Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.
This month’s meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2024. Social time starts at 6:15pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm. We will be meeting in person at Hunters Glen Baptist Church, 4001 Custer Road, Plano, TX and via Zoom.
If you prefer to attend via Zoom, log into your Quilters Guild of Plano account/Membership/Member Dashboard/Monthly Zoom Meetings. Click on the words “Monthly Zoom Meetings.”

Letter from the President
By Jeanne Vogel
Letter from the President
Having our first board meeting with the five new members was on Oct. 28. Excited to have new energy on the board as we make changes, improvements and progress to make QGP your favorite guild. We closed last year’s membership at 333 but at the latest count we have about 75 that have not renewed. Please see that your friends rejoin as yearly membership starting in the fall always seems a surprise to folks as our fiscal year starts in October. Year-end financials are complete as well as next year’s budget is balanced and approved. With that comes the exciting news of getting a new and improved website!! It is so exciting to see the preview and to have the ability to capture all the scheduling and payments for Quilt Show 25 will be a great improvement.
Understanding that as a new member coming to a meeting with 100 women (and a couple of men) can be intimidating, we have a seasoned member and a new member aka: BeeKeepers that will be getting the new members together to form small groups to know and recognize at the meeting (and out shopping) so let me know if you are new and need to find a friend to sit with at the meetings and getting together to sew.
If you have volunteered 30 or more hours since January 2024—you have earned a 2024 service bar! Please see Donna Petrick to have it added to your QGP sewing machine pin. Want to understand QGP Awards, Bars, Show Charms and Show Pins? Look for the details later in the newsletter.
Looking forward to a great year with new board members!
May all your stitches be straight.
Dates to remember: (wear a name tag)
Nov. 12 –Community Sew at Plano Sewing Center
Nov. 14–Guild meeting – Bring 1 or 2 Fall colored fat quarters to play BINGO
Nov. 16–New Members Day Retreat
Nov. 16—Quilts of Valor presentation at 2pm Red Tail Pavillion, East Spring Creek Parkway
Dec 10–Community Sew at Plano Sewing Center
Dec. 12–Guild Holiday Party–Stained Glass Window Challenge

Guild Activities
By Chris Fredericks and Anna Marie Larrabee
It’s almost turkey time and time to really get going on our fall quilts, etc. So bring one or two fall prints or solid fat quarters to the November meeting. Participants will receive a Quilt Bingo Card for each fat quarter and have a chance to win a bundle of fat quarters. Now, who couldn’t use that! There will also be sign up sheets at the activities table for the December Holiday Party, and the Stained Glass Window Challenge. It’s never too late to sign up for the fun!
If you have any questions, contact Chris Fredericks or Anna Marie Larrabee, Co-VP’s of Guild Activities, at activities@qgplano.org
Community Service
By Debbie Blair and Val Schlake
Thank you…
You did it again! We asked for new and gently used quilts for those that lost so much in North Carolina and as always… our members stepped right up and we took in 30 beautiful quilts with only a day’s notice! Those quilts are laundered, packed and ready to head toward their new homes. We are so blessed with such great members and all with big hearts!
November Reminders:
This is the last time to donate items for this year’s PISD December Celebration. These teen parents are in need of anything that can be beneficial for newborns to 12 months. Diapers (newborn and size one preferred), clothing, accessories, quilts, etc.
Community Service Sew Day:
Always the second Tuesday of the month at the Plano Sewing Center from 10 till 2. Just bring your machine and basic sewing supplies and we will provide the rest!
We spend the time chatting and sewing while making quilt tops to be donated to those in need of a little kindness in our community. Have questions? Want to get involved? We have something for everyone. You can participate a little bit or alot. We would love to hear from you.
Valerie Schlake 804-651-9026
Debbie Blair 469-226-9376
Email: communityservice@qgplano.org
Quilts of Valor
By Carolyn Cosgriff
The Quilts of Valor presentation will be in association with the Rotary’s Plano Flags of Honor. The ceremony will be at 2 pm (not 3 pm as previously announced) on Saturday, November 16th at the Red Tail Pavillion. All are welcome, please consider attending–especially if you have pieced or quilted one since this spring.
Casual attire; outdoors if weather permits. See www.planoflagsofhonor.com for all the events.
Financial Report
By Donna Petrick and Penny Reeves
Quilt Plano 2024
By Laurie Lumston
Give me an M! Give me an I! Give me an N! Give me another I! Well, heck, just give me another MINI!! Yep! We need all the minis you have! Please keep working on your minis for the Mini Quilt Auction at the Show next year and reach out to Kaye Dunn or Valerie Salter if you need pattern inspiration. Themes that include the holidays and cats are big sellers!
Next month, we look forward to debuting our new Quilt Plano logo for 2025! You’ve seen the 2025 raffle quilt, Deco at Dusk, so you know the logo will be amazing!!
And if you want to be part of the QP25 Committee, please reach out to Laurie Lumston or Carol Truscott and we’ll be happy to get you plugged in.

