October 2024 Newsletter

Quilters Guild of Plano, Inc.

This month's meeting will be held on Thursday, October 10, 2024. Social time starts at 6:15pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm. We will be meeting in person UPSTAIRS at Hunters Glen Baptist Church, 4001 Custer Road, Plano, TX and via Zoom.

If you prefer to attend via Zoom, log into your Quilters Guild of Plano account/Membership/Member Dashboard/Monthly Zoom Meetings. Click on the words "Monthly Zoom Meetings."

Letter from the President

By Jeanne Vogel

Letter from the President

The cool weather and the rain is a sure sign that Fall is here. And the beginning of another year for the Quilters Guild of Plano with several new board members. Please join us in welcoming five new members to the Board: Ann Lau & Christi Ables to Membership, Debbie Burns joining Education with Lorrie Gray, and Penny Reeves joining Finance with Donna Petrick. We welcomed them to their first board meeting and had experience with setting the budget for the year and a handoff from the members stepping off: Liz Beaty, Raj Aggarwal and Barbara Goetz. 

Ending the 42nd year of the Quilters Guild of Plano was celebrated with giving out a few anniversary pins to the following:

30 Year Members: Sherry Worley, Sue Dexheimer, MJ Fielek

25 Year Members: Donna Petrick, Lynne Fritsche, LaDawn Dalley, Jeanne Vogel

20 Year Members—Terry Reisinger, Barbara Collins, Rose-Clair Fletcher

15 Year Members: Sharon Wilhelm, Deb Skorepa, Julie Schaefer, Aggie Meszaros

10 Year Members: Linda Neal, Alice Payn, Linda Chappell, Pam Wingate, Valerie Salter, Kaye Dunn, Dolores Williams


Dates to remember: 

  • Oct. 8—-Community Sew Day 10-2 @ Plano Sewing Center
  • Oct. 10—Guild meeting with national speaker, Linda Hahn—wear a name tag!
  • Oct. 28—Board meeting
  • Oct. 31—Houston Quilt Show


Hacker/Phishing Alert:

If you received an email from "Jeanne" at a strange email account asking for gift cards or your banking info, delete! DO NOT OPEN!!! QGP Board members and committee chairs will never ask you for gift card or money via email.

Quilt Plano 2024

By Laurie Lumston

Happy Fall, y’all! As we enter October, we’re finalizing the Quilters Guild of Plano Show Guide with all the best practices and lessons learned from QP24 and getting ready to share it with the QP25 committee! 

Speaking of, we still have a few open positions! Please come see me or Carol Truscott if you want to lead either of these two areas:

Program Ad Sales: Think of this like a shop-hop! This role reaches out to the quilt shops and vendors to place an ad in our Show program with the new larger format and beautiful full color. Payments will be done online, so there’s no money to collect. This role will also review the submitted ads to make sure they confirm to our print standards. The timeframe for this runs from January through June, depending on how you want to schedule your calls and/or visits.

Raffle Quilt Ticket Sales: Have you seen this beauty? What a treat it will be to showcase the stunning 2025 Raffle Quilt. This role coordinates selling raffle tickets at our guild meetings and visiting several surrounding guilds at one of their meetings. It also coordinates the volunteers to sell tickets during the Show. And the best part? This role gets to draw the winning ticket! The timeframe for this runs from January through the Show. It’s best done with a partner in crime to help make the set-up easy!

We have several other roles on the QP25 Committee that you could shadow if you want to dip your toe in first! Just let us know what your interests are and we’ll get you paired up to learn a lot in 2025 and perhaps take over the role in 2026!

Speaking of 2026!  We have received a donation of a completed quilt top and backing that we will have for the raffle quilt of 2026. Yeah!!
Now we will look for someone to step up and volunteer to create a stunning masterpiece of a quilt for 2027! Please see President Jeanne Vogel to submit your proposal. The guild will cover the cost of the materials and quilting. It’s a great way to showcase your talents, or the talents of your small group!

Let me offer another huge THANK YOU to all the volunteers and committee members who made Quilt Plano 2024 such a success! 

Plano Quilt Show 2024

Community Service

By Debbie Blair and Val Schlake

October is here and the weather is wonderful! Finally, we can pull out our sweaters and start layering!  For me, as the weather cools my sewing machine calls me to sew. Why don’t you join us each month as we gather to sew projects to be shared with those in need in our community.  Everyone is welcome.  Second Tuesday of the month. Plano Sewing Center from 10-2  Bring a sewing machine and basic sewing supplies and we will provide the rest.

Would you like to be more involved? Do you enjoy working with fabric? Meet new people? Do you want to help those in need of a little kindness? ...then you should consider being part of our Community Service Team. We all enjoy what we do and want to expand our reach.  Whether you have little or a lot of time to give, we have something for everyone to become involved in this wonderful mission. For more information on how to get involved, feel free to contact us. Or stop by our table at the guild meeting. We would love to talk with you.

