
January 2022 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our January Meeting will be held live and via ZOOM on Thursday, January 13, 2022. 

Details will be emailed later.

Letter from the President

By Donna Petrick

It’s Christmas eve as I sit here trying to think of what to say this month.  And of course, my first thought is Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  But we will be past the holidays when you get the newsletter.  So my next thought is the good wishes I have for the guild and all the members in this new year.

Here goes:

I wish for the guild

  •        A membership ready to come back and participate in all the facets of the guild
  •        The ability for meetings to be in person and zoom to retain all the possible membership
  •        A membership that will find a “new” normal and will rebuild their community

 I wish for the members---

  •        Finding joy again in participating in a guild
  •        An open mind to find a “new” normal so that we can become our quilting community again.
  •        The ability to stay well and deal with the Covid 19 virus and all it’s mutations
  •        The willingness to step up and volunteer again.  We have isolated too long

I hope all of you have had a wonderful holiday season.  Let’s look forward to a better new year.  May your year be filled with wonder and joy.  Happy New Year!




By Tisha Harms

Guild Meeting - Thursday, January 13, 2022

Our speaker will be presenting via Zoom, but we will meet in person at the church as well as providing access to the meeting via Zoom.  Details regarding the Zoom set-up will be emailed later.

Join Jenni Smith via Zoom from the United Kingdom for a presentation about the making her book Quilting with Liberty Fabrics.

Jenni is the first person to have produced a quilting book in collaboration with Liberty London – the iconic British Brand renowned for their beautiful fabrics including Tana Lawn.

She is offering your Guild the unique experience of a lecture about the making of this book – which was newly released in 2021 and is now selling worldwide.  It comes with a cloth bound spine and beautiful slipcase and is a little bit special – here is why…

Liberty as a company is 145 years old and Jenni is an Art Historian by trade so each quilt in the book represents a decade in the history of one of the world’smost famous fabric manufacturers.

The lecture is a visual feast from Victorian England to the current day, celebrating art and craftsmanship via Arthur Liberty, William Morris and pioneering members of the Liberty Design Studio.

Jenni Smith is a UK-based pattern designer and author of the book Quilting with Liberty Fabrics.  Her online video tutorials are loved by makers worldwide.  She is very passionate about getting people started on their dressmaking and quilting journeys with her fun, energetic and down-to-earth approach to teaching.

Guild Meeting - Thursday, February 10, 2022 

Julie Silber: Lecture – Show Me – Antique Quilt Trunk Show

Julie Silber is one of the world’s most respected quilt experts. She has been selling antique quilts to museums, businesses, and individuals since 1968. Julie was the curator of the world renowned Esprit Quilt Collection in San Francisco and is the co-author of the critically acclaimed books, Hearts and Hands and Amish: The Art of the Quilt. She has curated two of the most respected quilt exhibitions of modern times — those at The Oakland Museum and the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

Julie Silber Quilts provides an exceptional range of quilt related services to museums, collectors, dealers, individuals, and quilt guilds. We specialize in buying, selling and appraising antique quilts made between 1780 and 1950. We also offer antique quilt “exhibition packages” for museums and quilt events. Our exhibitions have enjoyed both critical and popular acclaim, nationally and internationally. Julie is a well known, acknowledged expert in the field of appraising antique and vintage quilts.

As a long time collector and dealer, as well as the caretaker of several other quilt collections, Julie has had access to some of the greatest antique quilts ever made.

Her lecture will feature extraordinary historic quilts, some of them never published or exhibited before. Examples include true Baltimore Album Quilts, other Pre-Civil War quilts, museum quality Amish quilts, Depression-era examples, quilts with tens of thousands of tiny pieces, and unique pictorial and other one-of-a-kind quilts.



Quilt Show

By Carolyn Cosgriff

Quilt Plano 2022 will be August 12th and 13th.  Mark your calendars! 

The Event Center contract is signed, the logo complete, and the judges selected.  The book marks and raffle bags publicity materials are in process.    Some minis have already been submitted! 

There are still a few committee roles to be filled.  Contact me at if you’d like to get involved.  It’s a great way to get to know people.  Show committee meetings will be via Zoom, starting Monday January 17th at 7 pm.



Community Service

By Linda Neal

The next Community Service sit and sew/ Community Service drop off day at Plano Sewing Center will be January 11 from 10AM to 2PM.  We will be piecing “Sherry’s Cats.”  Join us for a fun day of sewing!  Bring a sack lunch, sewing machine, and basic sewing supplies.  I will also be there to accept anything you want to drop off for Community service.  We have pillowcase kits ready to be sewn.  

The Storage unit that holds the Community Service fabric is working out really well.  It is convenient and  temperature controlled.  If you are working on a community service project and need fabric or batting, please let me know and I can meet you there.

Community Service/Guild Activity Panel Challenge

Community Service and Guild Activities are joining together for a Panel Challenge.  At the December meeting I gave out preprinted panels and asked members to add to the panels to make a usable size top for community service.  The tops are due by the May meeting, but may be turned in at any time.  Please pin a piece of paper with your name, contact information, and size top to your entry.  All entries received by the May meeting will be entered into a drawing.  I have a few panels left that I will give out until they are gone at the Tuesday sit and sew at Plano Sewing Center or at the January guild meeting.  You may also use a panel of your own, if you would donate the top to Community Service.  The idea of the challenge is to come up with a creative way to use a pre-printed panel and inspire others.  We all have lots of panels in out stashes and we don’t know what to do with them!   You may choose to quilt your top, but it is not required.  It would be helpful if you would include strips of matching binding.  Please let me know if you have any questions --   

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

2021 Wrap Up:  Our Guild’s formal association with the Quilts of Valor began with a March, 2021 program by Suzanne DiCarlo, now the Texas Coordinator for the Foundation.  Since March, Guild members have contributed 32 tops and quilts.   While some quilters have worked on multiple projects, a huge thank you goes out to all the many people who have supported the cause.   Further, many kudos for the wonderful composition and quality of workmanship that has been submitted.  It’s a joy to present your quilts.

We have awarded 26 quilts, 20 we made plus six from Suzanne’s collection.  The quilts have been awarded in 5 ceremonies, ranging from large groups to a single gentleman.  Plus, we sent six to San Antonio, to a group that has a huge backlog due to the heavy military presence in the area.   Two quilts were sent to the center supporting the healing of abused service women. 

There are two quilts in members’ hands for quilting and four in inventory.  At this moment (it can change quickly), there are seven requests on our list.  One of the many blessings of having a few extra quilts, is that we can give the service members an opportunity to choose their quilt.   Some are immediately drawn to one; others ponder over the decision. 

Here’s a picture of the December award ceremony that was held at the Dallas VFW Hall.


By Cindy Skarin

Come visit the education table in January!  We will be sharing how to make a dimensional Pinwheel block. 

Volunteers to share a skill in future months are still needed.  Please share your talents with other guild members.