Sunshine and Shadows
Sympathy for Roxanne Garrett who lost her son Andrew (Andy) Foy unexpectedly in late October.
Programs and Workshops
By Beth Swiatek and Linda Sullivan
Add to the straight, cut to the curve, use one pin for placement and PRESTO! One beautiful, stress-free foundation paper pieced New York Beauty block Linda Hahn style! Linda’s entertaining lecture style continued into two productive workshops as attendees all quickly mastered her tricks. It was pretty amazing to see all the color choices and progress. Laurie Lumston even FINISHED her top from the Saturday workshop on Sunday! (See pic below).
Now we move on to November and award winning quilter and pattern designer Sylvia Schaefer. Come hear her wisdom on how to add negative space to traditional blocks to accomplish a more Modern feel. Check out her website at flyingparrotquilts.com to get a preview.
Next workshop is in February with Nova Montgomery’s Featherweight Maintenance class. All workshops are now open for sign up, either online with Paypal, or by printing a Registration Form and mailing or turning it in with check/cash. See you at Guild Meeting!
Beth Swiatek & Linda Sullivan
November Guild Meeting, November 14, 2024
Sylvia Schaefer: Designing with Negative Space
By Ann Lau and Christi Ables
IMPORTANT REMINDER! RENEWALS! Tell your friends renewals were due OCTOBER 1. They can renew online or at the November meeting with cash, check or credit card.
NEW MEMBER RETREAT at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas on November 16 is currently full. The Retreat Center is taking names for the waitlist.
URGENT! We are currently looking for members to serve on the HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE. These committee members serve as greeters at our monthly meetings. You would be directing members and guests to where to go and opening doors for those in need. We want to be known as a kind and inviting Guild. This is our members’ and guests’ first impression when they arrive. Let’s make it an exceptional one! We need 2 volunteers for each regular monthly meeting and 3 when we have a national speaker. Please let us know if you can help even one or two meetings a year.
DOOR PRIZES We have some very special door prizes coming up and you don’t want to miss your chance!

Happy November Birthday to these Members:
1 – Pat Fenton
2 – Roxanne Gross
3 – Sally Pitre
3 – Terry Reisinger
5- Carole Murray
6 – Margaret Neyman
10 – LuGay Chiang
12 – Michael Davison
13 – Jeanne Smith
16 – Judy Horton
17 – Lisa Terry
19 – Melinda Propes
19 – Sue Dexheimer
22 – Carol Surrells
24 – Debbie Burns
24 – Virginia Braley
27 – Matthew Modesitt
27 – Rose Davis
28 – Chris Simon
By Debbie Burns and Lorrie Gray
November’s demo with guild member Judy Curtis is all about hand embroidery with samples of how to make a handmade embroidered pin cushion with felt, wool and walnuts to add to your favorite things in quilting. Some samples of needle books with silk embroidery will be displayed and handmade embroidered quilts to display a different design finish in quilting.
If you missed last month’s demo on piecing a diagonal backing, you can get a recap with this youTube video: Diagonal Backing
Guild Retreat 2025
By Pam Walsh
We still have a limited number of openings for the Guild’s 2025 Retreat. The retreat will return to Tanglewood Retreat Center in Pottsboro from Thursday February 20 through Sunday February 23, 2025. The cost this year is $444 per person for a double room and $563 per person for a single room. This includes 8 meals beginning with dinner Thursday night. The maximum capacity under our contact is 75 people.
As usual, we have a retreat shop, lots of door prizes and other fun activities planned.
We will be accepting registrations and $100 NONREFUNDABLE deposit checks at the Guild Meeting on Thursday, November 14th. Registrations will be accepted in the order that both the registration form and the check are received. Forms will be available, but if you are interested, please remember to bring your check.
We will also be taking orders for the Retreat T-shirts, and will have order forms available. The gray T-shirts are short-sleeve and V-neck (except for size 3XL which is crew neck). Cost is $20 for sizes Small through XL and $22 for 2XL and 3XL. T-shirt orders must be accompanied with payment by check or cash at the time of the order. All T-shirt orders must be RECEIVED no later than Tuesday, November 26th.

