop is “Bite-Size Gem Quilts: Creating a Small Faceted Quilt.

Community Service: Linda Neal

  • Members may turn in their red and white blocks for the 2020 Raffle Quilt.
  • There are many quilts to be quilted; members may pick them up in the hallway.
  • April 25th Sharon Wilhelm will be teaching Quilting on your home machine. Remember to bring your walking foot to this class.
  • May 13th will be a basting day at Monica Hendewerk’s home (6412 Stone Canyon Drive, Plano, TX 75024).
  • June 11th will be a “Quilting for Others” quilt day at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Mini Quilts for Quilt Plano 2019: Kaye Dunn

  • We still need mini quilts for the raffle at the show. We now have 32 mini quilts and we want 48 before the July general meeting. The guidelines for making a mini quilt are on the website.

TAQG: Jeanne Fletcher / Sherry Worley

  • Rally Day is July 13th held at Mimosa Lane Baptist Church in Mesquite. Jeanne has the tickets for entry ($5.00) and the lunch ($10.00). Members must have their membership cards with them or pay $20.00 for entry.
  • Jeanne is taking sign-ups for 3 workshops: “The Woman” Thursday July 11th; “Whimsy of Wandering” Friday July 12th; “Geraldine the Giraffe” Monday and Tuesday July 15-16.
  • Sherry and Jeanne are taking items for the TAQG silent auction.
  • Many volunteers are needed for the workshops etc.
  • Plano is one of the host Guilds so we need to have a good turnout.

Membership: Carole Glover / Sue Rentz

  • There were 107 members present. New members are: Heather Ewald, Rhonda Dierks and Heather Carlile. The visitors were: Carolee Blumin, Lois Wagner, Lucia Reyna and Betty Osweiler.
  • There is going to be a New Member Tea on June 8th at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas. Anyone attending was reminded to bring her sewing machine and sew all day.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:24.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

April 2019 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our next meeting:
Karen Combs
"Quilts of Illusion & Trunk Show"

Thursday, April 11th at 6:45


Hunters Glen Baptist Church
4001 Custer Road, Plano
South Side of Church


By Jeanne Smith

Get ready for an exquisite presentation by our guest speaker, Karen Combs. Her quilts are known for taking a traditional pattern and giving it her own unique "twist." Karen is intrigued with quilts of illusions and has been designing quilts with a 3-D look for several years. Karen is the author of Optical Illusions for Quilters (AQS), Combing Through Your Scraps (AQS), Floral Illusions (AQS), 3 Quilters Celebrate the 4 Seasons (AQS) and 3-D Fun with Pandora’s Box, co-authored with Sharlene Jorgenson of Quilting from the Heartland. Her newest book is Celtic Pieced Illusions (AQS).
Explore the world of optical illusions with Karen as she shows us some of the wonderful quilts that she has created along with a beautiful and inspiring trunk show.

Karen Combs

Patchwork Illusions

Sunrise Star

Friday Workshop: April 12, 2019
Patchwork Illusions
Visual depth has fascinated artists for centuries, Karen has developed a quick and easy rotary technique that will allow us to make quilts with a 3-D look. This is Karen's favorite class because it is so easy to create truly amazing quilts of illusion. Let Karen share her secrets, so we may become masters of illusion!

Saturday Workshop: April 13, 2019
Combing Through Your Scraps
This truly is a magical way to put our fabric stash to good use by making a scrap quilt using a quick template-free method. We will learn to feel comfortable putting many fabrics together, how to distinguish "value" and be able to make many different scrap wall hangings or quilts. We will work on a quilt in class using shared fabrics from your classmates. This is a great place to use "ugly" fabric; they look great in this quilt. Bring extra fabric to share!


May 9 Guild Meeting
Quilt Show Roll-Out & Demos
No workshops in May


Guild Meeting: June 13, 2019 – MJ Kinman
Diamond Divas & Drama Queens:
Colored Gemstones as Design Inspiration
The most beautiful gemstone captures light and reflects it back to us with unique brilliance, revealing its fiery personality. These are the divas and the drama queens of the gem world. Every one of them has a story to tell…just like people. This slide lecture and trunk show chronicle MJ’s story – her 20-year adventure in learning how to create the biggest diamonds in the world in cloth.
During the presentation, she'll discuss how she selects gems that qualify as “divas and drama queens” and what they teach us about how to add sparkle to any art quilt. She’ll display the actual art quilts inspired by some of these divas.

Friday Workshop: June 14, 2019
Treasure Hunting:
Discovering Abstract Designs in Exquisite Gemstones
In this class, we will experiment with different techniques to find amazing abstract designs within images of gemstones. Then using freezer paper piecing techniques, we will cut the facets and piece together transforming those compositions into an 18” gemstone quilt square.

Saturday Workshop: June 15, 2019
Bite-Size Gem Quilts:
Creating a Small Faceted Quilt
Using the design and piecing techniques MJ relies on to create her diamond portraits, we will create our own beautiful work of faceted color.
Important Note: Please be aware that part of the Saturday Workshop is a duplicate of the second half of the Friday Workshop.

