Mini Quilt Auction

Quilt Plano Mini Quilt Auction

The Mini Quilt Auction is a fundraiser that helps fund our guild activities. Because of these fundraisers we can provide special programming and workshops to our membership as well as help fund the many community service projects to our community. Membership involvement is not only needed for our guild's success, but is a great way for you to have fun and make new friends!

During Quilt Plano, we have a Silent Auction selling mini quilts donated by our membership. Various designs of mini quilts are made by members and can be turned in at our monthly Guild meetings - keep your eyes open for our "Minis" who can assist you with questions.

Guidelines for Quilt Plano Mini Quilt Auction

  • Submit your Best Quality Work (all levels of difficulty are welcome but remember you are a representative of QGP).
  • Quilts should measure no more than 24” per side.
  • Your mini may be pieced, appliquéd, embroidered and/or embellished.
  • “Hot” sellers appear to be holidays, particularly Christmas and Halloween, patriotic, cats and wool. “Cute” also sells.
  • Must be quilted not tied.
  • A two-inch sleeve is required.
  • Attach a label – at least your name and date. A “Title” would be nice.
  • The Show Judges will award 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons and the makers of those will receive prizes.
  • After the show you will receive a receipt showing the sale price of your quilts.

Reasons For Making a Mini For Auction

  • You become a contributor to the future of the guild.
  • You support our Junior Quilters - a portion of the auction proceeds is donated toward a scholarship.
  • Construction hours count toward your service hours.
  • Making a mini admits you into the show one day for free.

Mini Quilt Auction Gallery for Quilt Plano 2023