Valerie Schlake   804-651-9026

Debbie Blair  469-226-9376

Email: communityservice@qgplano.org

Sunshine and Shadows

We’d like to give a shout out to member Verla Shelar for having her scrappy LeMoyne Star quilt accepted into the Texas State Fair! 


Programs and Workshops

By Beth Swiatek and Linda Sullivan

Woohoo! October means time for another cool Workshop!  Come join us at the Guild Meeting and hear from Linda Hahn all about her New York Beauty quilts. (Remember since she is a National Speaker there will be a $5 admission fee for any guests that night). Then join us Friday or Saturday to learn her special paper piecing techniques and make your own beautiful New York Beauty! If you are hesitant to commit to another large quilt, Linda says to grab 4 Fat Quarters and join us for the Saturday workshop to learn her technique. (Bonus, Saturday’s Beauty on the Beach pattern is available only through her workshops.  It’s not published in any of her books). To learn more about Linda check out her website at www.froghollowdesigns.com .The workshops are filling up, so check your calendar and get your registration turned in. All workshops are now open for sign up, either online with Paypal, or by printing a Registration form and mailing or turning it in with check/cash.

Beth Swiatek & Linda Sullivan

October Guild Meeting — Thursday, October 10, 2024

Linda Hahn: New York Beauty State of Mind

Workshops at Best Little Retreat Center of Texas

     October 11:  Guyon Grey Quilt

     October 12:  Beauty on the Beach Quilt


By Raj Aggarwal and Barbara Goetz

October sure is creeping up quickly and glad Fall has arrived. The September meeting was a very busy one! There were many renewals and new memberships taken in. Don’t forget, if you haven’t renewed yet, your membership will become inactive on the website as of October 1. You can renew online or at the October meeting. 

Our October meeting will host Linda Hahn. Linda is a National Speaker, and we want to remind Guests that there is a $5.00 fee for attending. Thank you. 

There will be a New Member Retreat held on Saturday, November 16th, at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas. There will be sign ups available soon for the new 2024-25 members. If you were eligible for the April ‘24 New Member Retreat, but did not attend, you are also invited to sign up.

Also, we are looking for a member/members to serve on the Hospitality Committee. See the Membership team at the next meeting.


Guild Activities

By Chris Fredericks

We are so thrilled that Fall is upon us and that we're all gearing up for the smell and taste of all things fall! A little cinnamon, a little nutmeg, apple and pumpkin pies, pumpkin lattes!   And with this comes thoughts of fall sewing and gearing up to participate in some wonderful activities that the Guild is offering.

Please join us in any or all of the following activities:

Moda Blockhead 5 - a nine block (plus one bonus block) that began the week of 9/9 and will go through 11/12.  We’re on week 2 so plenty of time to join in on the fun. Sign-up at the Activities table or by emailing us to participate.

Stained Glass Guild Challenge - starts whenever and competition is at the April Guild meeting.  Create a stained glass quilt approximately 30” x 30”.  Must use “lead” piping in the quilt.  The Activities team will send out general instructions that you can read through or search the web for ideas and tips on creating one!  We’re looking to have everyone enter their finished quilt in the Special Exhibits at GP2025!  Sign-up at the Activities table or by emailing us to participate.

November brings about Fat Quarter Bingo!  Bring in one or two fall prints or fall solids and you’ll get to play BINGO (Or QUILT).  You’ll have a chance to win a bundle of fat quarters.  How much fun will this be!  No sign-up required.

December brings about the Holiday Party - please let us know if you would like to be on the planning committee for this wonderful meeting! Sign-up at the Activities table or by emailing us to participate.

December also brings about the Winter Holiday Swap.  Make - from your stash - a fabric item and wrap it and come to the Holiday Party ready to play a Left - Right game.  You’ll go home with a gift that another member has made!  Such a wonderful way to start the holiday season.  Sign-up at the Activities table or by emailing us to participate.

Quilts of Valor

By Carolyn Cosgriff

We are excited to participate in the Plano Flags of Honor again this year.   The Quilts of Valor presentation is tentatively scheduled for 3 pm on Saturday, November 16 at Red Tail Pavilion.   This event is open to the public.  A huge thank you to the quilters who have stepped up to contribute to this effort including:  Pam Walsh, LuGay Chiang, Monica Hendewerk, Julie Cohagan, Sharon Schenke, and MJ Fielek.

After this presentation, we will be low on quilts.  If you want to make a top, that would be appreciated.   The target dimensions are 60 by 80.     


By Liz Beaty and Lorrie Gray

In September, Liz and Lorrie demonstrated a few ways that low-stick tape such as masking or painter’s tape, could be used in your sewing room.  Here’s a video with the demonstrated ideas as well as a few more:  Masking Tape Tricks

Be sure to stop by the Education table at the next meeting to catch our latest  tips and tricks.