Record Your Volunteer Hours!
By Tisha Harms
We want to know what you are up to. Record your volunteer hours and receive a volunteer bar for 30 hours of service! For volunteering at Quilt Plano 2024, you will receive a charm for your bar!
To record your hours just email volunteer_hours@qgplano.org. If you do not have access to a computer, you can call Tisha Harms at 214.316.5066.
Record your hours at your convenience – daily, weekly, monthly or once a year noting the following categories: Community Service, Show, Education or Guild Work.
Send an email or make a call and we will keep track of your hours for you.
When you have reached 30 hours, we will notify you that your bar can be picked up at the next general meeting!
You can purchase a Vintage Sewing Machine pin for $5.00 at any guild meeting to hang you bar and charm on. For more information, contact Tisha Harms (214-316-5066 or volunteer_hours@qgplano.org).
QGP Awards, Bars, Show Charms and Show Pins
The Quilters Guild of Plano recognizes members and rewards them to show evidence of their involvement in the guild. Our awards are PVSA – Presidential Volunteer Service Awards, Lone Star Awards, Service Year Bars and Quilt Show Charms.
The PVSA awards are in conjunction with the US government. President Ronald Reagan started the program to honor people who voluntarily give hours of their time to help others. Bronze pins are given for 150 to 249 hours. Silver pins are given for 250 to 499 hours. Gold pins are given for 500 plus hours. After completing 4000 hours a lifetime pin is awarded.
The Lone Star Award is given by the guild president as she recognizes people who go above and beyond their normal assistance to the Guild. This can be given at any time or not at all.
The Guild offers a black enameled sewing machine to hold the annual Service Year Bars for $5.
Service Year Bars are awarded for doing 30 hours of any service to the guild. This can include making a mini quilt for the show auction or for community service, activities, but is not limited to these activities. All hours run for the calendar year (not fiscal). You may submit your hours monthly or annually to the finance vice president or the designee.
Quilt Show charms are given to anyone who works at least 2 hours for the show.
Our Quilt Plano show pins are custom enamel pins that feature the show’s logo, along with the year and sell for $5. Each year, the logo is inspired by a quilt block found in the raffle quilt pattern, making these pins a special keepsake. Members love collecting each year, starting at the show’s rollout in May, creating a fun way to look back on past shows and the unique raffle quilts that accompanied them.
We have past quilt show pins for sale for $1.00.


BeeKeeper Buzz:
Great news!! Bonnie Cook is interested in hosting an evening Small Group (Bee) for women who aren’t available during the day. Please email her at bcook111698@gmail.com
News from the Zoom Bees
Pieceful Organization – Sarah Krauss, Jeanne Vogel, Monica Hendewerk
August 2024–will take a break for awhile

Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk
Join in! It’s fun and productive. Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time! Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not. A number of us “doodle” on paper first, and then sew. Do the designs that we send or do your own thing. We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group. We share our samples, ask/answer questions, and chat. It’s a great way to make friends.
Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1:00 – 3:00 (or longer sometimes!). Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested. mhendewerk@gmail.com (713) 569-8798
Chicks with Feathers — 3rd Saturday from 1-3pm — Dana Braden
Sit & sew at home with your Singer Featherweight sewing machines. Tips, tricks and advice to make straight stitch sewing simple and precise. Those who have not previously notified me, please email at pickincotton26@verizon.net to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting.

Hoop It Up Bee – Donna Petrick
Hoop It Up! Come join us for a machine embroidery Zoom meeting. Contact Donna Petrick – donna.petrick16@gmail.com to get the link for the monthly meeting on the third Thursday each month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. We share ideas and hints as well as sew during the call. We are working on our challenge for the QP2024 show.
From the Bee Keeper — In Person Meetings

Fourth Friday Featherweight Friends– Jeanne Vogel: pickincotton26@verizon.net
- Meeting at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas from 9am-9pm.
- Singer Featherweight sewing machines where we share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems.
- Make your reservation by calling 469-708-2378 or email: info@blrcit.com
- Either bring your lunch or we’ll go out as a group to eat together.
Sew Happy Quilters – Aurora Chancy achancy@msn.com
- 1st and 3rd Thursday 9-4pm
- Sam Johnson Recreation Center @ 401 W 16th St. Plano, TX
- Bring your own project, sewing machine & supplies
- We have lunch together at the Gazebo Cafe for $5 or less.

Sit N Sew Community Service Day–Val Schlake & Debbie Blair–communityservice@qgplano.org
- 2nd Tuesday from 10-2 pm
- Plano Sewing Center, 2070 Spring Creek Pkwy # 326, Plano, TX
- Bring your sewing machine and sewing supplies.
Monthly Meeting Photos
Access our monthly meeting photos and photos from the quilt show in our Gallery.

General Meeting Minutes
To read the minutes, use this link: General Meeting Minutes
Then go to Guild Meeting Minutes and pick the last dated minutes.
Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.