News from the Bees -- Zoom and In-Person

Worker Bees - Sharon McGinnis

Join us on January 18 at 6:30 pm.  Come enjoy being with other quilters from the comfort of your home.  We will share tips and tricks, answer questions about your project, have show and tell, and encourage each other.   Contact Sharon McGinnis at for Zoom login information.

Sew Happy Quilt Group - Aurora Chancy

We meet at Sam Johnson Senior Center corner of 75 and 16th  first Thursdays 9:00 to 2:00. We are a sit-n-sew, so bring your favorite project and enjoy the fellowship!  Contact Aurora Chancy

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

Singer Featherweight sewing machines  make happy owners as we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting.

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays Zooming 1-3pm — (Formerly at Sunrise of Plano)                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Fourth Friday Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm on Zoom or in person meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas all day.
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel   (Now we will meet twice a month!)

If you are feeling “abode overload," we will:  relieve clutter, stress, struggle and feelings of being overwhelmed.  We are Zooming on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday's from 1:30-3:30 pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.  Please contact for an invitation.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1:00 – 3:00 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meetings are January 3rd and February 7th.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement with lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal ( for the link. 

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the third Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom. January 18th  and February 15 are our next meetings.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal ( for the link.

Hoop It Up Bee Donna Petrick

The machine embroidery group meets the third Thursday each month on Zoom.  We talk about problems or successes we might have had in using our machines as well as having show and tell.  We are open to all levels of users.  If you have an interest in machine embroidery, please join us.  Email me so I can send you the Zoom invitation.


By Mary Alice Caffarel

We currently have 268 members.  Only 71 have put their profile info into the new database. Please go to the website, click on Membership, then Member Account and sign in.  Can’t remember your user name or password?  Send an e-mail to

It is your profile that includes your address, birthday (month and day only–do not include the year!), phone number etc. As well as a little bit about yourself if you wish.  Please add a recent photo as well. I’m having one taken today to add to the website.

January Birthdays

Happy Birthday to all!

  •  1-  Bonnie Ambrose
  •  2-  Sherrie Tootle
  •  4-  Carollee Schuegraf
  •  6-  Joe Ellen Ticknor
  •  7-  Lily Gutierrez
  •  7-  Tina Steenburg
  •  9-  Stephanie Beatty
  •  9-  Donna Kaminsky
  • 13- Marietta Cowan
  • 13- Diane Worley
  • 14- Debby Fleming
  • 17- Ginny Cherry
  • 18- Stefanie Seaver
  • 20- Jennifer Scheckells
  • 22- Krystal Kendall
  • 25- Brenda Blair
  • 26- Peggy Cord
  • 26- Joe Levy
  • 26- Terry Reese
  • 29- Roxanne Garrett
  • 30- Judy Beskow
  • 31- Michelle Parker


Monthly Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos and photos from the quilt show in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes



Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

December 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our December Meeting will be held live and via ZOOM on Thursday, December 9, 2021. 

Details will be emailed later.

Letter from the President

By Donna Petrick

Wow—this was a fast month.  I just turned around from the quilt show and it’s time for Thanksgiving.  I hope all of you are enjoying the season and getting ready for all the holidays.

Board members had a good time meeting some of our new members from the past two years at our new member sew day at the retreat center.  I’m looking forward to the next one to meet some of the new members who joined at the quilt show.  Welcome to all of you.  Since we will start meeting in person again in December, we will get a chance to meet all of you and put names and faces together.

Speaking of that, please go into your profile on the website and update all your information and post a new picture.  We have a membership of over 260 right now, but until you complete your profile and click on the share button, we won’t see you.

I know that December is usually a month without high attendance.  I’m hoping that you will be excited enough to come back to guild that you will attend.  It’s a chance to see everyone again and to find out more about the fun panel challenge that Linda and Michael are planning.  I have several panels at home that I’ve been planning to work on so I’m going to work on them along with this challenge.

We are also testing the ability to do both live meeting and Zoom.  We have a number of members who won’t drive at night any longer and members who don’t live in the area.  If we can manage to still Zoom with them, they can stay connected to the guild.

Unfortunately, this year we will not do refreshments at the December meeting as we have in the past.  Covid has changed our lives.  Perhaps next year, we can figure out what to do and how to do it safely.

Happy Thanksgiving.  Until we meet again, stay safe and enjoy the holidays with those near and dear to you.

Soldiers Christmas Stocking Project

We are looking for someone to take over the stocking project.  Martha needs to step down and would love for someone to take over the management.  If you are interested please contact Linda Neal, VP of Community Service or Donna Petrick, President.  All of the materials are now located in the guild storage unit and are available for you to take over.



By Tisha Harms


Guild Meeting - Thursday, December 9, 2021 

Our speaker will be presenting via Zoom, but we will meet in person at the church as well as providing access to the meeting via Zoom.  Details regarding the Zoom set-up will be emailed later.

Join Jenni Smith via Zoom from the United Kingdom for a presentation about the making of her book Quilting with Liberty Fabrics.

Jenni is the first person to have produced a quilting book in collaboration with Liberty London – the iconic British Brand renowned for their beautiful fabrics including Tana Lawn.

She is offering your Guild the unique experience of a lecture about the making of this book – which is newly released in 2021 and now selling worldwide.  It comes with a cloth bound spine and beautiful slipcase and is a little bit special –- here is why…

Liberty as a company is 145 years old and Jenni is an Art Historian by trade so each quilt in the book represents a decade in the history of one of the world’s most famous fabric manufacturers.

The lecture is a visual feast from Victorian England to the current day, celebrating art and craftsmanship via Arthur Liberty, William Morris and pioneering members of the Liberty Design Studio.

Jenni Smith is a UK-based pattern designer and author of the book Quilting with Liberty Fabrics.  Her online video tutorials are loved by makers worldwide.  She is very passionate about getting people started on their dressmaking and quilting journeys with her fun, energetic and down-to-earth approach to teaching.


Quilt Show

By Donna Petrick

It seems like the Show was just weeks ago.  It was, and it’s time to start again!  It is going to be a short year as we return to August 12-13, 2022.  We’ll start in full force in January.  Committee work is already started;  the artwork, judging, and raffle are all in progress.   

We are thrilled with the number and experience of those serving on the Show Committee this year.  There are a couple of “Entry Level” positions available, perfect if you’ve never worked the Show before.  It’s a great way to meet new friends. 

Minis (no side measures more than 24”) are already being collected.  The Auction is a fundraiser that helps fund our guild activities--creativity and attention to detail will increase the desirability of your work.


Community Service

By Linda Neal

Pick a Panel Challenge 

The December in person guild meeting will be the kick off for the “Pick a Panel” challenge.  This is a joint challenge with Michael Davison, VP of Guild Activities.  I know the thought of starting anything around the holidays is challenging, but this is the best time since we will be meeting in person. Community Service has a tub full of wonderful panels.  The challenge is to pick a  panel and to make a top for community service by adding other blocks/strips of fabric to make it a “usable size.”  I will be bringing pre-cut fabrics along with the panels or you can use your own scraps.  You may also use a panel of your own for the challenge and then donate the top to Community Service. Panel quilts are really popular and there are many patterns/samples showing quilt tops made with panels.