Community Service

By Linda Neal and Kaye Dunn

The Least of These

Members of the Quilters Guild of Plano have big hearts. They are concerned for each other and for members of the community. They are helpers and doers, and when someone is in need, they are quick to answer the call. Once again, we are gathering items for the PISD School-Age Program Graduation Party. These parents have worked hard to fulfill the requirements for graduation and to learn valuable life skills that will improve the future prospects of their children. We have partnered with PISD to help in this process. I will be delivering your gifts of clothes, quilts, gift cards and other baby to toddler items after the May meeting. There will be a collection basket available at the next two guild meetings. Thank you for your generosity.


Quilt Show 2019

By Julie Brooks, Karen Freeman and Barbara Collins - Quilt Show Trio

Wow! We are only 5 months away from this year’s quilt show!

T-Shirts - We are taking t-shirt orders. Make sure you email Julie Brooks or Valerie Salter if you want to order one. They are super soft and come in 2 styles - v neck - $20 or round collar $19. It is a great way to advertise while you are out and about running errands.
Raffle Quilt - The Raffle quilt is ready to go to a guild near you. Please get with Pam Wingate if you would be interested in selling tickets. Our raffle quilt is what funds all our wonderful activities and we need volunteers.
Demos - Do you have a special talent that you can teach? Please get with Tina Connelly and volunteer to give a workshop at the show. These are very well attended and many people come to the Plano show just for our demos!
Mini Quilts - Thank you for all the mini quilts that have been donated so far.

The quilt show really takes a village - there are so many ways you can give of yourself and your talents - I encourage everyone to do something for the quilt show.

Red & White 2020 Guild Raffle Quilt

By Linda Neal and the Wednesday Girls

If you picked up a kit of red and white fabric to make a block for the 2020 Raffle quilt, please bring your block or blocks to the April 11th guild meeting. We have had lots of beautiful blocks returned already. We will be sewing the quilt together April 16, so this REALLY is the last meeting to return your completed blocks. Thank you to everyone who has turned their blocks in already. We can't wait to get started sewing them together.

Texas Association of Quilt Guilds

By Jeanne Fletcher

Planning for Rally Day is well under way!

Starting this month, we have this year’s Rally Day pin. It is beautiful! Plano Pin Company took Geraldine the Giraffe and replicated her image using a silkscreen technique rather than the cloisonné technique used in past years. This technique makes this pin so different and more special than any of the previous year’s Rally Day pins.

The workshops are filling quickly, so if you are planning on attending one of them, now is the time. Whimsy is over half full and Geraldine, a two-day workshop is too. The Woman has more room left than the other two. You can print workshop forms on the website or stop by the TAQG table. But be quick – some guilds are just finding out about the workshops!

Come see me at the back of the room at the guild meeting so you will be ready for Rally Day on July 13th. I will have:

  • Entry tickets to hear our guest speaker, Pam Holland, a Textile Artist, Photographer, Author, Illustrator - $5
  • Lunch catered by McAlister’s Deli (gluten free available) tickets are $10,
  • Pre-Rally Day Raffle tickets are 1 for 1$ or 6 for $5. Check out the TAQG table to see the great prizes.
  • Rally Day pins $5

Bring me a check for $25 and you can have all of them!

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to call me for more information.

Letter from the President

By Rose Davis

Wow! It is already the end of March. I hope all of you had a chance to go to The Dallas Quilt Show. There were so many beautiful quilts and quite a few of our members won ribbons.

Plans for Quilt Plano 2019 are moving forward at light speed. Special thanks to Julie Brooks, Karen Freeman and Barbara Collins for helping to make this year’s show the best one ever!

The purpose of Quilters Guild of Plano is to:

  • preserve the heritage of quilting,
  • promote the knowledge and understanding of all aspects of quilting, and
  • provide opportunities for continuing education among those interested in the art of quilting.

We accomplish this in so many ways – having both local and out of town speakers at our Guild Meetings, Junior Quilter’s Workshops, Quilt Plano 2019 and Community Service work days, just to name a few. Your participation is so important to continue and improve our initiative. I learned a long time ago that the more you put into an organization, the more you get back.

There are too many activities to name in this article, but here are a few areas where your help is needed:

  • Make a mini quilt to enter in our silent auction.
  • Get active in a small group.
  • Volunteer to work at Quilt Plano 2019 (sign-up officially starts at the May meeting).
  • Come to one of our community service days (there is both a weekday and weekend monthly meeting).

If you are wanting to get more involved, please connect with any of our board members. And for all of you that currently participate – thank you

Happy Quilting!

Guild Retreat

By Julie Brooks

Sandy and I just cannot believe what wonderful members we have. Because of you, we were able to donate over 1000 items to Denison Family Services, 12 dog beds and 12 quilts to community service. Thank you! Sandy and I just want to thank everyone for letting us host you for the last couple of years. We are thankful that Carol Long has decided to form a new committee to take our place and lead us to the next amazing retreat.