Record Your Volunteer Hours!

By Tisha Harms

We want to know what you are up to.  Record your volunteer hours and receive a volunteer bar for 30 hours of service!   For volunteering at Quilt Plano 2024, you will receive a charm for your bar! 

To record your hours just email volunteer_hours@qgplano.org.  If you do not have access to a computer, you can call Tisha Harms at 214.316.5066.

Record your hours at your convenience – daily, weekly, monthly or once a year noting the following categories:   Community Service,  Show, Education or Guild Work.

Send an email or make a call and we will keep track of your hours for you.    

When you have reached 30 hours, we will notify you that your bar can be picked up at the next general meeting!  

You can purchase a Vintage Sewing Machine pin for $5.00 at any guild meeting to hang you bar and charm on.For more information, contact Tisha Harms (214-316-5066 or volunteer_hours@qgplano.org).

Happy October Birthday to these Members:

1- JoAnn Langloys, Karen Finch, Lucy Wang

2- Maggie Cole

3- Pam Lane, Diane Nestande

6- Rebecca Williams, Michelle Watts

11- Cheri Chavez

13- Caryn Pesek

14- Marge Krempl

16- Deborah Kay

17- Monica Hendewerk, Donna Morris

18- Rachel Carithers

19- Bonnie Cook

22- Ruth Bernabo

24- Sharon Newalu-Garcia

26- Deb Merrill

28- Linda Castellano

31- Sandy Vinzant

BeeKeeper Buzz:

Great news!!  Bonnie Cook is interested in hosting an evening Small Group (Bee) for women who aren’t available during the day. Please email her at bcook111698@gmail.com

News from the Zoom Bees

Pieceful Organization - Sarah Krauss, Jeanne Vogel, Monica Hendewerk
August 2024–will take a break for awhile
Free Motion Quilting Bee (we actually sew during the meeting!) – Monica Hendewerk

Join in!  It’s fun and productive.  Zoom blocks out background noise, so we can sew and chat at the same time!  Monica or one of the other members provide some designs to practice on a small sandwich which you can choose to use or not.  A number of us “doodle” on paper first, and then sew.  Do the designs that we send or do your own thing.  We have beginner beginners all the way to advanced members of the group.  We share our samples, ask/answer questions, and chat.  It’s a great way to make friends.

Meetings are on the second Monday of the month, from 1:00 – 3:00 (or longer sometimes!).  Please contact Monica so that she can send you the Zoom link if you are interested.  mhendewerk@gmail.com  (713) 569-8798

Chicks with Feathers — 3rd Saturday from 1-3pm -- Jeanne Vogel and Dana Braden

Sit & sew at home with your Singer Featherweight sewing machines.  Tips, tricks and advice to make straight stitch sewing simple and precise. Those who have not previously notified me, please email at pickincotton26@verizon.net to get the invitation to join the Zoom meeting.

Hoop It Up Bee Donna Petrick

Hoop It Up!  Come join us for a machine embroidery Zoom meeting.  Contact Donna Petrick – donna.petrick16@gmail.com to get the link for the monthly meeting on the third Thursday each month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.  We share ideas and hints as well as sew during the call.  We are working on our challenge for the QP2024 show.

From the Bee Keeper -- In Person Meetings

Fourth Friday Featherweight Friends- Jeanne Vogel: pickincotton26@verizon.net
  • Meeting at the Best Little Retreat Center in Texas  from 9am-9pm.
  • Singer Featherweight sewing machines where we share tips for caring for the machine, our best notions, and have several members experienced with problem-solving both machine and quilting problems.
  • Make your reservation by calling 469-708-2378 or email: info@blrcit.com   
  • Either bring your lunch or we'll go out as a group to eat together.

Sew Happy Quilters - Aurora Chancy achancy@msn.com  

    • 1st and 3rd Thursday 9-4pm  
    • Sam Johnson Recreation Center @  401 W 16th St.  Plano, TX  
    • Bring your own project, sewing machine & supplies
    • We have lunch together at the Gazebo Cafe for $5 or less.

Sit N Sew Community Service DayVal Schlake & Debbie Blair–communityservice@qgplano.org

  • 2nd Tuesday from 10-2 pm
  • Plano Sewing Center, 2070 Spring Creek Pkwy # 326, Plano, TX
  • Bring your sewing machine and sewing supplies.


Monthly Meeting Photos

Access our monthly meeting photos and photos from the quilt show in our Gallery.


General Meeting Minutes

To read the minutes, use this link:  General Meeting Minutes

Then go to Guild Meeting Minutes and pick the last dated minutes.



Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes can only be accessed by guild members. Please login to your account.