The challenge will end at the May guild meeting since that meeting will be in person.  (Quilt show roll out meeting.)  Entries can be turned in to Michael Davison, VP of  Guild activities, or Linda Neal, VP of Community Service, anytime before the May meeting.  Please use a safety pin with a piece of paper with your name and the size of the top.  If possible, include fabric for binding.  Each top completed will be entered into a drawing for a prize at the May meeting.  You do not have to quilt the tops, but it is fine if you do. You do not need to be present at the May meeting to win.   Each guild member may enter up to 2 times.  Please contact Linda Neal or Michael Davison if you have any questions.

Community Service

We had a great turn out at the November 9th Community Service sit/sew/drop-off day.  We had many completed quilts turned as well as stockings, tops, etc.  We will be having another Community Service sit/sew/drop-off day on December 14th from 10AM-2PM at the Plano Sewing Center.  We will have quilts that need binding and quilts for long armers to quilt ready to be given out.  I have been quilting as many as I can, but I could use some help!!!  As always we will be there to accept anything you need to turn in to Community Service.  Thank you to all of the members who have contributed their time to community service.

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

We are awarding 7 quilts to veterans at the December 12 meeting of the VFW, 1 pm in east Dallas.   Please contact me if you’d like to attend--the gentlemen (which these are) always appreciate meeting “their” quilters.

Guild Activities

By Michael Davison

At our December guild meeting we will begin a Pick a Panel joint challenge between Guild Activities and Community Service.  Details are provided above under Community Service.  Hope you all will join in the fun.


By Cindy Skarin

What do you want to learn about?  Here’s your chance to learn more about a technique you have questions about.  Each month we hope to highlight a different skill, but I need to know what you want to see demonstrated.  Call me, email me, or talk to me at the next meeting!  Cindy Skarin, 515-971-8624,

News from the Bees -- Zoom and In-Person

Worker Bees - Sharon McGinnis

Join us on December 21 at 6:30 pm.  Come enjoy being with other quilters from the comfort of your home.  We will share tips and tricks, answer questions about your project, have show and tell, and encourage each other.   Contact Sharon McGinnis at for Zoom login information.

Sew Happy Quilt Group - Martha O'Grady

We meet at Sam Johnson Senior Center corner of 75 and 16th  first Thursdays 9:00 to 2:00. We are a sit-n-sew, so bring your favorite project and enjoy the fellowship!  Contact Martha O’Grady or Aurora Chancy

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

Singer Featherweight sewing machines  make happy owners as we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting.

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)
  • Fourth Friday Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) —NO Meetings in November and December!
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel   (Now we will meet twice a month!)

If you are feeling “abode overload," we will:  relieve clutter, stress, struggle and feelings of being overwhelmed.  We are Zooming on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday's from 1:30-3:30 pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.  Please contact for an invitation.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meetings are December 6th and January 3rd.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement with lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal ( for the link.  

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the third Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  December 21 and January 15th  are our next meetings.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal ( for the link.

Hoop It Up Bee Donna Petrick

The machine embroidery group meets the third Thursday each month on Zoom.  We talk about problems or successes we might have had in using our machines as well as having show and tell.  We are open to all levels of users.  If you have an interest in machine embroidery, please join us.  Email me so I can send you the Zoom invitation.


By Mary Alice Caffarel

Membership renewals continue to trickle in.  If you are still going to renew for 2021-2022, please get your information and dues turned in by Christmas, so I can complete end of year reports.

We had a wonderful New Member Retreat on November 6 at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas.  It was great to meet some of the new members and get to know a little about them.  I think everyone enjoyed the day.  Because we had 35 new members sign up during the show we will be hosting another New Member Retreat on April 23.  Mark it on your calendars! 

Lastly, we migrated to a new database during November.  We are working out a few minor glitches.  Those of you who renewed in November have not received your membership cards yet, but should get them in the next week or so.  For any who joined or renewed in October or earlier, you should have received your membership card via e-mail.  New members should have received a user name and temporary password for the secure portions of our website, including the Membership Director, in a separate e-mail.  (Check your junk folders if you don’t see it).


December Birthdays

  • 1 - Diane Morris
  •  5 - Mary Shannon
  •  7 - Jill Isakson
  •  7 - Mike Jones
  •  8 - Peggy Burrell
  •  8 - Fran O’Brien
  • 10 - Sherry Kelly
  • 11 - Emily Armstrong
  • 12 - Lonetta Ingram
  • 17 - Dana Braden
  • 17 - Marie Hurlbert
  • 19 - Judy Williamson
  • 20 - Frances Hafer
  • 20 - Margaret Konecny
  • 20 - Lori Simons-Robert
  • 22 - Aurora Chancy
  • 23 - Dianne Cronenberg
  • 23 - Sharon Schenke
  • 24 - Karen Edmondson
  • 24 - Donna Lobelson
  • 26 - Jodie Craig
  • 27 - Kaye Dunn

Stockings and Pet Beds

By Martha O'Grady

It is with a sad heart that after four years, I must step down as stocking lady.  The same is true of helping with shelter pet beds.  I have too much on my plate right now with my family.

Some of you already know that my mother has been bouncing from one hospital to another with a list of serious health issues.  She is now in assisted living in Denison.  After a scary emergency room visit, we have moved my mother-in-law in with us.  She has Alzheimer’s and needs to be watched carefully.  And my brother’s suicide is an incredible shock.  My family is working through the grief process.

Finally, on a happier note, I am now a grandmother. I wish this part of my life could be MORE time consuming!

But Y’all have truly filled my void this last year. I am getting ready to take over 1000 stockings to be mailed to Soldiers’ Angels.

As of this writing, I am not aware of anyone taking over this post. I would encourage you to do so. This is the most fun. Who doesn’t like playing with free fabric?


Monthly Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos and photos from the quilt show in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes



Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

November 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our November Meeting will be held via ZOOM on Thursday, November 11, 2021 

Details will be emailed later.



Letter from the President

By Donna Petrick

Didn’t we have a wonderful quilt show?  It was great to see so many of you in person to visit and catch up on each other’s lives.  Thank you to all of you who volunteered to work the quilt show.  You did a marvelous job.  There were lots of compliments from the vendors and visitors about how friendly and helpful you were.  Also, It’s such a great way to meet the new members from the past two years as well as any new members we gained at the show.  Don’t know that I’ve seen so many smiling faces in a long time.

The attendance at the quilt show was down from 2019 by about 700 over the two days.  However, I was not that disappointed.  Coming off the past year and half, being on the weekend of the Texas/OU ballgame, the state fair and kids and grandkids playing ball, I think we did well.  I was waiting to see how the turnout would be to see if you are ready to be together again.  And you are.  I got that loud and clear from a number of you at the quilt show.