Please make your $50 non-refundable deposit now so you don’t lose your spot. It is 4 days of quilting, eating, making new friends while getting a lot of inspiration.

I know I already can’t wait to go and I hope you will join us next year February 20th - 23rd at the Hilton Garden Inn in Denison Texas.


Officer Nominations

By Jeanne Vogel

The nominating committee is composed of Carol Long, Terri Mendelow and Jeanne Vogel. We need 1 volunteer and 2 alternates. Please contact us if you would be willing to help fill the board positions.

The nominating committee is looking for a few good volunteers to fill the impending open positions for the October 2019-September 2020 term. The remaining open officer position is President.

The duties of the president are:

  • Preside over all member meetings and Board meetings.


  • All the business and affairs of the Guild.
  • Activities of the Parliamentarian.
  • Create temporary committees as needed.
  • Establish schedules and meeting agendas.
  • Provide final approval of the newsletter.
  • Oversee activities of the TAQG position.

Responsible for:

  • The General Insurance Policy of the Guild.
  • Post office box keys.
  • Auditing treasurer’s books.
  • Prepare written annual report.

New Small Groups

By Jeanne Vogel

Two new small groups are forming for those having Singer Featherweights. Chicks with Feathers will meet the 3rd Saturday 1pm-4pm. Featherweight Friends will meet the 4th Friday 9am-9pm. Email for details.

Guild Activities

By Leanna Williams

Wow, it’s April already! Can you believe it? Time just flies by! This month, remember to keep working on your block of the month blocks. Quilt tops need to be finished by June so that paperwork can be submitted and layouts for the exhibits can begin. Also, please consider that if you are sending your quilt top off to be quilted for the show, you need to give your long-armer enough time to get it quilted and get it back to you in time for the show. If you are done with your quilt top, congratulations! You are doing great and ahead of schedule.

Also this month, continue practicing good habits in the sewing room by keeping your workspace tidy. Letting your messes compound by starting one project after another without cleaning up can often lead to stress, and can actually cause you to find less enjoyment in your hobby. So, let’s keep up those good habits!

Our next three-day retreat will be Wednesday April 17th - Friday April 19th at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas. If you would like to sign up for the three-day retreat, please head over to the website and click on “Day Retreats” under the Activities tab, to find out more information and print out a Day Retreat Registration Form. I will also have signup sheets available at the Activity table in the main hallway at guild meetings if you would like to sign up while there. Retreats are a great place to meet other members and learn new techniques while having a blast!

Now on to the next small challenge. I know that all of you (just like me) have quilts sitting around that have been quilted, but need either binding or a label. Some of us have several! Let’s pull them out and start finishing them before we start another project. Unbound and unlabeled quilts count as UFO’s, so let’s get them off our list and sew our next project stress free!

That’s it for activities this month. Just keep working on your block of the month blocks or assembling your tops, keep your sewing areas tidy, and tackle some binding or a quilt label for a waiting quilt. I believe you can do it!

Community Sew Day

By Sandy Buttine

NOTICE: We will be changing the day for community sewing in April. Because April 20th is Easter weekend, we are moving it to April 27th.

Plug In To QGP

Have you been wondering how to participate in your guild and make new friends? There is an opportunity on the 3rd Saturday of every month just waiting for you. Sandy Buttine would love to have you as a helper with the Saturday Community Service Sew Day with the idea that you would eventually take the leading role in organizing those activities. At present 3 to 10 ladies meet at the Best Little Retreat Center In Texas from 10am to 2pm on that day and sew quilt tops, backs, bindings or whatever is planned. If you have an interest, please call one of the following:

Kaye Dunn (918) 916-9224
Linda Neal (214) 532-3433
Sandy Buttine (214) 649-8196



By Carole Glover & Sue Rentz

March brought us back to the big room at Hunter’s Glen Baptist Church. As the members and visitors were checking in, they all had smiles on their faces.

We had 98 members present, 7 visitors, and 8 new members join, along with 3 members renewing their membership.

We would like to welcome our 7 visitors; Grace Culbertson, Gail Gable, Tina Steenburg, Sue Morris, Christina Dodd, Jan Wright and Ginger Heuerman. It was nice to meet these ladies and we invited them to come back to another meeting.

Please help welcome our new 8 members; JoAnn Herrera, Marie Richard, Marjorie Sener, Nancie Rogers, Kathy Czekaj, Beverly Driscoll, Deb Putman, and Michael Davison. Please look for these new members at our next meeting and show them how the Guild welcomes them.

March Door Prizes were donated by Best of Bernina Plano, The Old Craft Store, Linda’s Electric Quilters, Warm & Natural Batting Company, Stitched with Love and several anonymous donors. The Guild appreciates all their donations. As you are shopping in the quilt stores remember to thank them for their donations.