I want to acknowledge the show committee – they did a great job of getting their activities done and collectively producing a quilt show.  I am so proud of them coming together to do whatever needed to be done.  They are the reason for the terrific show.  Thank them whenever you get the chance, please.  And for the next show, decide you want to be part of it also.  We have some changes on the committee, starting with show chair.  We are in need of someone coming forward to be the show chair for 2022.  Having experience of working on the show committee a couple of times will be a  big help in that job.  If you are interested, please contact me.

So now it’s time to start thinking about the new year for the guild.  We know we already have great programs planned.  We will start meeting in person in January 2022.  It’s time to pull our community of quilters back together.  Let me know if there is something that you would like to see happen with the guild.  And then volunteer to be part of making it happen.

Happy Stitching



By Tisha Harms


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, November 11, 2021 

Kathy Doughty: Lecture & Slide Presentation – Organic Design

Join Kathy Doughty via Zoom from Australia for a slide show conversation about the making of an appliqué artist.  Kathy started as a self-taught quilter frustrated by appliqué failures and became a competent enthusiast.  She has gathered lots of methods for making appliqué easy and she happily will share the secrets to taking control of our creative process with appliqué and an open mind to possibilities.


Guild Meeting - Thursday, December 9, 2021 

Stay tuned.  December might be a live meeting.  We will let you know at the November meeting.

Quilt Plano

By Donna Petrick

Woo Hoo!! What a show!  I’m so proud of the show committee and all the volunteers that showed up to pull this show together.  I think they all did a wonderful job.  Don’t know when I’ve seen so many happy faces.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy being out, talking with friends and buying goodies.  (The vendors were very happy too.)  Please let the show committee group know how much you enjoyed their efforts this past year, as they tried to figure out if we could do this with the threat of more pandemic scares.

We do have the numbers of people attending the show and it was down from 2019 as I explained in my president’s letter.  But I think it was a good number considering the past year or two.

Financials are not yet ready, but should be coming soon.  We will be reporting the full year financials soon and the show will look really good on income and light on expenses, because it is.  Some of the money from the vendors, sponsors, raffles tickets, etc came in during the fiscal 2021 year.  But a lot of the expenses will be in the fiscal 2022 year.  We will give an overall picture of the quilt show when all the numbers of crunched.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a good report.

Our only down side is that we are now looking for a new show chair(s) for 2022.  Joan Hammett has stepped down and we need to fill her spot quickly.  Since we are going back to having our show in August, we have a shorter turnaround time.  However, this is a very strong show committee and they can practically run it by themselves.  So I have no doubt that all will work out.  If you are interested in being on the committee or being show chair, please contact me.  I’ve asked Rose Davis and Linda Neal to help in the selection of the next show chair.


Community Service

By Linda Neal

Now that our quilt show is over, it’s time to get back to Community Service. We will be having our 2nd Tuesday Community Service day at Plano Sewing Center starting at 10:00.  You can  come and sew with us on pre-cut kits or you may drop off/pick up items you have done at home.  This is a great way for new members to meet other members.  We will also be meeting in December on the 14th.

The community service “stash” is in the process of being moved to our new storage facility in Plano at Alma and Park.  We hope this move will make the guild’s fabric more accessible to the membership and for our sew days. We have been getting lots of fabric donations.  A big thank you to Sew Let’s Quilt It for the many bolts of backing fabric they have donated.    

We have 2 tubs of quilts tops that are in need of quilting.  Most of them are long-arm size.  We are in the process of piecing the backs and they will soon be ready to go.  If you would help with quilting, please send an email to:  and I will arrange a drop off/pick up for you.  I have been quilting quite a few, but I can only quilt one at a time!

Michael Davison, VP of Guild Activities, and I are working on a surprise challenge.  Stay tuned for more information……  Until then, Happy Sewing!

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

Friday, November 5th is the Quilts of Valor Sew Day at the Best Little Retreat Center.  There are tops to finish up, plus a creative challenge, if that is what interests you.  No need to bring anything more than a sewing machine.  Or, bring your own project to work on.  Just sign up at the Retreat Center website.   

Those who have taken star blocks to piece, we’d love to have those turned into the Retreat Center by November 4 so we can sew rows together.  

If you have questions, email



2022 is coming fast and I’m sure it will be a great year for the Plano Quilt Guild. Among the other exciting things planned there will be a “Share your Talents” opportunity at many of the guild meetings.  We need volunteers who are willing to demonstrate a skill with guild members. We will be sharing our skills at a table before the meetings.  You can work alone or with a friend.  Please volunteer to share your favorite tip or trick!   

Contact Cindy Skarin at 515-971-8624 or 

News from the Bees -- Zoom and In-Person

Worker Bees - Sharon McGinnis

We had a great virtual meeting on Oct 19.  Enjoy being with other quilters from the comfort of your home.  We will share tips and ticks, answer questions about your project, have show and tell, and encourage each other. 

The next meeting is 6:30 pm on November 16.  Please contact Sharon McGinnis at for Zoom login information.

Sew Happy Quilt Group - Martha O'Grady

The Sew Happy group meets in person on the 1st Thursday of each month from 9am-4pm at the Sam Johnson Recreation Center, 401 West 16th Street, Plano, TX.  Bring your supplies and work on your own projects.  Contact Martha O'Grady for info: or 214-232-6962

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

Singer Featherweight sewing machines  make happy owners as we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting.

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)
  • Fourth Friday Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) — Will start to meet all day at the Retreat Center and/or Zoom from 1-3pm
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel   (Now we will meet twice a month!)

If you are feeling “abode overload," we will:  relieve clutter, stress, struggle and feelings of being overwhelmed.  We are Zooming on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday's from 1:30-3:30 pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.  Please contact for an invitation.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meeting is October 4th.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement with lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal ( for the link.  

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the third Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  October 19th is our next meeting.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal ( for the link.

Hoop It Up Bee Donna Petrick

The machine embroidery group meets the third Thursday each month on Zoom.  We talk about problems or successes we might have had in using our machines as well as having show and tell.  We are open to all levels of users.  If you have an interest in machine embroidery, please join us.

Email me so I can send you the Zoom invitation.

Guild Activities

By Michael Davison

I’m excited to announce that some super fun activities are being planned for 2022 - some of which will be in conjunction with utilizing some Community Services resources. However, with the holidays approaching and gift-giving season upon us, it’s probably best not to launch new projects that might hinder your current ones. SO maybe use this time to enjoy your holiday projects and gear up for guild activity projects at the start of the year!

Some of you worked on the Mystery Blocks that Leigh Knox guided us through. We would love to see those if you would like to send pics to 

New Members - don’t forget to take a look at details regarding the New Member Retreat in the Membership section below. I’ll be there, as will many of the VP’s to welcome you with a day of sewing and getting-to-know-you socializing.


By Mary Alice Caffarel

The membership table was quite busy during the show. We received 36 new memberships and 30 renewals for the 2021-2022 year. Membership is currently at 262 members, and there are still 47 members whose expiration date was Sept. 30, 2021 who have not yet renewed.  Please take the time to send in your registration soon, so you will not miss any of the activities for the upcoming year. 

Membership cards through 10-25-21 have been sent to the e-mail address we have for each member. If you have not received yours, and it is not in your junk mail folder, please notify me at

New members, and those returning after an absence, include:

Jaqueline Bailey, Cynthia Balzer, Stephanie Beaty, Laurie Bechtel, Mary Betzen, Brenda Blair, Cathay Carey, Carlene Chambers, Judy Cleghorn, Julie Cohagan, Marietta Cowan, Jodie Craig, Suzan Crocker, Lisa Donlan, Jamie Engle, Clarissa Fielder, Cynthia Fisher, Kelly Geissler, Nancy Gerler, Malia Graham, Susan Gullord, Martha Harrington, Mary Heaston, Donna Kaminsky, Krystal Kendall, Charlotte Key, Wanda Langforg, Ada Loetzerich, Fran O’Brien, Barbara Pepin, Nancy Prochaska, Susan Robinson, Joyce Rutherford, Dana Ryan, Tanya Stone, Linda Ullom, and Dawn Wester.

Welcome to the Quilters Guild of Plano. I hope you make many new friends and learn even more about quilting through our activities, speakers, workshops and small groups. The most important part is to have fun, whatever you are doing and with whomever you do it.

PVSA Pins, Year Bars and Charms

By Donna Petrick

Since we haven’t been together in so long, you haven’t had a chance to see that some of the members proudly wear a name tag that includes a long column of year bars and some charms and pins.  Here’s an explanation to help you get started on your column. 

When you do thirty hours of work for the guild you are to receive a year bar.  These are free to the member.  They hang from a black enamel sewing machine pin, which you purchase for $5.  Then if you work at the quilt show at least 4 hours you receive the show charm for that year.  (Quilt show work includes making mini quilts, delivery of various tickets and door prizes and selling raffle tickets)

We also award PVSA (Presidential Volunteer Service Awards) pins for total number of hours worked for the guild during the calendar year.  These awards were started by President Reagan to honor the American public for all the volunteer work done all over the US.  We joined the program at least 11 years ago.  For these pins, you work 150 to 249 hours for bronze pin, 250 to 499 hours for silver, 500+ hours for gold pin.  When you accumulate over 4000 hours you receive a lifetime pin.  Julie Schaefer has graciously kept the count of hours submitted and ordered the pins.  It’s been difficult to keep up with our hours the last few years for a couple of reasons.  We lost our web page ability for people to enter their own hours and everyone had to track their hours themselves and report to Julie once a year.  Then of course, came the pandemic and everyone forgot to count all the hours they were putting in making community service quilts, pillowcases, etc.

Beginning with the January meeting, we will have the 2020 and 2021 bars and charms available to you.  Julie Schaefer will be recording your hours and Tisha Harms will have the bars and charms.  Hopefully at some point in the near future, we will again have the ability to record our hours on the web site.

We are a non-profit organization and as such depend on the volunteer time of all our members.  We need to record them to maintain our status as a non-profit.  Please take the time to record your hours and report them at least once a year.

November Birthdays

  •  2-  Roxanne Gross
  •  3-  Terry Reisinger
  •  5-  Christina Cisnero
  •  5-  Carole Murray
  •  6-  Margaret Neyman
  •  9-  Betty Rivero
  • 10- LuGay Chiang
  • 10- Victoria Dean
  • 12-  Michael Davison
  • 13-  Jeanne Smith
  • 14-  Loren Wilhelm
  • 16-  Judy Horton
  • 17-  Dana Ryan
  • 17-  Lisa Terry
  • 18-  Deb Van Winkle
  • 19-  Sue Dexheimer
  • 19-  Melinda Propes
  • 20-  Pamela Crocker
  • 20-  Linda Newman
  • 22-  Carol Surrells
  • 24-  Virginia Braley
  • 27-  Rose Davis
  • 28-  Julie Rushin
  • 30- Sue Morris


Monthly Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos and photos from the quilt show in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes



Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

October 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Quilt Show Preview Night & General Meeting - Thursday, October 7, 2021

QUILT SHOW - Friday and Saturday, October 8 and 9, 2021 from 9:00am to 5:00pm both days at the Plano Event Center.

Because the 2021 Quilt Plano Show is the week before, there will be no general meeting on Thursday, October 14th.



Letter from the President

By Donna Petrick

Hi All – I can only hope the end of 2021 and 2022 are going to be better than the past two years have been.  Linda led us through a very trying time.  She made sure we kept the guild active—at least as much as COVID-19 would allow.  Thankfully we found Zoom.  Thank you, Linda for the leadership you provided.  We certainly needed a nurse to lead us through this.

I have an accounting background…  I don’t know if that means we need the financial knowledge at this time.  But we definitely need the quilt show to be successful.  It will be almost time for the quilt show when we get this newsletter.  I’m hopeful that it will go well.  Please come to the show and volunteer for the open positions we have available.

I feel like I’ve lost my quilting community since we have been isolated so long.  I’m ready for us to come back together as a guild.  As we start the new year and try to regain that community, it’s time to appraise where we are and where we want the guild to go.  We have wonderful programs planned, thanks to the out-going program VP’s.  We have done a great job with community service—getting quilts and other items out to groups who need them.  We haven’t been able to do much on the education front or guild activities. With any luck we will not have to isolate again and can start having in-person meetings.  Hunter’s Glen Baptist church is open and will welcome us back.   It’s time to get back in touch with our quilting friends and give back to our community as we have done in past years.

I look forward to being with all of you in the near future and to see what wonderful things this guild can continue to do.

Stay healthy and keep sewing.



By Tisha Harms


Quilt Show Preview Night & General Meeting - Thursday, October 7, 2021

QUILT SHOW - October 8-9, 2021

Quilt Plano 2021 will take place Friday and Saturday, October 8 and 9, 2021 from 9:00am to 5:00pm both days at the Plano Event Center.

** Note: No Guild Meeting - Thursday, October 14, 2021 

Because the 2021 Quilt Plano Show is the week before, there will be no general meeting on Thursday, October 14th.


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, November 11, 2021 

Kathy Doughty: Lecture & Slide Presentation – Organic Design

Join Kathy Doughty via Zoom from Australia for a slide show conversation about the making of an appliqué artist.  Kathy started as a self-taught quilter frustrated by appliqué failures and became a competent enthusiast.  She has gathered lots of methods for making appliqué easy and she happily will share the secrets to taking control of our creative process with appliqué and an open mind to possibilities.