There were several 2018/2019 membership cards picked-up, however, we would encourage each of you to check and make sure you have picked-up your new card. The cards will still be available at the April meeting.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the April meeting.

Items Needed

  • Vegetables - 15 oz cans
  • Fruit - 15 oz cans
  • Chunky Soup - 15 oz cans
  • Chef Boyardee -15 oz cans
  • Meat - (tuna, chicken, Vienna sausages ) - 5 oz cans
  • Peanut butter
  • Grape jelly

April Birthdays

Donna Petrick 4/2
Jaynee Eshbaugh 4/4
Connie Ryan 4/4
Karen Bethel 4/5
Terri Mendelow 4/6
Julie Brooks 4/7
Glenna Brabant 4/8
Linda Cordell 4/8
Sara Lindsay 4/8
Tina Connolly 4/9
Angela Coble 4/14
Carolyn Bond 4/15
Julie Yee 4/15

Beverly Geise 4/17
Nancie Rogers 4/17
Rose-Clair Fletcher 4/18
Elizabeth Schiller 4/19
Linda Coleman 4/21
Sue Landry 4/23
Ann McDougal 4/23
Mary Jo Ferril 4/24
Suzy Boyle 4/25
Mary Alice Caffarel 4/27
Anne Leather 4/27
Patricia Fowler 4/29
Deborah Skorepa 4/29
Gail Pettigrew 4/30

Stocking and Pet Beds Report

By Martha O'Grady


I have to give a shout out and a big thank you to my small group, The Far East Connection. Some of these ladies have been dropping by my house, picking up a bag or two of fabric, ironing it, bringing it back and picking up another. This is a tremendous help, as I have a lot of fabric that needs to be ironed. I should also thank the ladies of Quilty Pleasures for their help last year. Indeed, I am truly blessed!

Y'all turned in 90 stockings this month. I handed out about 20 in kits. The really encouraging news is that we had 3-twenty-five sets turned in. This helps me a lot, since it is a big job trying to have so many kits available. I love getting “presents,” and returning unfinished kits counts. It's like Christmas all year!

There is a person who told me that she would like to do satin cuffs. I totally don't remember who, sorry. I have some satin, and I would like to give it to you. Please find me at the next guild meeting or email me at:

Shelter Pet Beds

I took 50 beds to Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and a small no-kill shelter in Plano. Wylie was especially pleased to receive the 11x15 and 9x17 beds. He examined them, and told me how nice they are. It was as if I had given him a great treasure.

Y'all sure are generous with your scraps and stuffings. It all barely fit in my car! Still working my way thru all of that. So, maybe we need a new rule. If it barely fits in your Suburban, maybe it won't fit in my little sports car. Also, still finding pins and trash mixed in. Not good.

Sorry I forgot the SPB fabric last meeting. I came home and straight away measured, rolled and labeled; and put it into my wagon. It will be available at the April meeting.

One rather odd request. While fleece is an absolutely wonderful thing to stuff SPB's, it REALLY tears up my asthma. So, please, if you are working with that stuff, I beg of you to make your own beds. Once it is contained, it seems to be okay.

March Meeting Photos

Access our March Meeting Photos in our Gallery at March 2019 Guild Meeting – Teresa Duryea Wong


General Meeting Minutes

By LaDawn Dalley

March 14, 2019 LaDawn Dalley

Meeting began at 6:45

President’s Report, Rose Davis:

  • Minutes and treasurer’s report approved.
  • Please keep Julie Schaefer in your prayers, her husband passed away.
  • Presented Lone Star Awards to Julie Brooks, LeeAnn Williams, Caroline Gagnon

Community Service, Kaye Dunn & Linda Neal

  • Donated 105 quilts, 65 pillowcases, cuddles, and 87 dog beds
  • Now collecting baby items for the PISD Student Age Parent Program. Bring them to the April or May meetings.

Retreat Report, Julie Brooks

  • The retreat was great! Also completed 9 community service quilts and collected 2000 items for the local food bank.

Show Report,

  • We are selling t-shirts for $19.
  • Please volunteer to take the raffle quilt around to shops, other guild meetings, etc.


  • Great teachers with great workshops coming up. Please register for some!

Guild Activities, LeeAnn Williams

  • We have a three day retreat coming up in April. See the website for details.
  • Our Quiltmakers block of the month are all done. She will be introducing a spring cleaning challenge.

TAQG, Sherry Worley

  • We need volunteers to help with workshops and mini quilts and fiber art items for the auction.

There were 98 members present, 8 new members, and 7 visitors.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30

Next meeting will be April 11, 2019

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

March 2019 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our next meeting:
Teresa Duryea Wong
"American Cotton: Farm to Quilt"

Thursday, March 14th at 6:45


Hunters Glen Baptist Church
4001 Custer Road, Plano
North Side of Church


By Jeanne Smith

Teresa Duryea Wong

March Program

Are you as ready for Spring as I am? It may not be here just yet, but it is right around the corner and with it comes the excitement of a fresh, new season. This doesn’t just mean new weather. It can also mean new ideas, new plans, new perspectives and new projects. Our guest speaker this month is Teresa Duryea Wong and she just may be the person to put a new spark into our creativity! She will present a quilt lecture based on her new book American Cotton: Farm to Quilt.