Quilt Plano

October 8 & 9, 2021

By Donna Petrick

When we decided to move the quilt show to October which is in the new fiscal year, I asked the 2021 board to stay in their position an extra month.  It would be very hard to make the transition at the same time we produced our quilt show.  Thank you to all the board members for staying in place and also helping the new board members into their positions. 

Right now, we are ready for the quilt show.  I can only hope that our clients do show up and that so many of you will come forward to fill our open positions at the quilt show.  The show committee has worked very hard this year to again produce the quilt show with the high quality that we have done in the past.

Thank you to all of you who have entered quilts, made mini quilts, made the beautiful raffle quilt and have worked toward making the quilt show a success.

Community Service

By Linda Neal

Community service is going to go dormant this month due to the quilt show.  We need “all hands on deck” to help with the show.  Please volunteer!

After the quilt show I am planning to make some changes to Community Service.  First, we need to move the Community Service fabric back to Plano.  It has been in  Dolores Williams’ metal barn in Princeton for several years and it has been great.  (Thanks Dolores!)   But, all good things must come to an end.  We will be moving the guild’s fabric to a large temperature controlled storage unit in Plano. Community Service will share the unit  with the Quilt Show inventory.  We plan to make the fabric easily accessible and have a cutting table set up.  All of the fabric is already organized, labeled and stored in clear bins.  Several board members will have a key to the storage unit so that they could meet a guild member there to give them access to the guild fabric for Community service quilts or a Quilt of Valor quilts they are making.  Stay tuned for more information on this topic.

We will not be having a Community Service pick-up/drop of day this month (usually the 2nd Tuesday of the month at Plano Sewing Center) due to the quilt show.  If you have items that you want to turn in before the November drop off day, please bring them to the quilt show and turn them in to me.  I will be at the Plano Center most of the week.

Lastly, my Wednesday Girls small group has been handling the guild’s Community Service for several years now.  We have enjoyed it, but like all good things it must also come to an end.   We would like to pass Community Service on to another person or small group next year.  It is a big job for 1 person, but with a small group it is very manageable and rewarding.  The recipients of our quilts are so thankful and you can see what a difference we make in our community.  If you are interested, please contact me and I can give you more information.  It’s a great way to meet your fellow guild members and help the guild serve the residents of Plano.

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

(Ret) Lt Fuller chose this quilt among the several wonderful choices.   If the maker of this quilt would please contact me, the family would love to know who made the quilt.   As you can see, this was one very happy 90-year old retired air force pilot. 

Many thanks to all who have made such great quilts.   But, we can’t quit yet! Texas has received about 50 more requests in the last month than have been fulfilled, approaching 700 in total.   A bolt of backing fabric was generously funded by a recent Quilt of Valor recipient--we have blue backing fabric.

The Quilt of Valor work day is Friday, November 5 at the Best Little Retreat Center.    Bring your unfinished projects, contribute to the partially completed tops, or help with the Lady Liberty Mystery Quilt.  Bring your machine.   There is a link to sign up  at:   Contact me if you have questions--Carolyn,

2021 Annual Retreat

By Carol Long

Thank you so much to the 86 ladies and one gentleman, who participated in the Annual Retreat at the Hilton Garden Inn August 19 through August 22, 2021.  We donated over 1,200 items and $735.00 in cash to Denison Helping Hands.  For those who donated to this cause, their name went into a drawing for a new Baby Lock sewing machine that was donated by Plano Sewing Center.  The winner of the machine was Jeanne Fletcher.

A great time was had by all.... I’m not sure a great deal of sewing got done, but there was a lot of catching up and visiting going on.

If you would like to attend the 2022 Retreat, please contact Carol Long for the form and payment instructions.  Our next Retreat will be at the Hilton Garden Inn in Denison and will be from September 8 through September 11, 2022.

Thank you so much for all the kind words to myself and Dorothy, as hosts of the retreat.  We look forward to next year with ya'll!

News from the Zoom Bees

Worker Bees - Sharon McGinnis

Calling all virtual quilters.  Come enjoy being with other quilters from the comfort of your home.  We will share tips and tricks, answer questions about your project, have show and tell and encourage each other.  We meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month.  Next meeting is October 19. 

If interested please contact me at so I can send you the Zoom invite.

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

Singer Featherweight sewing machines  make happy owners as we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting.

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Fourth Friday Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) — Will start to meet all day at the Retreat Center and/or Zoom from 1-3pm
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel   (Now we will meet twice a month!)

If you are feeling “abode overload," we will:  relieve clutter, stress, struggle and feelings of being overwhelmed.  We are Zooming on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday's from 1:30-3:30 pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.  Please contact for an invitation.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meeting is October 4th.  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement with lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal ( for the link.  

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the third Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  October 19th is our next meeting.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal ( for the link.

Hoop It Up Bee Donna Petrick

The machine embroidery group meets the third Thursday each month on Zoom.  We talk about problems or successes we might have had in using our machines as well as having show and tell.  We are open to all levels of users.  If you have an interest in machine embroidery, please join us.

Email me so I can send you the Zoom invitation.

Guild Activities

By Michael Davison

It’s time! The activity for October is to see each other, the quilts, the vendors, and to take part in all the excitement of QUILT PLANO 2021! Those who are participating in the Mystery project (posted in the past few newsletters) will reveal their creations at the November meeting!


By Mary Alice Caffarel

We had 82 members attend the September meeting via Zoom. Two visitors attended:  Bonnie Landon and Fran O’Brien.  Bonnie Ambrose and Penny Grego joined as new members this month.  Welcome to all. 

Door prizes were chosen from our “ Wheel of Fortune” and awarded:

  • Not Your Mama's Quilt Shop - Nan Jordan
  • Stitched with Love - Terry Reisinger
  • Quilt Country - Sharon Schenke
  • Boxcar Quilts - Sherry Worley
  • Sew Lets Quilt It - Joan Hammett
  • Best Little Retreat Center - Mary Shannon

We appreciate the donation of door prizes from each of the above shops. Please thank them for their generosity whenever you shop with them.

Renewal Season is in full swing. As of Sept., 24,  we have 156 members who have already registered for the 2021-2022 year.  There are 113 additional members whose membership expires on Sept. 30, 2021.  Please send your renewals in as soon as possible, or renew at the membership table during the Quilt show Oct 8th and 9th. I am sending out updated membership cards to the e-mail we have on file for each of you.  If you have not received one by the end of October, please drop us an e-mail at

There are two ways to pay your dues, and you can pick the one that works best for you. Annual Dues are $30 if paid by check, or  $31.20 if paid by credit card (the additional  $1.20 is the 4% credit card fee)

  • By credit card:  Login under membership, click the button labeled Pay Your Dues, and fill in necessary information to charge to a credit card.  Please be aware that we are now charging a 4% fee for online renewals.
  • By check:  Under the membership heading on the website, click on Membership, then Membership Information.  In the first paragraph on that page, click on Membership Form.  Print the form that appears and mail it with your check for $30 to the post office box indicated on the form.