During her presentation and trunk show of new & antique quilts, she will take us on a journey through life on the cotton farm today to textile mills in the 20th century, to the story of a few intrepid individuals who dared to bring back “Made in America “ quilting cotton. We will relive the story of American farm women and their long road from a life of chores to lives of choice. We also will discover the fascinating options for fabric shopping in the 1920s through the 1950s…and see beautiful antique quilts made in those years.

April Program

Workshops return in April with Karen Combs. Karen is known for taking a traditional pattern and giving it her own twist. She is intrigued with quilts of illusion and has been designing quilts with a wonderful 3-D look.

Friday, April 12th workshop is Patchwork Illusions. Visual depth has fascinated artists for centuries, Karen has developed a quick and easy rotary technique that allows you to make quilts with a 3-D look.

Frankly, this is Karen's favorite class because it is so easy to create truly amazing quilts of illusion. Let Karen share her secrets, so you may become a master of illusion!

Saturday, April 13th  workshop is Combing Through Your Stash. This truly is a magical way to put your fabric stash to work by making a wonderful scrap quilt. ANY fabrics will work using this template -free method.

Learn to feel comfortable putting many fabrics together, to distinguish "value" and be able to make many different scrap wallhangings or quilts. Based on Karen's book Combing Through Your Scraps.

You may work on a quilt in class using shared fabrics from your classmates. This is a great place to use "ugly" fabric, to use up older fabrics, to use favorite fabrics ; all while making a beautiful quilt. If you wish, bring extra fabric to class to share with your classmates.

Karen Combs

Patchwork Illusions

Sunrise Star

Quilt of Illusion

Community Service

By Linda Neal

It's a cold, rainy day today as I write this newsletter. I am having a cup of hot chocolate to warm me up. I don't enjoy rainy and cold days, but they are PERFECT for staying home and sewing. I can get so much done!

As always, we have lots going on in Community Service. At the last meeting we had an entire crate of pillow case kits to be sewn. I am happy to report that they were all given out to members to sew. Thank you to everyone who took a kit. Now we can give a pillowcase with each quilt. The agencies we serve have really enjoyed receiving them. Last year we gave out over 300 quilts -- if that is any indication of how many pillowcases we need!

Now for a few "housekeeping" issues..... Please remember to do your best work on community service quilts. Straight seams, clipped threads, and seams ironed correctly. We have had some issues recently with bindings not being applied well. Remember, these quilts are going to be washed frequently. The bindings need to be straight and sewed down tightly (including the corners) so that they look great and wear well. We have a very good tutorial online if you need instruction. For pillowcases, please make your French seams carefully. We have had several with very bulky corners and numerous loose threads sticking out of the finished seam. We have also had pillowcases with VERY wide French seams making the entire pillowcase too narrow to actually fit a pillow. We wash and check every quilt and pillowcase before it is donated. We are having to spend a lot of time making quilts/pillowcases ready for donation. We have had some problems with Christmas stockings too. PLEASE refer to the guild website and click on "Resources." Every item has detailed pictures and instructions under "How to...." You do not need to log in to use this portion the guild website.

At the next meeting we will have LOTS of quilts that need quilting. We will have spray basted quilts available too. We haven't had many quilted the last few months because of the holidays.

Thank you to Patty Kopeck, owner of Sew Let's Quilt it for her recent donation of 24 bolts of fabric. This is her 3rd time to donate bolts of fabric. This is great for us! It gives us large pieces of fabric for quilt backs. And it gives her room in her shop for new fabric -- and that's great for us too!

Thanks to everyone who has donated their time to community service. Remember to login in and record your hours.

PISD School-Age Parent Program

By Kaye Dunn

We will be collecting quilts and baby to toddler size clothes and other items for the PISD School-Age Parent Program beginning at the March through May guild meetings. This is for their end of school graduation party.

Quilt Show

By Julie Brooks

Hi Everyone -

The Show is August 9th and 10th this year. Please mark your calendars as it takes a village to pull off a quilt show so all members will be needed to make this a success. One of the largest ways the Guild raises money is through our Raffle Quilt.

Pam Wingate has the quilt at The Best Little Retreat Center in Texas -- if you have an event or belong to another guild please get with Pam so that you can pick up tickets and the quilt to take to your event. We strongly suggest that all Members buy $20 worth of raffle tickets and then sell them to your friends. To date we have raised $1200. Our goal this year is $6000 – to reach this we will need everyone’s help to achieve this. Remember this money lets our guild have wonderful programs and workshops. Please help us meet our goals.