October Birthdays

  •  1     JoAnn Langloys
  •  3      Pam Lane
  •  6      J Michelle Watts
  •  6      Rebecca Williams
  •  7      Barbara Pena
  • 11     Mistey Jones
  • 14     Peggy Dull
  • 14     Marge Krempl
  • 16     Deborah Kay
  • 17     Monica Hendewerk
  • 17     Karen Rainville
  • 18     Debbie Seher
  • 22     Ruth Bernabo
  • 27     Connie Hansen
  • 28     Linda Castellano
  • 28     Carolyn Duff
  • 31     Sarah Ann Lee
  • 31     Sandra Vinzant



Monthly Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes



Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.

September 2021 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

Our September Meeting will be held via ZOOM.

Details will be emailed later.



Letter from the President

By Linda Neal

This is my last newsletter article as President.  It has been a interesting 2 years.  It was not at all what I expected.   My term started off in 2019 with great national speakers and workshops. ( Edyta Sitar and Bethanne Nemesh)  It was such an honor to have speak at our meeting and see their quilts in person.  We  had a wonderful Christmas party and 2020 was looking like it was going to be a great year.  Little did we know what was lurking around the corner.

Covid.  It changed the guild and impacted everything we do as a guild.  We cancelled meetings, small groups, retreats and finally our 2020 quilt show.  We went from being an active, thriving quilt guild to staying at home and sewing alone.

Then we discovered Zoom.  We were back in business!  Guild meetings, small groups, classes, board meetings all could be done on Zoom.  I will admit it’s not nearly as fun as meeting in person, but it is nice not have to get out in the inclement weather and traffic. It’s fun to see cats jump into members laps unexpectedly or to peer into studios to see design walls with projects on them.  

We are trying to “get back to normal” and meet in person, but the Covid numbers are not cooperating.  So, we will continue to meet on Zoom a bit longer.  The BIG exception to this is our 2021 quilt show that will take place on October 8th and 9th.  The Plano Centre is open and ready.  Vendors are booked and excited about coming.  Quilts have been entered.  We expect attendance to be good based on the feedback we have been getting from quilters.  We just need volunteers to make our quilt show a success.  Sign up online for your favorite job.  It’s easy and it’s fun.  Feel free to sign up your spouses and relatives.  Let’s make it the social event of the season!   Take care and stay safe.



By Jeanne Smith

We are entering the last quarter of 2021!  What better way for quilters to culminate the year than to kick off with a Quilt Show and with renowned teachers like Maria Shell and Kathy Doughty. All are coming our way and the excitement builds!!


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, September 9, 2021 
Maria Shell: Traditional, Art, Modern—Notes From The Field

Maria Shell started out as a traditional quilter, but soon found herself making abstract pieced art quilts that look surprisingly modern.  Maria will share her personal journey along with some fun historical facts about all three quilt genres. What does it mean to be a 21stCentury Quilter?  Come to the lecture to find out!

Maria Shell

Bits & Pieces

Zoom Workshop - Bits & Pieces—Designing From The Scrap Bag
This Zoom workshop is held on 2 consecutive Fridays:  September 10th and September 17th from 1:00 – 4:00pm both days

Workshop Fee: $45 members/$55 nonmembers 

Kit Fee: $35 (this includes a curated scrap bag, handouts, and shipping)  

This workshop is for scrap-a-holics. Learn how to shape, sort, and piece your fabric bits into art quilt masterpieces.  While learning how to work with bits and pieces, students will also be given information about improvisational piecing techniques and ideas for taking these techniques and creating original quilts.

**  To register for the workshop and to order the kit, go to ** 


Quilt Show Preview Night & General Meeting - Thursday, October 7, 2021

QUILT SHOW - October 8-9, 2021

Quilt Plano 2021 will take place Friday and Saturday, October 8 and 9, 2021 from 9:00am to 5:00pm both days at the Plano Event Center.

** Note: No Guild Meeting - Thursday, October 14, 2021 

Because the 2021 Quilt Plano Show is the week before, there will be no general meeting on Thursday, October 14th.


Zoom Guild Meeting - Thursday, November 11, 2021 

Kathy Doughty: Lecture & Slide Presentation – Organic Design

Join Kathy Doughty via Zoom from Australia for a slide show conversation about the making of an appliqué artist.  Kathy started as a self-taught quilter frustrated by appliqué failures and became a competent enthusiast.  She has gathered lots of methods for making appliqué easy and she happily will share the secrets to taking control of our creative process with appliqué and an open mind to possibilities.

Quilt Plano

October 8 & 9, 2021

By Donna Petrick

Just a reminder first off, CF Sharpening Service will be at our quilt show.   Bring your scissors and knives that need a good sharpening.  And let any friends know about him if they need the same.  He has done a great job for me in the past. 

I’m sure everyone is concerned about the Covid outbreak going on.  We will follow the guidelines from the Plano Event Center and City of Plano.  But we will have masks available for those who don’t bring them in and then decide they want one.  Please do consider what you are going to do.  Bring your own mask if possible.  I know I don’t like wearing them anymore than anyone else.  But I’ll have mine and plan to keep wearing one until we get to a safety zone again.  We will also have hand sanitizer out at various places.

Raffle ticket sales are going well.  If you haven’t gotten your tickets yet, you can pick then up from Sherry Worley or me.

By the time you read this newsletter, we will have done the layout of the show.  Paperwork will be mailed out soon.  Time to get finished up.  I know I still need to do labels.  Something I didn’t get around to during our shut down time.

We still need volunteers, particularly Quilt Angels and Security People.  Various other jobs are still available.  Check out the volunteer posting on our website to see what is open that you would like to do. 

And speaking of volunteering—if you have done your 30 hours of volunteer work for the guild this year, you can pick up your year bars in the hospitality room at the show on Friday or Saturday.  You will need to turn in your hours to Julie Schaefer so we can keep up with who and how many hours.  You can also get your show charm for working at the show.  Remember to also keep up with your hours to count towards to PVSC awards for 2021.  These will be turned in at the end of the calendar year.

It's almost show time.  Hope you are excited about having our quilt show once again.

Community Service

By Dolores Williams and Valerie Salter

There will be no Community Service sewing days at Plano Sewing Center for September or October.  We will be prepping for the quilt show in September and recovering in October.  We will also not have a pick-up/take-in day for both months either.  

This has been an interesting two years for us as chairs of the Community Service (CS) group.  We did quite well in the beginning and then Covid-19 hit.  In the beginning of the pandemic, we had to halt deliveries to our charities because they were closed to visitors.  Eventually things eased enough that we were able to start deliveries again.

 It is you as guild members that made it possible for us to continue supporting our charities.  Even though the guild was not meeting in person we were able to deliver this year:

  • 242 Quilts
  • 202 Pillowcases
  • 56 Baby Hats
  • 28 Baby Blankets
  • Over 2000 Stockings
  • Plus items for Plano ISD

We stopped CS work days at the beginning of the panic, but members of CS and a lot of guild members took it upon themselves to keep CS going.  Quilts were quilted, pillowcases made, and our committee was able to continue our work. 

One of our goals for our time as CS chairs was to decrease the number of quilt tops we had on hand.  We had over 300 tops when we started.  At one point we had less than one bin of tops stored.  What that means is that a large number of quilts were finished and distributed. 

Thank you for helping us support CS for the last two years.

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

Two quilts were awarded Saturday, August 21.  Both Virginia Hauer and Dianne Croneberg were able to personally wrap their respective quilts around well deserving veterans, both started service in the Korean War years.  

Labels:  We’ve been attaching standard Quilts of Valor labels.  However, other groups are using embroidered labels that look much classier, and are easier to read.  We’d love a couple of volunteers to design a standard format (examples are available) and volunteer to produce labels as needed.  They need to be semi-custom in terms of the quilt top and quilter’s names with space to write in the recipient and date of award.   

Bring tops/blocks/fabrics and, of course, finished quilts to any Community Service Drop Off Day.  All is appreciated.  Texas has 650 unfilled requests for quilts.  A Sew Day is planned for Friday, November 5 at the Best Little Retreat Center.  Please save the date.

Tote Bags

By Monica Hendewerk

The food bank really needs all those “free” totes that you get everywhere you go that are taking up space in your house.  The food recipients often come on buses and need the tote bags to put over their shoulders while also carrying bags in their hands.  They receive a week’s worth of food.  Imagine carrying food for 4 for a week on a bus.  Please contact Monica Hendewerk to drop them off or she’ll arrange to pick them up., (713) 569-8798.

News from the Zoom Bees

Hoop It Up Bee – Donna Petrick

The machine embroidery group meets the third Thursday each month on Zoom.  We talk about problems or successes we might have had in using our machines as well as having show and tell.  We are open to all levels of users.  If you have an interest in machine embroidery, please join us. 

Email me so I can send you the Zoom invitation.

Hand Applique Small group - Linda Neal

We meet the first Monday of each month at 10:00 on Zoom. Our next meeting is September 6th ( Labor Day)  We work on our individual projects and  offer encouragement with lots of hints and tricks.   If you are interested in joining our hand applique Zoom group, please email Linda Neal (

English Paper Piecing Small Group - Linda Neal

We meet on the third Tuesday at 10:00 on Zoom.  September 21st is our next meeting.  Whether you are new to English Paper Piecing or a pro, we would love to have you join our group.   Our group is informal and fun!!  For a link,  please email Linda Neal (

Featherweight Fellowship Groups - Jeanne Vogel

We have a collection of Singer Featherweight sewing machines with happy owners as we sit and sew. We share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems. If you work, join us on a Saturday!  When we share a lot of tips and tricks we follow the meeting with an email to those attending.  Those who have not previously notified me, please email to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting

  • Chicks with Feathers—3rd Saturdays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Sunrise of Plano)                                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Featherweight Friends—4th Fridays @ 1-3pm — (Formerly meeting at Best Little Retreat Center in Texas) — Will start to meet all day at the Retreat Center and/or Zoom from 1-3pm
Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss & Jeanne Vogel   (Now we will meet twice a month!)

If you are feeling “abode overload," we will:  relieve clutter, stress, struggle and feelings of being overwhelmed.  We are Zooming on the 3rd and the 4th Wednesday's from 1:30-3:30 pm using the inspiration from a workshop we attended.  Organization will change your clutter and chaos to start the day fresh with your stuff organized.  Less chaos leads to more productive quilt making.  Join us to organize your mess and give tips and sometimes we offer to trade our stuff! for an invitation.

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Our meetings have been a huge success.  It turns out that Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  The designs are sent out in advance and include step by step instructions, with both beginner and intermediate designs.  A number of us generally “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Some people do the designs that have been sent out, others do their own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We also share our samples and ask/answer questions.  Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1 – 3 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  (713) 569-8798

Guild Activities

By Leigh Knox and Michael Davison

Hello there Guild family.  Happy Birthday to all you September kiddos!

Well it is time for me to pass the Activities baton on, and I want to thank all of you for supporting me during my time.

The last part of our mystery is as follows:

Take the strip sets you have put together that are 11 x 11 and trim them to 10” squares.  Then slice ½ of your blocks diagonally once top left to bottom right.

Take the other ½ of your blocks and slice from bottom left to top right.

Take your 10” background squares and cut diagonally once.

Sew pieced triangles to background triangles to make half-square-triangle squares.

We will put 6 blocks across the top and 8 blocks down for a twin size quilt. (When it says reference chart the 6 across by 8 down is the chart.)

We will reveal our creations at the November guild meeting.

See you at the show in October.


By  Sue Rentz & Karen Edmondson

We are receiving lots of dues renewals, and we also have new members.  Since the last newsletter was published, the following new members have joined our guild:  Jennifer Carter, Stefanie Seaver, Nicole Seaver, Candace Kasper, Melissa Sobotka, and, at the guild retreat, Carolyn Duff, Carolyn Kerr, and Rosie deLeon-McCrady.  We had one visitor at the August meeting—Mary Heaston.

Our door prizes at the August meeting came from Stitched with Love, Quilt Country, Not Your Mama’s Quilt Store, Sew Let’s Quilt It, and the Best Little Retreat Center.  Winners were selected using the “Wheel of Fortune,” and they were Joan Hammett, Carolyn Kohut, Mary Shannon, Lori Hutyra, and Valerie Salter.

Dues are due by the end of September, and we urge you to renew now.  There are two ways to pay your dues, and you can pick the one that works best for you.

  • By credit card:  Login under membership, click the button labeled Pay Your Dues, and fill in necessary information to charge to a credit card.  Please be aware that we are now charging a 4% fee for online renewals, amounting to an extra $1.20 per membership.
  • By check:  Under the membership heading on the website, click on Membership, then Membership Information.  In the first paragraph on that page, click on Membership Form.  Print the form that appears and mail it with your check for $30 to the post office box indicated on the form.

September Birthdays

  • Martha O'Grady -- 9/2
  • Deni Schwendiman -- 9/5
  • Leigh Knox -- 9/5
  • Rodawna Wiant -- 9/5
  • Fran Levy -- 9/7
  • M.J. Fielek -- 9/10
  • Janet Carver -- 9/11
  • LaDawn Dalley -- 9/11
  • Gwenn Erlinger -- 9/13
  • Edith Perry -- 9/14
  • Valerie Salter -- 9/17
  • Dena Smith -- 9/23
  • Betty Moreland -- 9/24
  • Patsy Padgett -- 9/25
  • Sally Hamilton -- 9/26
  • Carole Glover -- 9/29
  • Gwen Schroth -- 9/29
  • Marilou Wimmer -- 9/29


Monthly Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

Click to read the General Meeting Minutes



Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.