Texas Association of Quilt Guilds (TAQG)

By Jeanne Fletcher

Rally Day is a one-day event in July that brings quilters from all over the area into one room to hear a renowned speaker (this year it is Pam Holland!), share lunch, win door prizes and in general have a good time. Two days prior and two days following Rally Day, the speaker holds workshops. That is what TAQG means to many of you. But the organization is much more. It is a non-profit organization whose primary objectives are to celebrate quilting through education, ideas and fellowship to promote the exchange of ideas and view between member guilds. The membership is made up of about 30+ guilds ranging in size from several hundred to less than 10 members. Every one of you is a member.

The organization has evolved over its 20 years of existence. Each guild sends at least one representative to the bi-monthly meetings. The meetings are broken into a general business meeting and a special interest meeting. The special interest portion is usually started with a questionnaire completed by each guild. Many times, a knowledgeable speaker is brought in to educate the representatives on the subject. Afterwards there is a sharing of ideas and suggestions. The representatives bring back what they learn to their guild membership/board. A newsletter is published quarterly to keep members informed of upcoming meetings, reports from the Special Interest meeting as well as a Calendar of upcoming Quilt Shows, guild lectures and classes. In addition, check out the website –

TAQG also offers a Grant of $1000 to guilds to use for educational purposes, research and development projects or historical preservation project. The 2018 grant was awarded to Farmersville Quilt Guild. This group of 25 members will use the largest portion of the grant to create a Quilt Trail through Collin County. The remainder will be invested in their ongoing Quilts of Honor project.

Quilters Guild of Plano has always been an avid supporter of TAQG, and I expect this year will be no different. As one of the host guilds for Rally Day on July 13, you will have the opportunity to help, both before and on Rally Day. As this year Rally Day is one of the official tasks of the guild, you will be able to count your service hours as service to QGP. Please address any Rally Day Volunteer questions to Sherry Worley.

As I am new to the QGP, please stop by and see me at the TAQG table. I will have workshop registration forms, entry tickets, lunch reservation forms, news about this year’s pin and pre-Rally Day raffle tickets.



By Julie Brooks

Thank you so much to the 114 ladies that joined Sandy and I for 4 days of quilting fun. It was so great to see the generous hearts donate over 2000 items to the Dennison Helping Hands.

Congratulations to Diana Poor who won the Pfaff Sewing Machine Donated by Happiness is Quilting. During retreat 11 dog beds were made with everyone’s scraps so there was no wasted fabric! Congratulations to Table 17 that won the Fat Quarter bundle for the Charity Quilts - 12 Quilts were made during retreat and will be going to the Community Service crew.

If you would like to get into the Retreat fun in 2020, please send your $50 non-refundable deposit to Carol Long. Registration is open to GUILD members only until September 1st. Please make your checks out to Quilters Guild of Plano.

Thank you so much for letting Sandy and I host you all – we had a great time and hope you did too.

See the pictures in our Gallery.

Guild Activities

By Leanna Williams

We are now at the end of our Quiltmaker’s Puzzle Block of the Month challenge! Due to popular request, all blocks have been released and are now available on the website as well as two options for quilt layouts. If you are still working on your blocks, no worries! This is meant to be a fun activity, and there is no definite deadline as of yet. At the next meeting, feel free to bring in some of your finished blocks for show and tell, or if you have it already, bring in your finished quilt top. If you are new to the guild, all the information and patterns for this free challenge can be found on our website at Under the Activities tab, a drop down menu appears where you will click on “Challenge”. The retreat is over, and boy did we get a lot done! From community quilts, to dog beds, to block of the month blocks, and all the other beautiful projects being made; there was an abundance of talent, laughter and friendship shared. Let’s all take a moment to pat ourselves on the back for how far we have come not only as individual quilters, but how we have grown and flourished as a guild. At the retreat, you could turn in any direction and see techniques being used that we have learnt from speakers, through workshops, and through helping each other. Individually we can accomplish something great, but as a group we possess a wealth of knowledge that can truly come together to create something wonderful.

Our next three-day retreat will be Wednesday April 17- Friday April 19th at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas. If you would like to sign up for the three-day retreat, please head over to the website and click on “Day Retreats” under the Activities tab, to find out more information and print out a Day Retreat Registration Form. I will also have signup sheets available at the Activity table in the main hallway at guild meetings if you would like to sign up while there. Retreats are a great place to meet other members and learn new techniques while having a blast!

Last but not least, and probably not my favorite subject by any means, the Spring Cleaning Challenge. I issued a challenge last month to begin cleaning up by tackling the one room that is near and dear to our hearts. The sewing room. This is an ongoing challenge because let’s face it, that room isn’t getting cleaned in just one month! Just as soon as you get one surface cleaned, you turn and there is another area needing attention. Plus every time you pull out a project to work on, you’ve just created a new mess! So let’s take it slow, and don’t be discouraged when your room isn’t magazine cover ready overnight. One section at a time once or twice a week and before you know it, you will love walking into your beautifully organized and functional space. I believe you can do it!


By Carole Glove & Sue Rentz

February‘s meeting was on Valentine’s day this year and we had 102 members present, 4 visitors, and 1 new family member join.

We would like to welcome our visitors; Debra Fleming, Marie Rees, Melanie Sanford and Michelle Parker. It was nice to meet these ladies and we invited them to come back to another meeting. Please help welcome our new members; Tom and Marinetta DeMoss. Please look for the DeMoss’s at our next meeting and show them how the Guild welcomes them.

January Door Prizes were donated by Best of Bernina Plano, Quilt Country, Fabric Fanatics and several anonymous donors. The Guild appreciates all their donations. As you are shopping in the quilt stores remember to thank them for their donations.

There were several 2018/2019 membership cards picked-up, however, we would encourage each of you to check and make sure you have picked-up your new card. The cards will be available at the March meeting and were taken to the retreat.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the March meeting.


March Birthdays

Sheryl Vaughan 3/4

Carolyn Kohut 3/11

Shirley St. Clair 3/13

Linda Vanranken 3/21

Jeanne Vogel 3/2

Rebecca Clayton 3/4

Catherine "Cathy" Daigle 3/5

Jan Eby 3/5

Martha Jones 3/6

Barbara Collins 3/8

Erika Shughart 3/10

Patti Griffith 3/11

Nancy LaVerdure 3/13

Denise Green 3/15

Karen Freeman 3/17

Karen Woodard 3/18

Linda Chappell 3/19

Catherine "Cathy" Cherry 3/19

Alice Payn 3/19

Pam Walsh 3/19

Erika Inglhofer 3/22

Marty Crouch 3/23

Denny Lay 3/23

Sharon McGinnis 3/25

Margaret Harkins 3/26

Alice Gore 3/30

Red & White Raffle Quilt

By Linda Neal

80 Fabric kits for the 2020 guild raffle quilt were handed out at the January guild meeting. So far 34 members have returned their blocks — which is great! All blocks are due by the April 11th guild meeting. So, you still have plenty of time to complete your blocks.

It is like Christmas morning opening each zip block bag to see what block is inside. Everyone has done a different block so far and all of them are amazing! We have a good diversity of sizes too. It will be fun to sew the quilt together with so many great blocks.

A big thank you to all of the members who took fabric kits to make blocks. I realize not everyone was able to get a kit that wanted one. But, our guild raffle quilt can only be so big!

February Meeting Photos

See the meeting's photos in our Gallery.


Stocking Report

By Martha O'Grady

Our stocking project is going very well. This time last year, I needed fabric. This year I have lots and lots to work with. I took 500 stockings to the guild meeting, handed out about 50, and received 150. Then I took 100 to the Saturday Sit n Sew at Plano Sewing Center. Good work y'all!

Among the stuffing items were some snack sized Ziplocks with a few Q-tips, some flat cotton balls, etc. GENIUS! A person could do this very easily, quickly, and cheaply, and there are lots of ideas for what to go into the baggie. A couple Band-Aids with a couple alcohol swabs, a few basic mending items, the list goes on.

I have been asked to address the issue of imperfect stockings. Truthfully, yes mistakes have been made. A ribbon hanger in the wrong place, a little wobble in the stitches, and something could fall right through the hole, etc. I am lucky to have a batch of ladies, my angels, who willingly help with any problems. But, to ensure proper construction of the stockings, please check out the illustrated How To instructions: Christmas Stocking Instructions. There are also a lot of outstanding kits. When I started doing stockings, I was told to make 2-3 times as many kits as I wanted finished stockings to come back. I handed out 3000, and received a little over 1200. This has been the pattern ever since I can remember. But, hey no judgie-judgie from me! Just please bring them back so someone else can enjoy.

Pet Shelter Bed Report

By Martha O'Grady

I took 27 beds to Wylie and Sachse, and asked if there were any specific sizes that would be helpful. The guy in Wylie got a tape measure and told me that they could use some smaller, flatter ones to go in cardboard pet carriers: 11x15, and 9x17, respectively. The lady in Sachse was pleased to find that I had travel pillow sized, perfect for cats. Of course, any size would be great. Pets come in all sizes. I want to spread the love and am still looking for rescue societies who would like to have some PSBs.

Someone made me some pet bed bags ready to be stuffed and sealed. I had not realized that this was a thing, but it was very helpful, because I generate an awful lot of SPB's from scrap donations and stocking leftovers. We should each keep a small waste basket with a SPB bag as a liner by the sewing machine and cutting table ready for scraps. NO TRASH IN IT, please, though. Recently got a nice big bag of scraps mixed with paper, and such. Had to throw it all away.

Now that we have had our wonderful Wonky Dresden Neighborhood speaker and workshop, anyone up for me to prep some Dresden wedges? I do love me some Dresden! I will try it this month, and then we will see if anyone wants that. We are particularly efficient and productive in making these beds, So good work, guys!

February Workshop Photos

See the workshop photos in our Gallery.

General Meeting Minutes

By Julie Schaefer

February 14, 2019

President’s Business: Rose Davis

  • The meeting was called to order at 6:46 PM.
  • The general meeting of the Guild will be back upstairs in March. We are being flexible to accommodate the needs of the Church.
  • The minutes and the Treasurer’s reports of January 10th, 2019 were approved as written in the Newsletter and on the Guild website respectively.
  • It is nomination time for members of the Executive Board. Many board members will be leaving after their 2-year tenure. Jeanne Vogel is chair for the nominating committee. Please contact Jeanne if you will join her on this committee.


Mini Quilts for Quilt Plano 2019: Kaye Dunn

  • We still need mini quilts for the raffle at the show. We now have 25% (20) of the 80 mini quilts we need. The guidelines for making a mini quilt are on the website.

TAQG: Jean Fletcher

  • Rally Day is July 13th held at Mimosa Lane Baptist Church in Mesquite. Jean has the tickets for entry ($5.00) and the lunch ($10.00). Members must have their membership cards with them or pay $20.00 for entry.
  • Pam Holland is the speaker and she will have 3 workshops: “The Woman” Thursday July 11th; “Whimsy of Wandering” Friday July 12th ; “Geraldine the Giraffe” Monday and Tuesday July 15-16.
  • All information may be found on the website,

2019 Retreat: Julie Brooks

  • Retreat is a week away. People may still sign up for a massage by contacting Julie Brooks. ( The male masseur will only be doing chair massages. There are also 2 female masseurs.
  • Don’t forget the scissor sharpener will be there to do scissors and knives.  All table groups are being asked to do a community service quilt. The kits and information will be on each table group.
  • Tickets may be picked up for the Raffle Quilt at retreat.
  • Happiness is Quilting is the onsite quilt shop.
  • Karen Freeman is in charge of the fat quarter games we will be playing.
  • You can stop at the Quilt Asylum Quilt Shop in Van Alstyne on your way to retreat.
  • To get a ticket for winning the Pfaff sewing machine by bringing items such as those listed previously sent to retreat members. (Shampoo, conditioner, Clorox Wipes, toothpaste, toothbrushes etc.) All items collected will be given to the Denison Food Bank.

Quilt Plano 2019: Julie Brooks

  • The 2019 Raffle Quilt will be kept by Pam Wingate at the Best Little Retreat Center of Texas. Members need to buy their 24 tickets for $20.00. Then you can sell the tickets or keep them for yourself.
  • The demos at the Quilt Show are worth the price of an admission ticket. If you have a skill and will demo it please contact Tina Connolly.
  • The Quilt Show is the 9th and 10th of August at the Plano Event Center.

Guild Activities: Leanna Williams

  • The Guild has many new members and it would be nice if all of us wore a nametag. If you don’t have one please make one and wear it.
  • It’s almost spring and along with your cleaning your house it also a good idea to organize your sewing room. While cleaning if you find some things you no longer need you can bring them to Retreat and sell them on the Trash to Treasures table.
  • There will be a 3-day retreat on April 17-19th
  • For the Block of the Month we are on blocks 9 and 10. She will also release 11, 12 and 13 before Retreat. There will also be layout suggestions on the Guild website.

Community Service: Linda Neal

  • Members may turn in their red and white blocks for the 2020 Raffle Quilt.
  • We are pushing making pillowcases. Every quilt that we donate to the charities we try to include a pillowcase with it.
  • In the holiday stocking kits there is written instructions on how to make them. You may also find instructions on the Guild website. If you are having difficulty contact Martha O’Grady. 972-422-4613 Stockings are given to Soldiers and Veterans. We also accept items that may be placed inside the stockings.
  • You may pick up quilts that need to be bound. You don’t have to do the binding by hand, but if you do bind by hand make sure your stitches are short. If you bind a quilt make sure you have a straight (not wonky) stitch line.
  • In March the sew days are: Sit and Sew on March 12th at the Plano Sewing Center; Saturday Sewing Group on March 16th at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas.

Programs: Janet Carver

  • On Saturday our speaker for the night Martha Lindberg is having a workshop on Wonky Houses and there are 2 spots open.
  • There won’t be a workshop in March. But in April Karen Combs will have 2 workshops: April 12th “Patchwork Illusions” and April 13th Combing Through You Scraps”.

Membership: Carole Glover and Sue Rentz

  • There were 102 members present. The visitors were: Debra Fleming, Marie Rees, Melanie Sanford and Michelle Parker. A couple, Tom and Marinetta DeMoss have joined the Guild.
  • If members haven’t paid their dues, they are $30.00 per individual and $40.00 for a family membership.
  • There are still a lot of membership cards to be picked up.
  • We received door prize donations from: Best of Bernina Plano (2), Quilt country, Fabric Fanatics (3) and anonymous donors (3).

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 for a break with speaker Martha Lindberg to follow.

Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.